Instabilities Modeling in Geomechanics. Jean Sulem

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Instabilities Modeling in Geomechanics - Jean Sulem

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href="#fb3_img_img_19622c43-0400-5e38-8bc1-7ab644fdca39.png" alt="Graphs depict (a) the effective stress paths during undrained heating of Boom clay. (b) Simulation of the effective stress path and yield locus evolution for a centrally heated boom clay."/>

      In a borehole boundary value problem, the problem is exacerbated by the very low permeability of clay, compared to thermal conductivity. Indeed, the effective stress path up to the 0.5 m vicinity of the waste canister approaches the critical states in both considered cases of constant and variable friction angle (Figure 1.17(b); Hueckel et al. 2011). As the thermo-elasto-plastic deformation is coupled with heat flow and hydraulic flow, its stability and uniqueness should result from consideration of all three fields.

      1.5.3. Localization during drying of geomaterials

Schematic illustrations of the evolution of the water body between eight glass spheres subjected to evaporation at a constant temperature and constant ambient vapor pressure.

      There is a host of other similar problems in which multiphysical behavior leads to instabilities, which have not been addressed here due to limited space. They include liquefaction and instability of rock faults and mine pillars related to earthquakes, breakthrough flow due to dissolution of minerals affecting permeability, sinkholes and mine collapses.

      A wide range of failure, instability, non-uniqueness and strain localization phenomena developing in geomaterials have been reviewed in this chapter. It was concluded that in many real life problems, such occurrences result from complex multiphysical fields, including flow of pore water, differential thermal expansion of soil constituents, generation of heat through friction, geochemical reactions, evaporation and air invasion. Mechanical instabilities of the solid skeleton, while no doubt an important part of the overall behavior of geomaterials, do not exhaust the complexity of the overall behavior of such materials. A call for a comprehensive approach to multiphysics instability is more than due. The phenomena involved can be modeled as scenarios of processes that occur either simultaneously or sequentially and that are either coupled or depend on the accumulation of dissipative variables. Hence, the stability of such processes should be investigated as those of coupled mechanical, hydraulic, thermal and chemical processes, or as single processes of a sequence. In the latter case, instability of a one-step process likely affects the formulation of the successor process model. As pointed out by Terzaghi (1950), the causes of the instabilities are often long-term phenomena rather than single events, such as major rainfalls, which are contributing factors. The need for a proper description of these long-term phenomena and their coupling to variable mechanical properties of soil and rock is emphasized.

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