The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(638.5–7)universe, coherence of, in the God of mind, 2:7.7 (42.8)value level of the cosmic circles, 49:6.8 (569.3)values, Infinite Spirit’s Paradiseward pull of, 9:6.2 (103.7), 14:2.8 (155.2)world, eternal truth in the, 2:6.1 (40.5)self-consciousness in the, part of the reality of the Supreme, 130:4.2 (1434.1)yardstick, the scientific method an, 195:7.2 (2078.5)Intellectualismone trend threatening Christianity with a slow death, 195:9.10 (2083.6)Intellectualitycosmic, the two extremes of, 111:1.7 (1217.2)logical, stagnation of philosophy at the level of, 101:7.4 (1114.2)and spirituality, human attainment of the circles of, 113:1.6 (1242.1)Intelligence(s)ability of, to discriminate among means but not ends, 16:7.4 (193.3)of angels, not directly available to mortals, 113:5.4 (1246.3)brotherhood of, Lucifer’s advocacy of, 53:4.2 (604.4)character of, 2:7.1 (42.2)circuit(s) of the Infinite Spirit, 8:1.5 (91.2)unifying, of a Master Spirit, a superuniverse circuit, 15:9.4 (177.3)a component of justice, 54:1.2 (613.4)co-ordinators, superaphic, contact of, with seraphic broadcasters, 39:2.15 (431.4)Hearts of Counsel reflective of, 28:5.15 (312.2)corps, field of operations of, 38:9.10 (425.2), 39:2.3 (429.7), 77:1.6 (856.2)seraphic, function of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:6.5 (606.8)of superior seraphim, function of, 39:2.3 (429.7)of Deity, factors in evolution of space bodies, 15:6.7 (172.9)desirability of love’s guidance by, 177:2.3 (1922.1)division, of the work of the kingdom, 149:0.4 (1668.4)of the early Andon tribes, 62:3.3 (705.2), 63:5.7 (715.7)endowment of, Conjoint Actor’s exclusive domain, 12:8.7 (140.3)a definition, 12:8.7 (140.3)free, the necessary fallibility of, 3:5.15 (52.1)gatherers, Solitary Messengers as, 23:2.17 (259.3)Havona graph method of securing, 26:3.8 (289.1)lines of, inward passage of, to Third Person of Deity via Seven Master Spirits, 16:2.3 (186.2)lower orders of, vs. highest universe personality, 5:1.1 (62.3)mind on all levels of, 0:6.8 (9.10)-ministry circuit, scope of, 15:9.14 (177.13), 34:4.4 (377.8)moral nature not explained by, 16:7.1 (192.8)origin of, 180:5.3 (1949.5)of power centers and directors, 29:2.9 (321.1)a prerequisite to secure wisdom, 81:6.13 (908.2)reality and unity of, with unlimited potential, Havona exhibition of, 14:6.26 (162.1)seraphim assigned in accordance with, 113:1.2 (1241.4)source of, Conjoint Actor the, 0:5.5 (8.5)of time, custodians of knowledge the repositories of, 27:5.1 (301.6)universe, and true revelation of God, 9:5.5 (103.3)Intelligentbeings, bestowal missions of Michael to all orders of, 120:0.1 (1323.1), 120:1.5 (1326.2)the Conjoint Actor as minister to all, 10:6.3 (114.4), 12:8.7 (140.3)found on the local universe capitals, 32:3.5 (360.7)on the seven superuniverse headquarters, 30:2.157 (338.18)grouping of, in vertical relationship, 49:5.30 (568.1)in Havona, 14:4.22 (158.3), 14:5.4 (158.7), 14:5.6 (159.2)the kingdom a brotherhood of, 149:6.8 (1676.2)the plan to create, results, 16:1.1 (185.1)relationships of, a source of universe problems to solve, 28:5.13 (311.5)time a "talent" intrusted to all, 28:6.9 (315.2)of the universes, mortals’ capacity to learn about the, 12:0.1 (128.1)creature(s), evolution of, by Creator Sons, 21:5.6 (240.8), 56:9.12 (645.7)existence, the three phases of, 33:1.1 (366.2)Father, Son, and Spirit as Deity manifestations to, 56:7.3 (642.3), 56:9.10 (645.5)and the introduction of error into existence, 130:1.6 (1429.2)morontians’ learning to work with other, 43:8.7 (494.6)mortal man the lowest type of, 120:2.2 (1327.2), 128:1.1 (1407.6)never-ending multiplication of, 56:9.13 (645.8)unrevealed types of, 55:8.6 (633.2)existence, finaliters’ full knowledge of the life of, 31:3.7 (348.4)provision for unification of divine personality on all levels of, 56:4.3 (640.2)life, existence of a universe pattern for, 15:6.16 (173.6)extinction of, Ancients of Days’ sole power to decree, 36:1.1 (396.2)four elemental types of, 49:2.15 (561.14)lower orders of, mind ministry of Infinite Spirit to, 36:5.1 (401.5)onlooking, of Nebadon, fascinated at the thinking and acting of the adolescent Jesus, 124:5.3 (1373.3)possible future forms of, 112:7.18 (1239.7)unrevealed forms of, 37:10.6 (416.6), 49:5.9 (565.10)on Urantia, first announcement in recognition of, 62:7.1 (709.8)varying suitability of worlds for, in local universes, 15:2.1 (165.6)will creatures, the Eternal Son’s self-bestowal on, 7:5.10 (87.4)the Father’s bestowal of personality on, 10:2.1 (109.5)God’s refusal to coerce, 1:1.2 (22.5)finite, two basic types of, 32:3.10 (361.5)worship, an activity of the liberated sons of God, 170:2.12 (1860.7)capacity for, the benchmark of normal mindedness, 113:1.3 (1241.5)Deity concepts justifying, 1:7.1 (31.1), 5:5.6 (69.1)a factor leading to better world citizenship, 178:1.8 (1930.5)the leading of prayer to, 144:2.2 (1618.6)Intentthe Father’s judgment of one by his, 103:4.5 (1133.5), 140:6.4 (1576.4)opportunities for soul to reveal, in survival cases, 112:5.7 (1233.3), 112:5.9 (1233.5)Interaction(s)as actuals of the phenomenal universes, absence of complete, by energies, 42:12.13 (484.1)between nonpersonal things, possibility of, 1:7.1 (31.1)of cultural and inventive activities, an impetus for cultural advancement, 81:6.9 (907.6)of energy and spirit, the realm of the specific function of the Conjoint Actor, 9:1.4 (99.3)of gravitation, space potency not subject to, 11:8.8 (126.4)of liberty and loyalty, one definition of cosmic morality, 39:4.10 (435.3)of space-forces and solar energies, man’s need for clearer concept of, 41:5.8 (461.4)of spirit, mind, and material gravity, not a prerequisite to personality gravity, 9:6.4 (104.2)Interactivephenomenon, linear gravity an, 12:3.8 (132.2)Interassociation(s)of the Absolutes, 105:4.7 (1157.8), 115:3.9 (1262.6)of ascending and descending pilgrims, on the inner Havona circuit, 26:11.3 (296.6)between spirit and matter, mind the mechanism for, 12:6.3 (136.1), 101:5.8 (1110.11)complex, of all phases of universe activity, the reflectivity phenomenon, 9:7.2 (105.2)human, character of present-day, a danger, 68:2.5 (765.2), 68:3.4 (766.5), 70:1.1 (783.4), 99:1.4 (1087.1)of material, mental, and spiritual energies, the vehicle for personality function, 16:8.2 (194.2)of personality performances, character of, on the worlds of the Seven Master Spirits, 13:4.7 (151.1)of the persons of the Trinity, character of, 6:8.3 (79.6), 8:6.6 (96.8), 10:5.8 (114.1)Michael’s various bestowals subject to the will of the divine, 120:1.2 (1325.4)of psychologic procedure and spiritual technique in prayer, 91:3.6 (997.4)of the purposes of the other six superuniverses into a meaning-of-the-whole in Orvonton, 15:14.3 (182.2)of reality on the subdeified level, character of, 0:4.4 (7.2)of spirit endowments constituting man a potential spirit, 101:3.2 (1108.1)of spiritual and material agencies resulting in primary midwayers, 77:1.2 (855.4)unexplained, encountered by a Divine Counselor, 4:1.7 (55.5)of universe activities, results of control of, 4:1.11 (56.3)of will creatures, facilitated by the social architects, 39:3.4 (432.5)Interbreedingbetween peoples of the garden and the world, delay in, 51:3.3 (583.2)of diverse peoples, when beneficial to the races, 64:6.32 (726.4), 82:6.9 (920.7)of races of humanity, vs. multiplication of their degenerate strains, 82:6.11 (921.1)tendency toward, between certain races in early days, 51:4.5 (585.1)Intercessionof Jesus for his executioners, 187:2.4 (2007.3)for the trance prophet Kirmeth, 148:8.3 (1666.2)merciful, for one’s enemies, some prayer as, 91:8.7 (1001.11)a religious idea with origins in ghost fear, 92:3.2 (1005.4)of saints before the Gods, a new spiritual menace of the dark ages, 195:4.2 (2074.8)of subordinate creatures, not the cause of God’s love for his children, 2:5.2 (39.1)the work of the Infinite Spirit, 8:6.4 (96.6)Intercessor(s)between man and God, shamans’ presumption to act as, 90:0.3 (986.3)Mithras the, for the human race, 98:5.3 (1082.4)Intercommunicationof Adjusters, unknown nature of, 107:5.2 (1181.5)between human beings, higher forms of, Adjusters as an aid to, 109:4.1 (1198.4)Jesus and the Father, Rodan’s understanding of, 161:1.8 (1784.5)morontia and other types of beings, 44:5.3 (504.7)of Faithfuls of Days, limited to the local universe, 18:7.3 (213.5)planetary, denied only to worlds under spiritual quarantine, 33:6.5 (371.7)provision of adequate means of, in a local universe, 39:2.17 (431.6)of Unions of Days, via the Paradise circuits, 18:6.4 (212.6)Interdependencedevelopment of, among the yellow race, a consequence of agricultural problems, 79:8.6 (887.6)economic, a factor ultimately conducive to brotherhood, 99:7.5 (1093.3)of evolutionary man and evolving Deity, awareness of, result, 110:3.10 (1206.8)of experiential creations in realization of destiny, 117:6.20 (1290.6)of Father and Son, 8:0.2 (90.2)of greatness and goodness, reflected in their namesake seconaphim, 28:6.21 (317.2)of modern society, , highly complicated, a dangerous strain, 68:2.5 (765.2)religion’s function to prevent destructive results from, 99:1.4 (1087.1)mysterious, of the Supreme and the grand universe, 117:2.9 (1281.2)of universe sovereignty and actions of Adjusters, 108:4.2 (1190.3)of science and religion, 103:7.9 (1139.1)of the Supreme and Ultimate in the attainment of destiny, 118:0.9 (1294.9)of the three basic groups of social practices, 69:1.6 (773.1)trinitarian, with regard to totality of Deity function, 10:3.7 (111.5)universal, of all forces and personalities, 116:6.5 (1275.5)Interelectronicspace, atomic activities in, 42:8.2 (478.6)Interestlegitimate return from honest wealth, 132:5.7 (1463.1), 132:5.19 (1464.3)man’s learning to live on the, from his capital, 68:5.7 (768.7), 69:8.5 (779.4)in Michael’s bestowals, on Salvington, 119:5.3 (1315.1)supreme, of Jesus, in all kinds of men, 139:5.7
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