The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of the Nodite descendants of disloyal staff, 67:4.2 (757.5), 77:4.5 (859.8)land of, Cain’s departure for, 76:2.9 (849.3)wife of Cain from the, 148:4.7 (1660.6)Nodite(s)and Adamites, as blended in Andites, 78:4.2 (871.8), 81:4.11 (905.2)warfare between, 75:5.9 (844.2)Adamsonites’ admixture with the, 77:5.9 (862.3)and Amadonites, 73:1.0 (821.4–822.4)ancestry of, 73:1.3 (821.6), 77:2.8 (857.5)attitude of, toward women, 84:5.5 (937.2)belligerent nature of the, 80:4.3 (892.6)Cano’s leadership of the, 75:3.7 (841.7)centers of civilization, 77:4.0 (859.4–860.8)child of part-violet stock, Serapatatia’s argument for a, 75:3.5 (841.5)culture, advanced status of, 73:1.7 (822.4)Bablot to be the center of, 77:3.3 (858.4)period of decline of, 77:4.1 (859.4)Sumerian pride in, results, 77:4.9 (860.4)of Sumerians, 78:8.1 (875.5)definition, 67:4.2 (757.5)encouragement of practice of cremation by the, 89:5.14 (980.3)expedition against the Garden, 75:5.9 (844.2)Joseph’s line of inheritance to the, 122:1.1 (1344.4)later, belligerence of, 70:1.2 (783.5)Levantine, absorption of, by the violet race, 78:1.4 (868.6)a longtime in-marriage group, 82:5.4 (918.4)memorial, Bablot’s plan for, 77:3.5 (858.6)monogamy natural to the, 83:6.2 (927.3)northern, origin of, 77:4.10 (860.5)number of original, 77:2.4 (857.1)penetration of, into southern Europe and northern Africa, 80:1.2 (889.4)pre-Sumerian, location of, 77:4.6 (860.1)race, 74:6.2 (834.4), 77:2.0 (856.4–858.1)representation of, on Adam’s reception committee, 74:2.5 (829.7)significance of the term, 73:1.3 (821.6)strains, in all white races, 80:0.2 (889.2)in the Andite races, 78:4.1 (871.7), 78:6.6 (874.3)Syrian (western), final location of, 77:4.3 (859.6)three groups of, and locations, 73:1.5 (822.2)tribes, as amalgamated with the Andites, 78:0.1 (868.1)Serapatatia’s leadership of Syrian confederation of, 75:3.1 (841.1)in Van’s outposts, 67:6.6 (760.1)Nogidentification, 67:5.5 (759.3)Nomadicherders, the Israelites’ evolution from, to sedate farmers, 96:6.2 (1059.3)Nomadismdecline of, during society’s evolution, 68:5.12 (769.4)Nomadsas founders of states, 71:1.2 (800.4)many, among Moses’ followers, 96:2.3 (1055.1)Non-Adjuster-fusiontypes, mortals of, 40:5.12 (446.3)worlds, seraphic guardians’ experience on, 113:2.3 (1242.6)Nonascenderunique personality of a, return of, to the Supreme, 117:4.4 (1283.6)Nonbreathersand Adjuster fusion, 40:5.12 (446.3)percentage of, in Satania, 49:2.14 (561.13)reactions of, to life, vs. those of atmospheric world peoples, 49:3.5 (564.1)type of nutrition and energy employed by, 49:2.25 (563.2)of planets inhabited by, 49:2.14 (561.13), 49:5.11 (565.12)worlds of the, 49:3.0 (563.4–564.2)Nonfusionplanets, seraphic ministry on, 40:5.14 (446.5)Nonpersonaldivestment of Father’s character of the, 0:12.1 (15.7), 7:7.2 (89.1)the, not Deity, 11:9.4 (127.2)reality, range of, limited, 0:5.2 (8.2)Unqualified Absolute is, 0:11.7 (14.5)Nonresistancethe apostles and Jesus’ practice of, 140:8.4 (1579.6)to evil, the spirit of Jesus’, 180:5.9 (1950.4)Jesus’ limited discussion of, 133:1.5 (1470.1)teaching of, necessity for living, 180:5.9 (1950.4)Lao’s teaching of, 94:6.7 (1034.2)not a rule of the Nazareth family, 127:4.5 (1401.5)passive, Jesus’ opposition to, example, 159:5.9 (1770.1)Nonspatiala quality of true spirit levels, 42:11.4 (482.2)time, definition, 12:5.3 (135.2)Nonspiritualassociation, the original, Paradise and the I AM, 105:2.6 (1154.5)Deity potential, means of actualization of, 3:1.7 (45.5)divestment of Father’s character of the, effect of, on constitution of the Eternal Son, 6:7.3 (79.3), 7:7.2 (89.1)energies of temporal existence, weaning of the human intellect from subsisting upon, 100:4.2 (1097.6)energy(ies), a form of, unknown on Urantia, 3:2.3 (47.1)reassociation of, in non-Creator minds, 42:10.7 (481.4)relationships of mind to, difficulty of portraying, 42:10.7 (481.4)energy system(s), about, 42:2.0 (469.1–471.7), 42:10.0 (480.4–481.4)monota as the Father’s, 42:2.19 (471.3)expression of the First Source and Center, Paradise the original, 11:2.9 (120.1)in human experience, status of the, 112:2.8 (1228.3)import, Jesus’ pledged support of the apostolic groups’ conclusions in matters of, 144:6.3 (1624.14)level, knowledge a function of the, 130:4.10 (1435.2)manifestations of the Deities, heatless light an example of, 3:2.3 (47.1)of Paradise, sense in which indistinguishable from spiritual, 42:2.20 (471.4)mind, two identity possibilities for, 36:5.17 (403.5)one of two phases of reality projected by the Father, 11:9.3 (127.1)Paradise a repercussion to the Father’s act eternalizing the original Son, 11:9.3 (127.1)realities of the First Source and Center, evolutions of relationship in, 42:10.1 (480.4)reality, morontia form’s enablement of survivor to make contact with, 112:5.17 (1234.6)Paradise the absolute pattern for, 105:3.4 (1156.1)relationship, the master pattern of, how determined, 105:2.6 (1154.5)status of disappointed subjects attempting the Deity adventure, 26:10.3 (295.5)of outer space universes, basis for conclusion about, 12:3.9 (132.3)things, misuse of Scriptures as an authority in, 159:4.10 (1769.1)trends threatening modern Christianity, 195:9.10 (2083.6)Nonsurvivor(s)fate of the personality of a, 16:9.3 (195.9), 117:4.2 (1283.4)responses for, at dispensational roll call, 113:6.8 (1247.6)Nonteachableintellect, levels of function of, 42:10.3 (480.6)Nontemporalspace, definition, 12:5.3 (135.2)Nontimebeings, Personalized Adjusters, 136:5.4 (1516.4)sequence of events on Paradise, 11:2.11 (120.3)Noonhigh, arrival of seraphic transports carrying Adam and Eve, 74:0.1 (828.1)the public worship hour of Eden, 74:4.6 (832.6), 74:7.21 (836.10)roll call of angels, guardians, and others on Urantia, 114:0.2 (1250.2)time of appearance of Gabriel to Mary, 122:2.2 (1345.4)of a Lanonandek, Michael’s second bestowal, 119:2.4 (1311.3)of a Melchizedek, Michael’s first bestowal, 119:1.3 (1309.4)of arrival of seraphic messenger from Jerusem on installation of Adam and Eve, 74:4.5 (832.5)of baptism of Jesus, 135:8.6 (1504.4)of birth of Jesus, 122:8.1 (1351.5), 122:8.5 (1352.1), 122:8.7 (1352.3)of disappearance of the emergency Planetary Prince, ending Michael’s third bestowal, 119:3.4 (1312.5)of the visiting Melchizedek, ending Michael’s first bestowal, 119:1.5 (1310.2)of initial test flash of universe circuit signals for recognition of Urantia as an inhabited world, 62:7.1 (709.8)of receipt of space reports at planetary spiritual headquarters, 39:5.15 (439.1)of weekly devotions in Dalamatia, 66:5.21 (748.2)Noranacharacter of the disorder of the daughter of, 156:1.1 (1734.3)humor of, displayed in appeal for Jesus’ healing of her child, 156:1.5 (1735.1), 156:2.8 (1736.5)persistence of, in seeking healing for her child, 156:1.3 (1734.5), 156:2.8 (1736.5)Nordanidentity of, 93:3.4 (1016.6)Nordic(s)Alpine, or Mediterranean, impossibility of classifying white people as, 80:9.15 (899.2)belief of, regarding eclipses, 85:3.4 (946.6)commerce of, with the Danubians, results, 80:9.4 (897.7)race(s), Andite horsemen the ancestors of the, 80:4.5 (893.1)typical early, description of, 80:9.2 (897.5)Norlatiadekcircuits, the planet’s continued spiritual isolation in the, 114:5.4 (1254.4)citizens of, method of uprooting rebel sympathies in hearts of, 54:5.9 (617.9)cleansing of, of sin and rebels, 43:4.9 (490.4)constellation of, Urantia located in the, 15:7.6 (174.6), 43:0.1 (485.1)Constellation Fathers of, informed of Lucifer’s mental state, 53:2.3 (602.6)Edentia capital of, 15:14.6 (182.5)fundamental law of, 43:2.8 (488.2)government, expansion of, 43:5.2 (490.7)government of, the onetime arbitrary seizure of planetary authority of Urantia by the, 114:4.1 (1253.4)local systems in, 15:14.6 (182.5)location of, in Nebadon, 41:10.5 (466.4)number of architectural spheres in government of, 43:0.2 (485.2)physical core of, 41:1.4 (456.3)Satania’s location in, 41:10.5 (466.4)social laboratories of Edentia, satellites of capital of, 39:3.7 (433.1)Supreme Power Centers’ location in, 41:1.4 (456.3)systems in, 41:2.1 (456.5)universe number of, 15:14.6 (182.5)Vorondadek administration staff of, 35:6.5 (391.3)Normalplanet, blending of the races on a, time of, 52:3.7 (593.6)center of activities during Adamic dispensation on a, 51:5.4 (586.1)sphere, vs. first mansion world, difference between, 47:3.1 (532.7)world(s), advantages of, 52:6.8 (598.3)early race purification on, 52:2.9 (592.2)Edenic regime on a, 51:6.2 (586.6)family and home life development on, 52:2.7 (591.7)flesh-and-spirit conflicts of evolutionary mortals on, 34:7.2 (382.2)midwayers’ function on, 38:9.10 (425.2)racial amalgamation on a, 51:5.0 (585.5–586.4)time of appearance of the Paradise bestowal Son on, 52:5.1 (595.6)of establishment of sex equality on, 52:2.7 (591.7)NorthAfrica, Andite activities throughout, 78:5.2 (872.6)entry into Spain from, 80:7.11 (896.3)formation of coal in, 59:5.20 (682.3)lava flow depositions in, 60:3.16 (690.7)nature of pre-Christian religion in, 98:6.1 (1083.1)preaching of Thomas in, 139:8.13 (1563.1)religio-cultural role of Islam in, 92:6.19 (1011.17)African coast, Thomas’s journeys to the, 139:8.13 (1563.1)-and-south cracking of
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