The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, to mortals, 6:4.6 (76.6)to spiritual classification of their subjects, 49:5.31 (568.2)supreme Divinington council of direction for administration of, 20:4.3 (227.1)three titles for, 107:0.7 (1177.1)truly Godlike, 107:6.1 (1182.3)unexplainable use by the, of the material-gravity circuits, 107:6.5 (1182.7)uniform spiritual leading of the, for Urantia mortals, 5:1.5 (63.3)unique possessions of evolutionary will creatures of finaliter destiny, 107:7.7 (1184.2)Universal Father’s indwelling of children of time as the, 50:1.1 (572.3), 107:0.1 (1176.1)see also Thought Adjuster(s)of mysteries, 1:4.1 (26.3)and paganism, influence of, on the Christian religion, 195:10.18 (2086.4)philosophy in solution of, 27:6.1 (302.5)religions, legends of, 121:5.8 (1337.4)Mysticexperiences, not divine communications to the human mind, 100:5.6 (1099.4)Jesus not a, 141:3.6 (1590.1)mistake of many a, 100:5.9 (1099.7)meditation, Jesus’ faith not a, 196:0.4 (2087.4)Mysticalenthusiasm, unrestrained, not divine inspiration, 91:7.4 (1000.5)state, characteristics of the, 100:5.9 (1099.7)Mysticismof the "dark ages," 195:4.1 (2074.7)ecstasy, and inspiration, 91:7.0 (1000.2–1001.4)possible danger in, 100:5.8 (1099.6)practical tests for, 91:7.5 (1000.6)Myth(s)an element of the collection assembled in a sacred book, 88:2.9 (969.7)the "golden age" as a, 74:8.14 (838.6)guardian angels not a, 113:1.1 (1241.3)Lucifer’s charge that the Father was a, 53:3.2 (603.3)and the mystery cults, 121:5.16 (1338.1)relation of, to ritual, 90:5.2 (992.3)spinning of, about lives of leaders and heroes, result, 122:8.7 (1352.3)technique of conversion of, into facts, 122:8.7 (1352.3)tree of life not a, 73:6.3 (825.8)Mythmakerprimitive man a, 4:5.1 (59.6)Mythologyfunction of early, 103:9.4 (1141.2)Greek, character of, 98:1.6 (1078.4)origins of, 98:1.2 (1077.6)Pilate’s awareness of gods coming to earth in, 185:6.7 (1995.6)significance of, 92:3.1 (1005.3)Urantia, origin of much, 66:4.1 (743.10), 80:7.5 (895.5)

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