The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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organization in, 12:1.15 (130.1)universes of, destination of Corps of Mortal Finality, 31:0.8 (345.8)identifiable aggregations of matter in, number of, 31:10.19 (354.5)the Nebadon Corps of the Finality and, 188:3.8 (2015.4)possible collaboration of Michael and the Supreme Being in, 119:8.7 (1318.6)preparation for developments in the, 31:10.10 (353.6)Unqualified Absolute in, 0:11.8 (14.6), 12:2.1 (130.3), 12:4.6 (133.8)space bodies, astronomic velocities of, unreliability of Urantia estimations of, 12:4.14 (134.3)creations, expansion of function of God the Sevenfold in the, 0:8.12 (12.3)forces, vs. grand universe physical energies, 12:2.4 (131.1)level(s), activities in the, 12:1.14 (129.12)ages of the successive creations of the, 19:6.4 (221.6)destiny of the, 12:1.16 (130.2)the first, about, 12:1.6 (129.4)the age of, and superuniverse destiny, 106:0.18 (1163.12)boundaries of, 11:7.7 (125.1)forms of intelligent life to come into existence in the, 112:7.18 (1239.7)fourth group of Master Architects involved with the plans for, 31:9.6 (351.7)galaxies of universes in the process of organization in, 112:7.16 (1239.5)mortal finaliters to become administrators in the universes of, 112:7.17 (1239.6)observed energy action in, 12:1.14 (129.12)planetary systems of, finaliters’ future role in, 40:10.8 (453.3)planners of the universes of the, 31:9.11 (352.4)probable new order of developmental growth in, 106:0.3 (1162.3)universes in process of formation in, 11:7.7 (125.1)the fourth and outermost, about, 12:1.9 (129.7)extension of pervaded space beyond, 11:6.4 (123.6), 11:7.4 (124.5)the last level of the master universe, 106:5.1 (1167.2)a possible unrevealed creation beyond the, 12:1.16 (130.2)seventh group of Master Architects involved with the plans for, 31:9.9 (352.2)space presence of the Ultimate in, 12:6.13 (137.3)speculation about the overcare of, 12:6.8 (136.6)functions of, 11:7.8 (125.2)intelligent direction of universe evolution in, 12:3.10 (132.4)of the master universe, 12:1.14 (129.12)metamorphosis of cosmic force in the, 12:2.4 (131.1)Paradise force organizers’ activities in, 12:2.4 (131.1)possibility of penetration of, by Mystery Monitors, 107:6.5 (1182.7)of progressive evolution, and the transcendent and absonite approach to Deity, 0:8.12 (12.3)the second, about, 12:1.7 (129.5)activities presaging the organization of, 12:1.15 (130.1)energy mobilizations in, 31:9.7 (351.8)fifth group of Master Architects involved with the plans for, 31:9.7 (351.8)sixth group of Master Architects involved with the plans for, 31:9.8 (352.1)a source of short space rays, 58:3.2 (667.1)the third, about, 12:1.8 (129.6)evidence of revolutionary movements detected in, 12:4.15 (134.4)-spacers, anticipated compensation to, for nonparticipation in growth of Supremacy, 117:2.6 (1280.6)approach of, to Havona, through seven superuniverses, future possibility of, 56:7.9 (643.3)definition, 117:2.7 (1280.7)possible future function of evolutionary citizens of the grand universe to, 117:2.6 (1280.6)postsuperuniverse growth potential of, 117:2.7 (1280.7)sometime arrival of, on superuniverse capitals, and assembly of creature-trinitized sons, 55:12.2 (636.3)universes, accompaniment of Creator Sons by Divine Ministers on possible missions to the, 55:10.11 (635.2)Ascendington probable Paradise home world of children of, 13:2.2 (148.1)future, forecast of, 31:10.11 (353.7)linear gravity operative in, 11:8.3 (125.6)operation of local gravity within, 11:8.3 (125.6)probable administrators of the, 31:10.10 (353.6)function of Creator Sons in, 56:7.7 (643.1)winding up of, apparent, 15:8.10 (176.5)zone, of nether Paradise, functions, 11:5.7 (122.7), 11:5.9 (123.2)Outmarriageadvantages of, 82:5.9 (919.5)evolution of the modern practice of, 82:5.7 (919.3)favored by man, 82:5.3 (918.3), 82:5.6 (919.2)final dominance of, reason, 82:5.6 (919.2)Out-matingrelation of peace and, 82:5.8 (919.4)Outwardworking, most profound, Jesus’ decision to perform his, reason, 167:4.2 (1837.1)Overcareheavenly Father’s, Jesus’ complete certainty of the, 133:1.4 (1469.3), 196:0.11 (2089.1)peace of mind based on faith in, 181:1.8 (1954.5)nature of Jesus’ teaching trust in, 140:8.2 (1579.4)of the master universe, existential attribution of, 12:6.8 (136.6)of superiors, faith in, result, 48:4.7 (548.2)Overcomingof cosmic difficulties, mutual assistance of male and female in, 84:6.6 (939.1)of doubt and uncertainty, within the power of those born of the spirit, 142:5.3 (1601.3)evil with good, believers equipped for, after Pentecost, 194:3.11 (2064.3)Buddhist teachings about, 131:3.6 (1447.3)Jesus’ advice to Anaxand on, 130:2.4 (1430.2)exhortation to apostles on, 156:5.5 (1738.4)positive view of, (1770.2) 159:5.10, 159:5.10 (1770.2), 159:5.10 (1770.6)and the peace of a dedicated mind, 133:7.12 (1480.4)with truth, Cynics’ teaching about, 131:1.7 (1443.3)of the flesh, by entering the kingdom of the spirit, 34:7.6 (382.6)the habit of criticizing a friend, technique advised for, 91:5.3 (998.6)of inherent limitations, benefit of dual-phase creation in, 84:6.5 (938.9)of self, Buddhist teachings about, 131:3.6 (1447.3)the world, by the creature’s faith in the God within, 4:4.9 (59.5)by Jesus, 181:1.5 (1954.2)Overcontrolabsonite, of the Paradise Trinity, and the Ultimate, 10:8.2 (116.3)administrative, provided by Ancients of Days for the universes of time and space, 18:3.9 (210.3)of all material reality, motivated by the Deity Absolute, 56:1.2 (637.4)almighty, of the time-space creations, ascenders’ growing awareness of, 26:6.2 (292.2)of basic energy systems, pure spirit the potential of, 56:1.4 (638.2)control and, 118:8.0 (1301.6–1303.1)cosmic, inherent in the space presence of the Unqualified Absolute, 21:2.12 (237.2)one function of the Trinity, 10:5.1 (113.2)of evolution, 65:0.0 (730.1–740.3)experiential, of the Supreme Being, 7:1.5 (82.4)of Fate, the Greek retention of, and failure to achieve monotheism, 98:1.3 (1078.1)of the grand universe, and the Almighty Supreme, 116:1.4 (1269.3)of the incomplete Supreme, providence as the, 118:10.20 (1307.1)other-than-personal, providence as a composite of the, 118:10.4 (1304.6)of the physical level in the universes, how exercised, 1:2.10 (24.8)of supertime and transcended space, and God the Ultimate manifest as the transcendental Almighty, 118:2.4 (1296.6)of Supremacy, about, 10:7.0 (115.3–116.1)increasingly apparent providence of the, 118:10.11 (1305.6)of the Supreme Being, outer universes to enjoy the, 31:10.11 (353.7)transcendental, of the universes, and God the Ultimate, 56:7.5 (642.5)of the Trinity, and the possible weaving of vicissitudes into a pattern of high value, 10:7.5 (115.7)of the Ultimate, under a Deity administration of God the Supreme, 118:2.4 (1296.6)universal, about, 12:6.0 (135.11–137.3)phenomena on outer space levels as an indicator of, 15:8.9 (176.4)and the Ultimate, 0:1.10 (2.10)universe, Havona as the source of, 14:6.29 (162.4)of the Unqualified Absolute, 0:11.8 (14.6)Overcontrollersof the master universe, 0:1.10 (2.10)Overministryof Paradise Trinity, 34:6.1 (380.2)Overpopulationinevitable problem of, 81:6.12 (908.1)and land scarcity, consequences of, 68:6.3 (769.8)a possible serious problem in the future, 68:6.11 (770.8)Overrevelationan evil of, 30:0.2 (330.2)Oversoulthe Brahman’s belief in, 94:3.4 (1030.4)of creation, 117:5.0 (1285.4–1287.5)of the grand universe, the Supreme, 117:1.1 (1278.5)Indian concept of the, 94:3.4 (1030.4)nonsurviving personalities’ absorption into, 2:3.4 (37.2), 117:4.2 (1283.4)Overspecializationdanger of, 149:4.3 (1673.3), 155:1.4 (1726.1)Overteachingdangers of, 66:6.6 (750.1)Jesus not guilty of, 137:7.14 (1535.6)Overthrustrock, in British Columbia, 60:3.14 (690.5)Ovididentity of, 93:5.4 (1019.1)Ox(en)) care for, permissible on the Sabbath, 167:3.3 (1836.2)as early burden bearers, 66:5.5 (746.3), 81:2.12 (902.2), 81:6.21 (909.2)fatted, with hatred for dinner, vs. herbs with love, 149:5.2 (1674.4)in North America, time of large numbers of, 61:3.5 (696.9), 61:5.7 (699.8)sacrifice of, vs. praising God, 146:2.16 (1640.5)Oxygenatmospheric, exhaustion of, by meteoric combustion, 57:7.6 (659.5)carrier, iron in circulating blood cells, 65:6.4 (737.4)-enriching atmosphere, a meteor-resisting shield, 57:7.10 (660.2)free, generation of, on Urantia, 57:7.9 (660.1)Oystersbivalve gastropods of late invertebrate-animal age, 59:2.12 (676.3)evolution of, in later reptilian age, 60:2.8 (687.9)a group of mollusks, 65:2.5 (732.3)OzoneUrantia’s, function of, 58:2.2 (665.5)

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