The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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divinity representation on a recently, 50:1.1 (572.3)readjustments in administration of, in a local universe settled in light and life, 55:10.4 (634.4)in Satania, 15:14.5 (182.4), 32:2.10 (359.7), 49:0.3 (559.3), 114:7.15 (1258.7)sending of influence by adjutant mind-spirits into all, 36:5.2 (401.6)six evolutionary races common to most, 49:4.2 (564.4)three groups of, as related to creature adjustment to environment, 49:5.10 (565.11)Urantia catalogue number of, 15:14.8 (182.7)Urantia’s registration as an, time of, 61:6.2 (700.3), 63:0.1 (711.1)usual technique of life implantation on, 58:0.1 (664.1)Inherentpower of Jesus, the endowment of life, 190:0.2 (2029.2)Inheritanceascending mortals’ compensation for poor, 45:6.3 (516.1)carriers, of Orvonton life patterns, number of, 36:2.11 (397.11)factors, father and mother equal contributors of, 84:1.5 (932.2)modification of, by certain long rays of radiant energy, 58:3.4 (667.3)in Urantia’s superior stocks, 75:8.2 (846.1)useless combinations of, reason for Urantia’s, 65:4.12 (736.3)good, effect of environment and education on, 76:2.6 (848.6)marriage as a regulator of, 83:1.3 (922.6)of personal effects, beginning of, 69:9.9 (781.3)superior qualities of civilization not transmitted by, 68:0.2 (763.2)tax, in early communal society, 69:9.3 (780.6)Inheritedagricultural techniques of the Andites, 81:1.6 (901.1)character patterns from human life, influence of, on newly ascending survivors, 112:6.5 (1236.3)gifts of Jesus, from his parents, 122:5.3 (1348.3)prejudice of early Christians against the Trinity concept, 104:1.10 (1144.7)privilege for all, cultural society not a club of, 81:5.3 (906.1)racial faith, vs. achieved personal faith, 155:6.3 (1731.1)temperament, influence of, on religious experience, 100:1.6 (1095.1)tendency of the red men to fight among themselves, 64:6.4 (723.3)wealth, one type addressed by Jesus in his counsel to the rich man, 132:5.3 (1462.4), 132:5.15 (1463.9)urges, techniques of dealing with, 140:4.8 (1572.8), 140:4.10 (1573.1)Iniquiterestablished, prospects of, for sorrow and forgiveness, 67:1.6 (755.2)IniquitousCaligastia the, and human doctrines of the devil, 66:8.6 (753.2)easy for habitual sinners to become, 67:1.6 (755.2)not correctly applied to beings who fall short of perfection, 148:4.9 (1660.8)one, Lucifer the, 148:4.2 (1660.1), 163:6.6 (1807.5)persistence in rebellion, man’s reaping the harvest of his own, 148:6.11 (1664.3)personality, destiny of, 2:3.4 (37.2)Iniquityof Caligastia, the by-passing of restraints, 118:8.7 (1302.4)Caligastia’s perpetuation of Lucifer’s, 67:1.2 (754.3)character of the consequences of, 148:5.3 (1661.5)definition, 54:0.2 (613.2), 67:1.4 (754.5), 148:4.5 (1660.4)domains of, the path to, 54:0.1 (613.1)embrace of, by sin-identified individuals, result, 2:3.2 (36.7)evolutionary man’s plight on a world of, 54:1.10 (614.5)faith an armor against, 53:8.8 (610.4)in the finite domains, a function of, 118:7.5 (1301.2)God’s attitude toward, (1445.2) 131:2.8, (1676.5) 149:6.11, 131:2.8 (1445.2), 131:2.8 (1829.1), 149:6.11 (1676.5)harvest of the sowing of, (760.6) 67:7.1, (1445.3) 131:2.9, 67:7.1 (1630.1), 67:7.1 (1664.3), 67:7.1 (1912.3), 67:7.1 (760.6), 131:2.9 (1445.3)human harboring of, consequences, 146:2.2 (1638.2)an indicator of vanishing personality control, 67:1.5 (755.1)Jesus’ attitude toward, 141:3.8 (1590.3), 153:4.3 (1714.2), 159:3.9 (1766.5), 175:1.18 (1908.2)man’s difficulty in grasping the meaning of, 54:0.1 (613.1)not a part of the Lord’s character, 2:3.1 (36.6), 96:4.7 (1057.3)psychological character of, vs. error, evil, sin, 67:1.5 (755.1)regard of, in one’s heart, result of, 131:2.8 (1445.2)self-identification with, result of, 2:3.4 (37.2)the source of much affliction, 148:5.3 (1661.5)triumph of faith over, affirmed, 194:3.2 (2062.11)unmitigated, suicidal, 2:3.5 (37.3)Initiationof Jesus into the morontia life, 189:1.12 (2022.3)into the mystery cults, character of ceremonies of, 98:4.7 (1081.10), 98:5.5 (1082.6), 121:5.10 (1337.6)of Roman youths, character of, 98:3.4 (1080.6)into secret societies, changes following, 70:7.7 (790.10)real meaning of, 90:5.3 (992.4)of youth into civic responsibility, in the continental nation, 72:3.7 (811.7)Initiativea characteristic anticipated by the Melchizedeks in Abraham’s line, 93:5.3 (1018.8)destruction of, by charms and magic, 88:6.6 (972.6)diminution of, by overdevelopment of institutions, (772.4) 69:1.1, 69:1.1 (772.4), 69:1.1 (793.5)of God in seeking sinners, a new note in the religion of Jesus, 159:5.16 (1770.8)man’s lack of, and his view of luck, 86:2.5 (951.7)one virtue in Peter’s charge to the seventy, 163:4.13 (1805.10)in the originality of living, Jesus’ desire to stimulate, 140:8.31 (1583.5)prevention of unfairness in, through limited regulation of social conduct, 71:5.2 (805.2)promotion of, by industrialism, 70:2.18 (786.9)relation of, to spiritual influence, 195:6.16 (2078.2)stifling of, by tradition, 66:6.2 (749.4)and the turning of the other cheek, 159:5.9 (1770.1)Injury(ies)accidental, on worlds in light and life, 55:3.1 (624.7)forgiveness of, a power given man at Pentecost, 194:3.12 (2064.4)improved treatment of, through future advances in science on Urantia, 65:4.5 (735.4)vs. motive as factors in primitive criminal judgment, 70:10.3 (794.15)Injusticefatherly love’s response to, 140:5.24 (1575.9)Jesus’ teaching not to forcibly resist, 140:3.14 (1571.1), 140:8.4 (1579.6)Pentecost’s influence on man’s ability to deal with, 194:3.12 (2064.4)primitive man’s indifference to, 70:11.14 (797.12)Inland seasthe cradle of evolution, 57:8.26 (663.4), 65:2.1 (731.5)drying up of, 59:6.6 (683.3)and establishment of marine life, (665.1) 58:1.6, (671.4) 58:7.11, 58:1.6 (665.1), 58:1.6 (672.8), 58:1.6 (673.1), 58:7.11 (671.4)mineral content of, results, 59:5.9 (681.1)of North America, 59:4.6 (678.7), 59:5.3 (680.5)In-lawsoutmarriage and freedom from, 82:5.6 (919.2)Inmarriageevolution of, into out-marriage, 82:5.7 (919.3)factors favoring, 82:5.3 (918.3)no biologic instinct against, (919.1) 82:5.5, 82:5.5 (919.1), 82:5.5 (919.6)the Nodites one of the great groups adhering to, 82:5.4 (918.4)Inn(s)at Athens, stay of Jesus, Ganid, and Gonod at, 133:5.3 (1476.5)Bethlehem, Joseph’s and Mary’s sojourn at the, 122:7.7 (1351.3), 122:8.3 (1351.7)Caesarea, stay of Jesus, Ganid, and Gonod at, 130:2.2 (1429.4)the first, smiths’ maintenance of, 69:3.6 (774.5)Greek, at Corinth, mistress of the, advice on hospitality to, 133:4.8 (1475.1)at Jericho, Joseph’s and Mary’s one-night stay at the, 122:7.6 (1351.2)in the parable of the Good Samaritan, 164:1.3 (1810.1)stay of Jesus, Nathaniel, and Thomas at the, 164:0.2 (1809.2)Scythopolis, Joseph’s and Jesus’ stay at a, 124:3.8 (1371.1)Innateabilities, mortals’ variation in, 5:1.4 (63.2)ability of all mind to form a universe frame, 115:1.1 (1260.2)association of time and space, 65:8.1 (739.5)capacity of physical brain for response to mind ministry, 58:6.7 (670.1), 65:6.10 (738.3)drives toward growth, presence of, in normal humans, 100:1.6 (1095.1)endowments, differences in men’s, recognized by Jesus, 100:7.8 (1102.5)endowments of human mind, education’s purpose to sharpen, 16:6.11 (192.7)of midwayers, one basis of their assignment to service groups, 77:8.5 (864.6)herd instinct in man, the foundation of human society, 68:2.4 (765.1)natures of the mortal races, interference of, with Adjusters’ work, 109:5.3 (1199.4)other-awareness, and human self-consciousness, 16:9.7 (196.3)perfection, one manifestation of cosmic reality, 32:3.15 (362.4)recognition of things, meanings, and values, the constitutive mind endowments of mortals, 103:7.13 (1139.5)religious tendencies in the human race, 103:0.2 (1129.2)space motions not, 12:4.2 (133.4)striving for perfection, existent in all living things, 65:6.2 (737.2)tendencies, expressions of, in dream content, 110:5.4 (1208.3)worship urge of man, one factor in the evolution of religion, 86:6.4 (955.9)Innerbeing, the longing to know God in our, 131:4.4 (1448.3)communion with souls, the Father’s nearness in the spirit touch of, 40:5.3 (445.4)creativity, possible influence of, on character, 111:4.12 (1221.1)Havona circuit, ascenders’ passage to Paradise from, 14:5.4 (158.7)life, the, 111:4.0 (1219.7–1221.1)nature, increasing identification of, with outward form on higher levels, 112:6.3 (1236.1)presence, the feeling of the, part of many religions, 111:0.2 (1215.2)spirit, dependence of, on the mind, 103:6.6 (1136.1)-spirit contactors, fruits of the spirit manifest in the lives of, 5:2.6 (65.2)voice, reality of the true and genuine, 101:0.3 (1104.3)zone of nether Paradise force center, 11:5.5 (122.5)Inquestsformal, of primitive man, 90:3.7 (990.2)Inquirerscapacity of receptivity of, Jesus’ advice to serve food suited to, 133:4.2 (1474.2)earnest, Jesus’ teaching of, at Zebedee home, 145:0.2 (1628.2)increasing numbers of, David Zebedee’s work to accommodate, 163:5.2 (1806.3)interested, visits of, with Jesus at Gethsemane, 142:8.4 (1606.1)small companies of, discourses of evangelists with, at Capernaum seaside, 154:1.1 (1717.4)special groups of, teaching of, by some apostles at Amathus, 141:3.2 (1589.3)troublesome, patience of Jesus in dealing with, 149:2.13 (1672.2)Insanityaffliction of Amos with a periodic form of, 151:6.3 (1696.1)difference between demoniacal possession and, Jesus’ knowledge of, 77:7.6 (863.7), 141:4.8 (1591.4)some humans’ unawareness of, 77:7.7 (863.8), 141:4.8 (1591.4)cosmic, a definition, 67:1.4 (754.5)methods of dealing with, in the continental nation, 72:10.1 (818.4)near-absence of, on advanced worlds in light and life, 55:5.2 (629.11)primitive man’s inability to distinguish genius from, 88:1.9 (968.4)Insect(s)appearance of, time of, 59:5.7
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