The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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149:0.2 (1668.2)pledge, of the Salem missionaries, 98:1.1 (1077.5)sermon, the, 140:3.0 (1570.2–1571.8)of the seventy, Peter’s, six points in, 163:4.9 (1805.6)of the seventy, 163:0.0 (1800.1–1808.6)Organic evolutionabsence of, on Jerusem, 46:2.5 (521.2)on inhabited worlds, conditioning of, 65:0.7 (730.7)planetary rebellion’s effect on, 67:0.1 (754.1)Organism(s)animal, early, development of, 59:0.8 (672.8), 65:2.4 (732.2)transitional stages between vegetable and, 58:6.1 (669.2), 65:2.2 (731.6), 65:7.4 (738.7)work of the local universe Spirit with, 34:5.2 (379.2)and environment, life as a process taking place between, 112:1.14 (1227.4)evolving, ability of Life Carriers to manipulate, 65:1.7 (731.2)difficulty of lower adjutants in contacting, on Urantia, 65:7.3 (738.6)ideal government as an, 72:9.7 (818.2)levels of response of, determined by teachability, 65:0.6 (730.6), 65:7.5 (739.1)living, adjustments of, to environment, 58:6.6 (669.7), 58:6.8 (670.2), 65:6.4 (737.4), 65:6.6 (737.6)attributes supplied by Mother Spirit to, 36:6.3 (404.1), 36:6.7 (404.5)bestowal of personality on, results, 118:7.6 (1301.3)brotherhood of the kingdom as a, 195:10.11 (2085.3)the grand universe as a, 116:7.0 (1276.2–7)perfection striving innate in every, 65:6.2 (737.2)primary associators as, 29:4.32 (328.1)scientists’ inability to produce, 36:6.1 (403.6)sudden appearance of new orders of, 58:6.4 (669.5)physical controllers and preintelligent responses of, 65:7.5 (739.1)vs. mechanisms, 112:1.13 (1227.3)the Nebadon type of, 16:8.15 (195.2)preintelligent, vs. those reactive to mind ministry, 65:6.9 (738.2)the universe as an, 67:7.4 (761.3), 105:1.7 (1153.4), 116:7.1 (1276.2), 118:9.4 (1303.5)Organismalanimal evolution, the great age of, 59:2.9 (675.8)drives and attitudes, the vertical dimension of personality, 112:1.7 (1226.11)environmental response, mechanical orders of, 65:7.5 (739.1)-environmental association, contribution of personality to, 112:1.13 (1227.3)mind capacity, sources of, 65:0.1 (730.1)vehicle for personality, associated energies making up the, 16:8.3 (194.3)Organizationinfluence of, on growth of Christianity, 195:0.6 (2070.2)perfecting the apostles’, 138:7.5 (1544.4)Organizedsociety, right of, to employ force, 133:1.5 (1470.1)OrientAndite expansion in the, 79:0.0 (878.1–888.11)Melchizedek teachings in the, 94:0.0 (1027.1–1041.6)nearest approach of Jesus to the, 134:2.3 (1484.7)and Occident, delay in cultural intercourse between, 79:1.9 (879.6)religions of, Melchizedek teaching a basic factor in, 98:7.4 (1084.3)religious development in, respective influences on, 92:6.14 (1011.12)primary obstacle to advancement of Christianity in the, 195:10.7 (2084.7)revival of spiritual consciousness in the, 98:2.2 (1078.6)synthesis of a new religion in the, in the fifteenth century, 92:5.15 (1010.3)waiting of the, for a new religion, 195:0.3 (2069.3)Orientalthe Jews in nature part, and part Occidental, 121:1.1 (1332.2)law, characteristics of, 195:2.3 (2072.7)minds, myths of, regarding leaders, 122:8.7 (1352.3)and Occidental faiths, and perception of man’s divine heritage, 111:0.2 (1215.2)peoples, weakness of Christendom in attempts to carry Jesus’ gospel to, 195:10.15 (2086.1)religions, teachings of, regarding women, 84:5.6 (937.3)salutation ceremonies, nature of, 163:4.13 (1805.10)Origin(s)finite, value of, 19:1.11 (215.8)function and destiny, Paradise as place of, for all realities, 0:4.11 (7.9)history, and destiny, Jews’ concept of their, 121:7.1 (1339.6)three phases of universe reality giving perspective on status, 19:1.6 (215.3)lowly, no handicap to recognition of ability, 44:8.3 (508.1)reason for man not to bemoan his, 21:4.6 (240.2)man’s, vs. his eternal destiny, 195:5.11 (2076.2)nature, and destiny, man’s ignorance of his, 148:4.8 (1660.7)Jesus’, as a human being, 157:6.3 (1749.2)man’s ignorance of his, 148:4.8 (1660.7)planetary mortals similar in, 30:4.10 (340.12)spirit hope of all identical in, 141:5.1 (1591.6)and nature of Thought Adjusters, 107:0.0 (1176.1–1184.3)Significance of, 28:6.2 (314.1)of worship, 85:0.0 (944.1–949.1)Originala definition of the, 115:3.6 (1262.3)and Eternal Son, 7:6.3 (88.1), 40:5.1 (445.2)and Infinite Spirit, approach to creatures of the realms by the, 40:5.2 (445.3)limitation of Deity to only one, 22:7.3 (249.3)Michael, relation of Infinite Spirit to Havona bestowals of the, 7:5.8 (87.2), 8:4.3 (94.5)Personality, absoluteness of, 130:4.2 (1434.1)man’s relation to the, 1:6.6 (30.5)reality, the primal concept of, 0:4.5 (7.3)sin, the belief in the idea of, 89:0.1 (974.1)concept of, development of the, 86:3.3 (952.5), 88:4.7 (971.1), 89:4.5 (978.2)origin of Paul’s theory of, 121:6.5 (1339.1)Son, activity of, on Paradise, character of, 6:4.1 (76.1), 7:2.1 (83.4)confusion of Michael of Nebadon with the, 6:1.5 (74.4)and the Father’s eternal purpose, 7:0.1 (81.1)of God, the Eternal Son the, 6:1.1 (73.5)Havona ascenders’ consciousness of spirit of the, 7:3.1 (84.1)monota an eternity counterpart of the spirit energy of the, 42:2.19 (471.3)Paradise Sons portraitures of, 7:5.11 (87.5)relation of Paradise to eternalization of the, 11:9.3 (127.1)self-consciousness of, 6:4.7 (76.7)Unity, the Universal Father the, 104:4.1 (1147.11)Originalityand authority of Jesus’ teaching, 149:2.13 (1672.2)vs. eccentricity, 149:4.4 (1673.4)unstifled, of Jesus, 100:7.5 (1102.2)Orlandofmission of, 64:6.23 (725.4)on Urantia advisory council, 45:4.6 (513.9)Orphic brotherhooddevelopment of the cult of the, in Greece, 98:2.10 (1079.7)Orthodoxyintolerance of, a danger in formalized religion, 99:6.3 (1092.3)Orvononmission of, 64:6.26 (725.7)on Urantia advisory council, 45:4.10 (513.13)OrvontonAdjuster’s presence with man in, 40:7.3 (449.1)Ancients of Days, authority for sponsorship of, Part Ibelief regarding outer space creations, 12:2.6 (131.3)Census Directors, chief of, 24:2.5 (267.3)character of mind in, 42:10.7 (481.4)the choice of Solitary Messengers as a field of service, reason for, 23:2.17 (259.3)classification of Sons of God, 20:0.1 (223.1)counterclockwise motion of, genetic character of, 15:3.15 (168.11)curtailment of System Sovereigns’ powers in, 45:2.1 (511.1)definition, 0:0.5 (1.5)divisions of, rotation of, around Uversa, 15:3.7 (168.3)an experience of mortal progress through, 6:8.7 (80.4)future astronomic observation of the grand divisions of, 41:3.10 (459.4)a giant sun of, description, 41:4.7 (460.4)identification, 15:14.2 (182.1), 16:3.20 (189.1)identity of Master Spirit of, 34:2.6 (376.3)limitation of reflectivity service in, 28:4.2 (308.1)local universes of, accumulation of midsoniters’ corps in, 36:4.8 (401.4)loyalty of Trinity-embraced sons to, 22:1.13 (244.4)Master Spirit of, a function of, 16:4.8 (190.2), 17:0.12 (197.12)merciful-ministry function of, 15:14.2 (182.1)Nebadon a young universe in, 32:2.9 (359.6)number of Solitary Messengers operating in, 23:0.2 (256.2)of Son-fused mortals in, 40:8.5 (450.2)of suns in, 15:6.10 (172.12)and origin of Andronover nebula, 57:1.1 (651.3)physical center of, distance of Jerusem from, 32:2.11 (359.8)position of Nebadon in, 32:2.11 (359.8)power directors, relation of, to outer space activities, 12:2.4 (131.1)seraphic assignment in, 38:5.4 (421.3)the seventh Paradise satellite of the Spirit, relation of, to seventh superuniverse, 17:1.5 (198.5)seventh superuniverse, 12:1.12 (129.10), 30:4.34 (344.2)spheres of, arrangement, 15:3.2 (167.18)standard day, length of, in Urantia time, 15:7.2 (174.2)sun-forming nebulae in, 15:4.7 (170.1)superuniverse of, 15:1.5 (165.4), 15:3.0 (167.17–168.12), 15:7.10 (175.1)Technical Advisers operating in, number of, 25:4.10 (279.11)type of cosmic mind, Nebadon pervaded by, 9:4.3 (102.3)univitatia’s standing in, 43:7.4 (493.5)Urantia astronomers’ observation of major divisions of, 15:3.4 (167.20)Urantia’s position in, 15:1.6 (165.5)Uversa the capital of, 0:0.5 (1.5), 15:7.10 (175.1), 37:9.12 (415.4)year, length of, in Urantia time, 15:7.2 (174.2)Osirisan Egyptian god, 95:2.9 (1045.2), 97:6.2 (1067.5), 98:4.4 (1081.7)Other-awareness, innate, a definition, 16:9.7 (196.3)side, definition, 32:5.2 (364.4)-than-personal beings and entities, 13:0.6 (143.6), 30:1.103 (333.11)reality, ability of Eternal Son to create, 6:5.3 (77.6)Oudahbeliefs, of the African Pygmies, 91:0.5 (994.5)Outercircuits, ascenders travel from, inward, 5:1.9 (63.7)of Havona, the first pilgrim’s traversal of, 24:6.6 (270.4)a function of, 14:4.18 (157.10), 56:6.4 (641.5)creations, three pertinent facts regarding the, 31:10.15 (354.1)uninhabited, 31:10.16 (354.2)space, associate force organizers’ operations in, 29:5.6 (329.6)effect of, on electronic and ultimatonic activity, 42:4.9 (473.7)exploration of, by Solitary Messengers, 23:2.21 (260.1)finaliters’ service of the Supreme Being in, 56:8.2 (643.5)first universe of, mobilization of, 31:9.6 (351.7)grand universe response to potentials of, 31:10.10 (353.6)mind activities in, 12:3.10 (132.4)mobilizing universes of, 0:0.6 (1.6)number of nebulae types in, 15:4.4 (169.4)possible ministry of finaliters in, 55:4.19 (628.7)second
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