The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(228.2), 37:3.3 (408.6), 41:10.5 (466.4)in what young people were doing, the secret of Jesus’ success in attracting them, 129:1.9 (1420.6)Interestingand charming beings, some unrevealed local universe personalities, 37:10.6 (416.6)details of survival and the Adjuster, many withheld, 112:5.11 (1233.7)and effective artisans, the energy manipulators, 44:5.1 (504.5)entities, the primary associators, 29:4.32 (328.1)fact about building of a Christian church on the site of the Melkarth temple Jesus visited at Tyre, 156:4.2 (1737.3)Solitary Messengers and Thought Adjusters, 19:5.6 (220.1)group of seconaphim, the Joys of Existence, 28:5.16 (312.3)incident, Jesus’ dealing with a bully, 133:1.1 (1468.4)members of the family of universe Sons, the Life Carriers, 36:0.1 (396.1)observations of gravity researchers on Uversa, 12:3.7 (132.1)order of universe personalities, the Brilliant Evening Stars, 37:2.5 (407.5)period of the world’s history, the Miocene, 61:3.15 (698.2)side lights about the sequence of Lazarus’s illness and death, 168:1.6 (1844.5)sphere, Urantia, factors rendering it a very, 93:10.8 (1025.4)world(s), the executive abodes of the Seven Master Spirits, 13:4.7 (151.1)the pilot Melchizedek sphere, 35:3.11 (387.12)Interglacialepochs, and dispersion of early humans, 61:6.4 (700.5)period, and effect of warmth on the Alps, 64:4.8 (721.6)and the extent of the new Neanderthal race, 64:7.11 (727.8)Intergravitytension, effect of, on processions of energy particles, 42:5.14 (475.10)Intermarriageof Andites with natives of the Andes, 78:5.7 (873.3)Andites’ restrictions regarding, 78:6.6 (874.3), 79:2.6 (880.4)between families of tribal chiefs, 70:3.11 (788.2)of blue men with conquering Andites, 80:5.5 (893.7)of degenerate strains of a race, result, 82:6.3 (920.1)of evolutionary and violet races, attitude of Urantians toward, 74:7.23 (836.12)of Nodites with Adamites, 77:4.5 (859.8)with the Sangik and Andonite tribes, results, 77:3.1 (858.2)a step in group enlargement from clan to tribe, 70:7.1 (790.4)of the Sumerians with the Adamites, 77:4.9 (860.4)tribal, promotion of, by Tut’s group, 66:5.29 (748.10)Intermediary(ies)between Adjusters and their human subjects, absence of, 108:2.4 (1187.3)divine and material life, Melchizedeks the, 35:2.1 (385.4)man and God for long ages, the shamans, 90:0.3 (986.3)Planetary Princes and material creatures, Adams and Eves as, 45:5.3 (515.2)dependence on, educated mortals to be delivered from, 92:7.11 (1013.6)representative, concept of the Messiah as, 135:5.6 (1501.1)women as, in early expansion of trade, 69:3.11 (774.10)Internalcatastrophes, effect of, on many nebulae of Milky Way, 15:4.8 (170.2)convulsions of our sun at time of Angona approach, result, 57:5.6 (656.2)degeneration of Roman civilization, consequences, 71:1.22 (801.10)fluctuations of suns, the usual reason for stellar flare-ups, 41:3.9 (459.3)heat of the earth, augmentation of, 57:7.3 (659.2)metamorphoses of the I AM, sevenfold results of, 105:2.4 (1154.3)organs of an animal, no predictive value in, 150:3.4 (1680.6)peace preservation, a right asserted by society, 70:9.5 (793.15)of tribes, factors favoring, 70:3.3 (787.3)peaceableness of the yellow race, results, 79:6.8 (885.5)psychic climate, emotions as man’s material reaction to, 108:5.6 (1192.1)spiritual stimulus of thought, the Adjuster, 108:6.4 (1193.3)stimuli, material mechanisms for reaction to, 65:0.1 (730.1)temperature of suns, 41:7.1 (463.1), 41:7.11 (463.11), 41:9.3 (465.3)time standards maintained by the seven superuniverses, 14:1.13 (153.4)wars of the Nodites, results, 73:6.7 (826.4), 77:4.1 (859.4)Internationalaffairs, Jesus’ early familiarity with, 124:3.3 (1370.1)commercial exchange, establishment of, results, 81:6.19 (908.8)language, little progress in the development of an, on Urantia, 81:6.19 (908.8)police force, ability of, to prevent minor wars, 134:5.10 (1489.1)relations, overcontrol of, by angels of nation life, 114:6.8 (1255.7)wisdom in fostering, 81:6.19 (908.8)techniques of civilized adjudication, substitution of, for war, 52:6.6 (598.1)Internationalismof the post-Adamic epoch, 52:3.10 (594.1)a step toward peace, 134:5.10 (1489.1)Internationalityin religion, Egypt’s onetime concepts of, 95:5.9 (1048.3)Internationalizationof the God of Israel, Jeremiah’s part in the, 97:6.1 (1067.4)Internmentof groups of the Lucifer rebellion, on Jerusem satellites, 45:1.10 (510.8)of Lucifer, Satan, and the fallen princes, 54:4.1 (615.6), 54:5.1 (617.1), 54:6.7 (619.4)of rebellious midwayers, (583.6) 51:3.7, 51:3.7 (583.6), 51:3.7 (863.3), 77:7.8 (864.1)of Satania rebels on prison worlds, 53:9.5 (611.4)Interpersonalrelationships, morality of, and ethical sensitizers, 39:3.7 (433.1)Interplanetaryaffairs, Urantia’s means of contact with, 39:5.17 (439.3)communication, an accident of, relating to Van’s appeal to the Most Highs, 67:6.9 (760.4)alternate means of, currently utilized for Urantia, 39:5.17 (439.3), 44:5.7 (505.4), 53:7.3 (607.4), 108:4.4 (1190.5)danger to Material Sons of a mission to a world deprived of, 51:0.2 (580.2)prospective improvement of, when circuits are restored, 28:7.4 (318.2), 46:8.3 (529.2)re-establishment of, by a bestowal Son, 35:9.9 (394.1)role of local universe power centers in, 29:2.16 (321.8)suspension of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.3 (607.4)technicians of, 44:5.7 (505.4)communications of the universes, character of the complexity and working of, 28:5.10 (311.2)energy circuits, equalization of pressures of, 29:4.20 (326.2)God, a concept not understood by the Canaanites, 96:1.12 (1054.2)journeys of nonmaterial personalities, seraphic involvement in, 13:1.20 (147.1)transit, preparations of transport seraphim for, 39:5.12 (438.5)transport seraphim of Satania, 39:4.15 (436.1)system, use of undiscovered energies for, 29:4.14 (325.7)Interpretation(s)vs. goals, in religion, 103:1.4 (1130.3)of the golden rule, the truest, 180:5.8 (1950.3)of the parable of the sower, 151:2.0 (1689.4–1691.3)Interpreter(s)of cosmic citizenship, 39:4.7–9 (434.7–435.2)of ethics, 27:0.8 (298.8), 27:3.0 (300.4–301.1), 28:5.13 (311.5)for the finaliters, exalted midway creatures as, 55:4.8 (627.6)Jesus’ work as, for Gonod, 129:2.9 (1422.6), 130:0.5 (1427.5), 130:8.4 (1440.4), 132:0.2 (1455.2)in man’s mind, effect of, 196:3.16 (2094.15)mercy-justice, a new role for the divine executioner, 25:3.11 (278.2)Morontia Companions as, 48:3.13 (546.6)racial, 39:6.3 (439.6), 48:6.22 (553.3)seraphim’s function as, 113:3.5 (1244.6)shamans as, 90:0.3 (986.3)and translators, functions of, 47:3.11 (534.3), 48:3.12 (546.5)Interstellar spaceabsolute zero not attained in, 42:4.6 (473.4)Interuniverse communicationand reflective circuits, 28:7.4 (318.2)technicians of, 44:5.7 (505.4)Interventionof the Gods, ancient belief in, (843.2) 75:4.8, 75:4.8 (843.2), 75:4.8 (982.2)by Jesus in an attack by a man on his wife, 133:2.1 (1470.2)in dealing with Kirmeth, the trance prophet, 148:8.3 (1666.2)Life Carriers directed to refrain from, in certain areas, 62:7.4 (710.3), 65:3.2 (733.8)by midway creatures in material conditions, circumstances of, 123:4.7 (1361.7)by the Most Highs in affairs of inhabited worlds, 114:4.5 (1253.8)providential, God’s thrusting of the hand of, into human affairs, 97:8.5 (1071.3)man’s prayers for, result, 118:10.23 (1307.4)significance of, 118:10.5 (1304.7)by seraphim in human affairs, circumstances of, 113:5.4 (1246.3)superhuman, Jesus’ decision to refrain from, in the crisis of his life, 136:5.3 (1516.3), 136:7.1 (1519.5)by the Universal Father, prerogative of, concerning status of individuals, 32:4.4 (363.2)by Vorondadek observers in affairs of nations, 43:5.17 (491.13)Intolerancea characteristic of the material-comfort era, 50:5.6 (577.1)a definition, 146:3.2 (1641.4)disciples to avoid, 191:4.3 (2041.6), 192:2.1 (2047.5)effect of, on human progress, 71:3.2 (803.2)a factor sealing divine truth away from men, 5:1.10 (64.1), 159:4.9 (1768.5)freedom of Jesus from, 149:2.10 (1671.5)of worlds of ascension from, 47:4.2 (534.6)grounds for dismissal from the Urmia faculty, 134:3.6 (1486.1)how best combated, 71:3.2 (803.2)human, unmasking the immorality of, 52:6.5 (597.6)human progress as influenced by, 71:3.2 (803.2)by Jesus for sin, 100:7.14 (1103.2), 159:3.9 (1766.5)a mental poison, 110:1.5 (1204.3)not fostered by living faith, 101:8.3 (1114.7)religious, causes of, 90:2.3 (987.7), 92:7.2 (1012.3), 99:6.3 (1092.3), 134:4.3 (1486.6)a result of the tyranny of doctrine, 88:2.7 (969.5)of some apostles, 139:4.8 (1555.1), 181:2.4 (1955.5)weeping by the angels over man’s, 113:5.2 (1246.1)Intoxicantsprimitive races’ interest in, 69:5.11 (776.9), 88:1.9 (968.4)Intoxicatingdrinks, abstinence from, a Nazarite requirement, 135:1.1 (1496.6)liquors, derivation of, from plants, 85:2.1 (945.4)Intoxicationand divinity, primitive man’s belief concerning, 85:2.1 (945.4)Intraelectronicpositions of the one hundred interassociated ultimatons, a variety of ultimatonic motion, 42:6.4 (476.6), 42:11.8 (482.6)Intratribaltranquillity, vs. intertribal peace, 70:1.5 (784.1)Intrauniversetravel, a part of ascendant career, 30:3.12 (340.1)Introspectionprayer an antidote for, 144:4.6 (1621.5)religious, Jesus’ philosophy without, 140:8.27 (1583.1)Intuition(s)adjutant of, a description, 36:5.6 (402.3)function of, with four control creatures, 34:4.12 (378.6)cosmic, development of, 16:6.9 (192.5)moral, definition, 16:7.1 (192.8)women’s, vs. men’s, 84:6.4 (938.8)Invasion(s)divine, of man’s soul, the occasion of each new, 196:3.20 (2095.4)of the eastern fertile crescent by the Semites of the East, 96:2.1 (1054.6)Mediterranean coastlands, the great nomadic, of 2500 B.C., 80:9.9 (898.4)of Eden by Nodites, and the nonfunctioning
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