Instabilities Modeling in Geomechanics. Jean Sulem

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Instabilities Modeling in Geomechanics - Jean Sulem

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because it is most unlikely that they are without any precedent in the history of the slope. They can only be considered contributing factors”. In the same paper, in Table 1.1, Terzaghi (1950) introduces causes or “acting agents”, among which there is water from heavy rainstorms or snow melting. Among several “modes of action of agent” linked to water, he lists in ninth place chemical weathering, which “weakens inter- granular bonds” and leads to a decrease of cohesion. For an “old slope” slide of Mount Turtle in Alberta (1903), he then shows after McConnell and Brock (2004) a progressive decrease in FOS over 15 years, with some variations corresponding to dry and wet spells, eventually reaching reaching 1, in conjunction with “a contributing factor” of high pore water pressure (Figure 1.13). He returns to this mechanism in the case of loess, where water from external reservoirs is listed as removing soluble binders, destroying intergranular bond(s), with the same macroscopic effect of a decreasing cohesion.

Graph depicts the evolution of factor of safety of the slope at Mount Turtle along the process of soil weathering.

      Sensitivity of basic mechanical properties to chemical processes in the environment has been seen as a critical factor of the stability of slopes and coastal structures due to several processes. These include: cyclic changes in the salinity and acidity of pore water, heat effect due to frictional slip during a creep phase of slope instability, oxidation and dissolution of sandstone, dissolution of calcite, dissolution of silica in aging sediments and dissolution of gypsum in abandoned mines, to mention just a few examples.

Photos depict (top left) a view of the landslide scarp. (Top right) a crack (50–100 cm across, 2 km long) that developed parallel to the reservoir shore a few months before the collapse. (Bottom) the town of Longarone 2 km below the dam, before (left) and after (right) the tragedy.

      The model has subsequently been generalized to a thermo-plasticity simulation by Cecinato et al. (2011).

Graphs depict (top) predicted tempearture and excess pore pressure arising in the shear band during sliding against time (seconds). (Bottom) calculated velocity of creep against time in months, compared to other assessments. Graphs depict the evolution with time of the effective internal friction angle and cohesion during laboratory-simulated chemical transformation.

      In a similar direction of chemo-mechanical coupling at the slide surface, an interesting extension of their thermal runaway creep instability developed for Vajont simulation was proposed by Veveakis et al. (2010). They postulated that the aforementioned frictional motion is affected by not only the generated heat, but also the strain rate. It appears that steady-state heat diffusion across the shear band may be unstable and lead to localization of heat dissipation (and hence thermal softening) at the center of the band. Hence, the authors consider the effect of localized dissipation on endothermic chemical reactions, leading to a variety of possibilities depending on the nature of the specific chemical reaction.

      In an analogous spirit, Stefanou and Sulem (2015) investigated the conditions of chemically induced compaction band instability via a chemo-plasticity model.

      1.5.2. Thermal pressurization problem

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