The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of the local universe by the space presence of, 41:0.1 (455.1)evolving local universes of the, and Trinity sovereignty, 104:2.3 (1145.4)fusion of some ascendant mortals with an individualized fragment of the spirit of, 37:5.2 (410.5), 40:5.10 (446.1), 40:9.3 (450.5)Havona an opportunity for the Infinite Spirit to prepare for administration of local universes as the, 14:6.19 (161.6)the local universe experience of the, registered in the mind of Supremacy, 117:5.10 (1287.1)mortal man is fully known by the, 28:5.22 (313.4)Paradise Companions nominated for service by the, 25:8.2 (283.3)receipt of spirit confirmation from the, by ascending mortals, when departing local universes, 30:4.21 (342.4)relationship of, to a local universe, as the Infinite Spirit to total creation, 9:8.5 (106.3)role of, in registering first moral choice of a human child, 108:2.1 (1186.8)satisfaction derived by, from universe reflectivity, 14:6.36 (162.11)served by the first group of the supreme seraphim, 39:1.2 (427.2)some creature-trinitized sons become the associates of, 22:8.5 (252.1)third independent proclamation of, a mandate to not suppress the hideous visage of the rebellion, 54:5.11 (617.11)thoughts and acts of the Bright and Morning Star as representative of the, 33:4.3 (369.6)Mother Spirit(s), Local Universe-Creation and Motherhoodcocreator of the archangels of Nebadon, 37:3.1 (408.4)of the Bright and Morning Star, 33:4.2 (369.5)of the Brilliant Evening Stars, 37:2.1 (407.1)of the Father Melchizedek, 35:1.1 (384.8)of the Lanonandek Sons, 20:1.10 (223.15), 35:8.1 (392.1)of the Life Carriers, 20:1.10 (223.15), 36:1.1 (396.2)of the Planetary Princes, 50:1.1 (572.3)of the susatia, 37:9.7 (414.12)of the univitatia, 37:9.8 (414.13), 43:7.1 (493.2)of the Vorondadeks, 20:1.10 (223.15)continuous creative activity by, 38:1.3 (418.6)contributes breath of life to the evolution of mortal creatures, 34:2.5 (376.2)creation of seraphim by the, her initial solitary effort at spirit reproduction, 38:1.1 (418.4)an ongoing activity, 38:1.3 (418.6)time of, 38:1.2 (418.5)designation of angel for offspring of, concerned with mortal survival, 38:3.1 (420.1)embrace of deserted cherubim and sanobim by, result, 38:8.5 (423.5), 48:5.2 (550.3), 48:5.9 (551.4)joint creator of Melchizedek Sons with Creator Son and Father Melchizedek, 20:1.10 (223.15), 35:1.3 (385.2)labor of, in planetary life evolution, 34:5.2 (379.2)mortal mind a creation of, 56:3.5 (639.5)mother of the angelic orders of the local creation, 17:8.2 (205.3)of spirits and spirit personalities, 33:3.3 (368.3)as a mother to the creatures of the realms, her sons and daughters, 33:3.7 (369.2)one of mortals’ creator parents, 33:1.4 (367.1)parent of the guardian seraphim, 113:4.1 (1245.1)of the Morontia Companions, 25:7.1 (282.5), 47:3.11 (534.3)Power Supervisors, 48:2.2 (542.6)of the seraphim and cherubim, 26:1.14 (286.2)of the seven adjutant mind-spirits, 34:4.10 (378.4), 36:5.1 (401.5)re-embrace of Mansion World Teachers by, result, 38:8.6 (423.6), 48:5.10 (551.5)reproductive powers imparted to life plasm by the, 36:6.3 (404.1), 36:6.7 (404.5)role of, as a mother to the local universe, 33:3.4 (368.4)in physical creation, 34:0.3 (374.3)the sole creator and director of numerous orders of local universe spirit personalities, 33:3.8 (369.3)source of the vital energy spark, the essential factor bestowed on life plasm, 36:3.4 (399.6)Spirit-Mother of all native creatures of Nebadon, 37:0.1 (406.1)Mother Spirit(s), Local Universe-Future Destinycreatures of, increasingly to bear administrative work of the universes, 23:3.9 (262.1)destined to accompany Creator Sons to the outer universes, 55:10.11 (635.2)evolution of a new relationship of, with other beings in the fourth stage of light and life, 55:10.9 (634.9)impersonal nature of, and constitution of possible beings of ultimacy, 118:9.8 (1304.1)nonreturn to Paradise of, 14:6.36 (162.11)participants in the attempt to attain the Ultimate, 0:8.11 (12.2)possible closer creative union of, with Creator Sons, in outer space realms, 56:7.7 (643.1), 118:9.8 (1304.1)seventh career of, unrevealed, speculation about, 17:6.10 (204.6)Mother Spirit(s), Local Universe-Ministryaction of a, an activity of the Supreme Spirits, 17:8.1 (205.2)bestowal of cosmic mind by the, 9:5.4 (103.2)of joint Spirit of Truth of Avonal and Creator Son in presovereignty ages implemented by, 20:6.8 (230.1)the bestower of the adjutant mind-spirits, 17:7.1 (205.1)circuit of, one of the local universe circuits, 15:9.13 (177.12)contribution of, to mind endowment of universe children, 34:4.8 (378.2)correlation of, with Paradise gravity circuit of Eternal Son, 56:3.4 (639.4)evolving morontia mind a bestowal of the, 42:10.5 (481.2)focalization of Truth Spirit of a Creator Son in the, 40:10.2 (452.2)function of, on behalf of the Master Spirit of Orvonton, 17:0.12 (197.12)function of adjutant mind-spirits in contact of, with material living creatures, 36:5.16 (403.4)the Holy Spirit of the, and availability of the Spirit’s knowledge of mortal man, 28:5.22 (313.4)a circuit of spiritual ministry reactive to emerging values in ascending personality, 117:5.8 (1286.6)divine influence of, actually experienceable by material creatures, 9:2.5 (100.7)a divine ministration influencing evolutionary religion, 92:0.4 (1003.4)divinity function in mortal personality, 101:2.12 (1107.2)encircuited action of the, a celestial influence divinely correlated into unified spiritual ministry, 113:4.6 (1245.6)encircuitment of the mortal creature in, one factor in entrance upon the seventh circle, 110:6.13 (1210.8)functions in perfect synchrony with Adjuster functions, 108:4.3 (1190.4)her gift to man, 101:3.2 (1108.1)an influence correlated by seraphic guardians, 113:3.2 (1244.3)a local universe ministration, 117:5.9 (1286.7)man’s first supermind endowment, 103:0.1 (1129.1)ministry of the, increasingly effective in inner life of mortals who obey divine leadings, 34:5.5 (379.5)mortal mind’s encircuitment in, a prerequisite for Adjuster indwelling, 108:2.2 (1187.1)part of mankind’s threefold spirit endowment, 194:2.11 (2061.9)probable influence of the Master Spirit of Orvonton on the, 16:4.13 (190.7)registry of mortal experiences with the, 117:5.10 (1287.1)the Spirit of Truth working as one with the presence of the, 34:5.4 (379.4)the spiritual circuit indigenous to each local universe, 8:5.3 (95.6)human and animal minds the gifts of, in the process of life creation, 36:6.3 (404.1)the Infinite Spirit co-operative in the local universe through the, 33:3.1 (368.1)observable as the, 8:6.4 (96.6)mind of the human order a bestowal of, 3:1.8 (45.6)patterns for spiritual and material intelligences found on Havona worlds by, 14:6.33 (162.8)mind-adjutants of, relation of, to creature life, 36:5.14 (403.2)the mind-spirit of the, one of the seven spirits of the advancing worlds, 194:2.18 (2062.7)ministry of, to material mind, 36:5.1 (401.5), 42:10.4 (481.1)ministry of combined influences of the Infinite Spirit and the, coincides with work of Thought Adjusters, 8:5.4 (95.7)modification of the cosmic mind by the, and evolution of the morontia mind, 112:6.6 (1236.4)mortal man’s experience of the ministry of, 34:5.3 (379.3)mortals live under the immediate influence of the, 16:6.2 (191.5)nonmorontia mind bestowed by the, 42:10.5 (481.2)the only means of contact of the Master Spirit of Orvonton with early mortals on an inhabited world, 16:5.3 (191.1)participation of, in bestowal of Spirit of Truth, 34:4.7 (378.1), 40:10.2 (452.2), 52:5.6 (596.4)progressive blending of ministry of, with that of the Master Spirit and the Infinite Spirit, 55:10.9 (634.9)quantitative activity of the worship and wisdom adjutants as a personal experience of the, 36:5.3 (401.7)reflection of the superuniverse Master Spirit in the local universe by the presence of the, 25:2.4 (275.4)the seven adjutant mind-spirits a level of consciousness of the, 36:5.4 (402.1)of, and the multiple spirit influences on mankind, 194:2.12 (2062.1)signalization of the seventh adjutant mind-spirit to, in qualifying a mind to receive an Adjuster, 108:2.3 (1187.2)Solitary Messengers under the immediate influence of the, when functioning in a local creation, 23:1.8 (257.3)spirit cycles of, encircuitment of spiritually responsive creature intellects in, 36:5.15 (403.3)superadjutant endowment of, and the morontia stage of mind, 110:6.21 (1211.6)undifferentiated mind circuits of, and the mortal intellect, 112:6.4 (1236.2)the universe focus of the Creator Son’s Spirit of Truth, 34:4.7 (378.1)Mother Spirit(s), Local Universe-Names and Definitionsalso known as the Creative Daughter(s), 8:4.4 (94.6), 21:2.2 (235.5)Creative Mother Spirit(s), 33:2.3 (367.5), 34:1.4 (375.3), 34:4.8 (378.2)Creative Spirit(s), 8:5.3 (95.6), 8:6.4 (96.6), 9:8.5 (106.3), 9:8.11 (106.9), 9:8.18 (107.6), 16:4.13 (190.7), 17:7.1 (205.1), 21:2.9 (236.7), 30:2.20 (335.11), 33:5.1 (370.6), 34:1.1 (374.4), 35:1.1 (384.8), 41:0.1 (455.1)Daughters of the Conjoint Actor, 3:1.8 (45.6)Daughters of the Infinite Spirit, 33:4.2 (369.5), 56:3.5 (639.5)Daughter Spirits, 14:6.36 (162.11), 34:0.3 (374.3)Divine Minister(s), 3:1.8 (45.6), 15:9.13 (177.12), 21:2.2 (235.5), 33:3.3 (368.3), 33:5.1 (370.6), 34:1.4 (375.3), 37:0.1 (406.1), 104:1.12 (1144.9)Spirit Daughters, 14:6.32 (162.7)Universe Mother Creator, 14:6.34 (162.9)Universe Mother Spirit, 14:6.33 (162.8), 194:2.17 (2062.6)Universe Spirit, 21:2.9 (236.7), 194:2.17 (2062.6)a being of the Infinite Spirit who accompanies the Creator Son, 21:2.2 (235.5)the cocreators of local universes, of origin on Paradise, 14:6.30 (162.5)creative source of universe intellect, 112:6.6 (1236.4)a Creator Son and a, the creators of and ministers to mortals and our universe, 8:3.4 (93.6)the local universe representation of the Infinite Spirit, 33:2.3 (367.5)a manifestation of the Paradise Infinite Spirit, 21:2.9 (236.7), 33:3.3 (368.3)one of the mind presences of the Conjoint Actor, 116:3.2
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