The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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108:1.7 (1186.5)deserted, future of, 40:4.1 (444.4)divine, headquarters of, 40:9.2 (450.4)the Thought Adjusters, 40:5.3 (445.4)influence of, on advancing civilization, 109:4.4 (1198.7)Jesus’ organization of his intellect with the aid of his, 127:2.12 (1398.4)unawareness of the arrival of his, 123:2.1 (1357.5)spirit, number of, unlimited, 3:4.4 (50.2)spirit luminosity of, 107:4.4 (1180.7)see also Mystery(ies), Monitor(s)Monkeyancestry of, 62:3.13 (706.4)as fetish animal, 88:1.5 (967.7)and gorilla, common ancestor of, 61:3.12 (697.7)primitive, evolution of, in Asia, 61:3.12 (697.7)Monmatiaidentity of, 57:5.0 (655.6–657.3), 57:6.9 (658.6)Monogamyamong the red men, 64:6.3 (723.2)concubinage, the steppingstone to, 83:5.12 (926.10)cultural value of, 83:6.2 (927.3)a definition, 69:9.7 (781.1), 83:6.7 (927.8)the idealistic goal of human sex evolution, 83:6.6 (927.7)necessity of, to a developing social civilization, 83:6.2 (927.3), 83:6.7 (927.8)status of, at time of Michael’s advent, 83:6.3 (927.4)of the violet race, 51:5.5 (586.2)Monologuesman’s first prayer petitions, 91:0.2 (994.2)Monospiritismvs. dual spiritism, 87:4.4 (961.5)Monotadefinition, 42:2.19 (471.3)directly responsive to the Universal Father, unlike creature mind, 3:2.5 (47.3)and the fourth triunity, 104:4.22 (1149.7)nonspiritual realities of First Source and Center revealed in, 42:10.1 (480.4)Paradise, absoluteness of, 42:10.1 (480.4)nature of, not differentiated from Paradise spirit, 42:2.20 (471.4)and spirit, as one in Paradise, 116:6.7 (1275.7)Monotheismacknowledgment of, by Confucianism, 131:9.1 (1452.5)advancement of, resulting from Yahweh’s triumph over Baal, 97:3.6 (1065.3)of Andite Mesopotamia, 94:1.3 (1027.4)doctrine of, in Chinese religions, 131:8.1 (1451.4)evolution of, 104:2.1 (1145.2)Greeks’ near achievement of, 98:1.3 (1078.1)Ikhnaton’s attempt to swing Egypt from polytheism to, 95:5.4 (1047.4)Israel’s shock into, after Babylonian captivity, 97:9.26 (1075.2)Jewish, secret of survival of, 121:2.6 (1333.8)Moses’ teaching of, 92:5.11 (1009.5)not a continuous conceptual development among the Hebrews, 96:1.2 (1052.5)origin of, 104:2.1 (1145.2), 131:0.1 (1442.1)persistence of the concept of, 95:5.11 (1048.5)vs. polytheism in Egypt, 95:2.2 (1044.1)relation of polytheism to, 5:4.9 (67.7)transition between polytheism and, 5:4.9 (67.7)vs. trinitarianism and polytheism, 104:1.9 (1144.6)triumph of, over polytheism at time of Elijah, 97:3.5 (1065.2)in Zoroastrianism, 131:5.1 (1449.4)Monotheisticbelief, vs. the trinitarian concept among the Hebrews, 104:1.8 (1144.5)God, threefold manifestation of a, a real trinitarian postulate, 104:1.7 (1144.4)ideal, persistence of, among some in Egypt, after Ikhnaton, 95:5.10 (1048.4)unity of cosmic reality, reason’s demand of a, 104:3.4 (1146.6)Monotonousease, service of the kingdom not to be one of, 143:1.6 (1608.3)grind of material existence, prayer a technique of detachment from, 144:4.5 (1621.4)period of alternate fishing and personal work, effect on apostles of, 138:9.1 (1546.3)round of transmigrations, effect of belief in, 94:2.3 (1029.1)Monotonya danger of ultraspecialization in industrial society, 81:6.36 (911.1)Havona career free from, 14:5.9 (159.5)of human contact, tendency of, to magnify difficulties, 143:3.7 (1611.5)of inaction not encountered in the eternal career, 28:6.18 (316.5)legitimate techniques for prevention of, 84:8.5 (942.6)mortals’ dread of, reason for, 14:5.10 (159.6), 48:6.37 (555.5)musical, vs. harmony and melody, 44:1.13 (500.4)of self-contemplation, humor as safety valve for, 48:4.18 (549.5)significance of, 14:5.8 (159.4)Monthand day, possible future length of, being analogous, 57:6.3 (657.6)lunar, the time measurement unit in times of Dalamatia, 66:7.17 (751.12)twenty-eight-day, confusion of, with year, results, 77:2.11 (857.8)Moodschanging, a characteristic of time-space nature, 4:2.3 (56.7)of humans, not a concern of seraphim in execution of their mandates, 113:5.3 (1246.2)of nature, the various, interesting things about, told by Jesus to Ganid, 133:7.4 (1479.4)studied by the boy Jesus, 123:5.14 (1364.2)Thomas’s handicap of, 139:8.5 (1561.5)Moon(s)absence of air on the, 49:2.14 (561.13)beliefs of early Nordics concerning eclipses of the, 85:3.4 (946.6)Neanderthalers concerning the, 64:4.13 (722.1)earth’s gain in size relative to the, 57:7.2 (659.1), 57:7.4 (659.3)of enormous planets, tendency of, to be suitable for habitation, 49:0.4 (559.4)equalization of tidal frictions of earth and, result, 57:6.3 (657.6)of Jupiter, prospective fate of one of the, 57:6.5 (658.2)of Jupiter and Saturn, continued growth of, 57:6.6 (658.3)legend of the sudden appearance of the, possible origin, 74:8.2 (837.1)robbery of atmosphere of, by the earth, 57:7.4 (659.3)worship, appearance of, before sun worship, 85:5.2 (947.5)Morainesground, extent of, in Northern Hemisphere, 61:7.1 (700.6)Moral(s)acts, definition, 16:7.10 (193.9)affairs, supremacy of man’s free will in, 66:8.6 (753.2)affinity, an essential to friendship, 1:6.5 (30.4)attitude of Paul’s Christianity toward, 121:5.17 (1338.2), 195:0.3 (2069.3)being(s), fragment of God indwells, 1:4.3 (26.5)function of insight of, 16:7.4 (193.3)personality of, and Universal Father, 0:3.19 (5.18)choice, the highest, definition, 39:4.14 (435.7)importance of the creature’s ability to make, 103:2.7 (1131.6), 108:2.2 (1187.1), 133:6.5 (1478.4), 196:3.20 (2095.4)choosing(s), human’s, effect of, on Adjuster function, 110:6.5 (1209.5)nonnecessity of the actuality of evil to, 132:2.10 (1458.7)conduct, basis of, 170:2.18 (1860.13), 170:3.7 (1862.4)relation of, to religion, 5:5.4 (68.7)consciousness, a definition, 101:9.5 (1115.6)the persistence of the, 101:3.1 (1107.8)spiritual faith, 101:3.4 (1108.3)convictions, reality and certainty of, 195:6.12 (2077.8)culture, early development of, in Egypt, 95:3.1 (1045.4)of Rome, Christianity the, 195:2.5 (2072.9)decision, Adjuster’s inability to invade a mortal mind prior to its making a, 108:2.4 (1187.3)Jesus’ first, significance of, 123:2.1 (1357.5)power of, a characteristic of will, 36:3.8 (400.3)decline of Rome, Christianity’s arrival too late to prevent the, 195:3.8 (2074.3)depravity, of the Greeks, under the mystery cults, 98:2.11 (1080.1)dignity, man’s final acquirement of, 89:8.6 (983.4)discipline, vs. self-gratification, and education, 195:10.17 (2086.3)duty, man’s consciousness of, a value level, 0:2.1 (3.14), 16:6.10 (192.6)evolution, nondependence of, on revelation, 95:3.2 (1045.5)growth, and a cult’s survival, 87:7.10 (966.5)guilt, personal nature of sin as to, 67:7.7 (761.6)human, Christianity’s higher influence on, 195:0.14 (2070.10)ideals, man’s highest, comparison of, with the will of God, 103:4.3 (1133.3)immaturity, evidences of, 160:1.6 (1773.3)impulses, emergence of, the arrival of the Thought Adjuster and the, 103:2.5 (1131.4)insight, a part of the ancestry of true religion, 52:6.7 (598.2), 101:1.6 (1105.3)law, of Eden, vs. seven commandments of Dalamatia, 74:7.20 (836.9)God the source of, 2:6.5 (41.3)Hap’s, 66:7.8 (751.3)level, of the golden rule, 147:4.8 (1651.2)vs. magic, in the evolution of religion, 103:3.4 (1132.4)nature, character of the, 16:7.1 (192.8), 196:3.25 (2096.1)evidence of possession of, 16:7.6 (193.5)keenness of, a factor in choosing between good and evil, 16:7.7 (193.6)man’s, importance of, 103:2.3 (1131.2)the measure of, 143:2.3 (1609.4)possibility of modification of the, 140:4.8 (1572.8)unfolding, means of, 170:3.10 (1862.7)progress and prayer, 91:1.2 (995.1), 91:6.3 (999.6)reformer, Jesus not a, 140:8.21 (1582.2)relation of religion and human experience to, 196:3.28 (2096.4)satisfaction, a fruit of divinity, 56:10.20 (648.3)situations, choices necessitated by, 5:5.1 (68.4)stability, religion’s necessary influence for, in the changing world, 99:1.2 (1086.5)stamina, intellectual root of, 36:5.8 (402.5)standard-bearer, woman the, 84:6.4 (938.8)status, a factor in Adjuster communion, 5:2.6 (65.2)steadfastness, basis of Van’s, 67:3.6 (756.7)thinking, social service based on, 5:5.4 (68.7)the soul’s dependence on, 133:6.5 (1478.4)trends, influence of, on man’s philosophy of religion, 101:7.1 (1113.7)values, a definition, 16:9.11 (196.7)God as a vindicator of, 5:4.11 (67.9)impossibility of measuring, 196:3.18 (2095.2)influence of religion on, 196:3.27 (2096.3)the Jewish religion’s conservation of, 97:10.5 (1076.2)the kingdom of heaven as a new standard of, 170:2.4 (1859.14)and philosophical satisfaction secured from religious experience, 5:5.9 (69.4)and social meanings, paramount religious experience is the feeling regarding, 103:3.4 (1132.4)virtue, and personality, 16:7.0 (192.8–193.9)will, definition, 52:1.6 (590.2)Zoroastrianism a religion of, 5:4.7 (67.5)Moralistinclusion of, in evaluation of morals, 195:7.18 (2080.3)Moralityadvancement of, technique, 16:7.9 (193.8)comparison of, with religion, 196:3.27 (2096.3)crash of civilization survived by, 16:9.5 (196.1)definition, 16:7.1 (192.8), 92:7.5 (1012.6), 196:3.27 (2096.3)dependence of social consciousness on, 16:9.4 (195.10)evolutionary character of, 5:5.1 (68.4)gentile, relation of, to philosophy and religion, 121:5.17 (1338.2)human, man’s sense of, and religion, 195:5.7 (2075.10)of Jesus’ philosophy, origin of, 140:10.5 (1585.3)origin of, 5:5.1 (68.4)personality characterized by, 101:6.3 (1111.7), 112:0.11 (1225.11)predicated on spiritual realities, a necessity to a lasting social system, 195:5.9 (2075.12)relation of, to God-consciousness, 196:3.25 (2096.1)relation of religion to, 99:6.2 (1092.2), 102:5.3 (1124.2)a sense of, a factor in goodness,
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