The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(418.1), 38:7.5 (422.5)a classification of personalities of the Infinite Spirit, 9:8.20 (107.8), 38:5.3 (421.2)midway creatures’ classification as, 38:9.1 (424.1)as reversion directors, 48:4.9 (548.4)-spirit quartette(s), function of, 55:4.15 (628.3)members of, 55:4.16 (628.4)Ministryof angels, ushering in of the advent of Trinity Teacher Sons by the, 52:7.14 (600.3)apostles’, Jesus’ review of the, 172:2.2 (1880.3)apostles’ ministry injunctions from Jesus, 140:3.14 (1571.1)to the sick, 141:4.9 (1591.5), 142:8.1 (1605.3), 150:0.2 (1678.2)of creatures of Infinite Spirit, importance of, to material beings, 6:8.4 (80.1)divine, manifestation of reality values of divinity, 56:10.19 (648.2)of divine revelation, Michael’s bestowal a, 120:1.7 (1326.4)of the Eternal Son, purpose of, 6:3.4 (75.9)extent of Jesus’, not limited to one sphere, 127:6.14 (1405.6)of the Father’s love, 6:3.0 (75.6–10)to individuals, Jesus’, importance of, 171:7.9 (1875.4)of the Infinite Spirit, extent of, 8:4.5 (94.7), 8:6.5 (96.7)intelligent, to the sick, nondisplacement of, by prayer, 146:2.11 (1639.6)Jesus’, character of, 171:7.10 (1875.5), 186:5.3 (2002.4)public, three recurring situations in, 136:9.13 (1523.5)willingness to give his, 149:2.6 (1671.1)in the kingdom of heaven, 171:0.6 (1868.1)to the least of Jesus’ brethren, a ministry to him, 176:3.5 (1917.1)local universe administration’s concern with, 33:7.4 (372.8)of mercy, apostles to be positive in their, 194:3.11 (2064.3)methods of Eternal Son, 7:5.3 (86.4)of mind, 9:5.0 (102.7–103.5)of mortal uplift, Melchizedeks’ function in, 35:2.1 (385.4)personal, of Father, Son, and Spirit, 8:6.6 (96.8)of the primary supernaphim, 27:0.0 (298.1–305.4)the service, of a God-knowing person, 106:9.12 (1175.1)to the sick and afflicted, Son of Man’s, 190:5.4 (2035.1)Peter’s charge to the seventy to engage in, 163:4.15 (1805.12)of the Spirit, 34:5.0 (379.1–380.1)the means of Son discovery by ascendant beings, 8:3.7 (93.9)technique of mortal comprehension of, 8:4.7 (95.2)a supreme concern of Master Son of Nebadon, 33:7.1 (372.5)world, advantages of Jesus’ way of, 136:4.5 (1514.6)definition of the Father’s way of, 136:4.8 (1515.2)Minnesotaand outcropping of ancient fossil-bearing rocks, 58:7.4 (670.6)Minor sector(s)composition of, 15:13.4 (181.4)constitution and government of, 15:2.6 (166.5)directors of, 18:5.1 (211.6)educational worlds, ascending mortals’ work on, 18:4.8 (211.4)Ensa the name of our, 15:7.8 (174.8), 15:14.6 (182.5), 15:14.7 (182.6), 18:5.5 (212.2), 29:4.18 (325.11)function of conciliators in, 25:3.11 (278.2)governments, rulers of, 15:13.4 (181.4)headquarters, Trinitized Ambassadors’ service on, 22:6.3 (248.8)Trinitized Custodians in service on, 22:5.5 (248.4)Urantia’s registry on, 57:8.10 (661.4)number of associate power directors assigned to the, 29:4.16 (325.9)of local universes in, 15:14.7 (182.6)relation of nebulae to, 15:4.6 (169.6)relation of Sagittarius to rotational center of our, 15:3.5 (168.1)service of High Son Assistants on, 22:10.7 (254.4)spheres of, headquarters of Master Physical Controllers, 18:5.3 (211.8)Uminor the third the headquarters of our, 15:7.8 (174.8), 15:14.7 (182.6)Minor space bodiesabout, 15:6.4 (172.6), 15:6.12 (173.2)Mioceneperiod, the age of elephant and horse, 61:3.15 (698.2)Miracle(s)absence of, on Decapolis preaching tour, 167:0.2 (1833.2)alleged source of Jesus’ power in performing, 153:4.2 (1714.1)approach of the, through Jesus, 149:2.7 (1671.2)at Bethsaida hospital, explanation of so-called, 148:2.2 (1658.5)a definition, 120:4.5 (1331.5)effect of, on material mind, 136:8.2 (1520.3)huge draught of fish not a, 145:1.3 (1629.1)Jesus’, limitations of, as to natural laws, 136:5.5 (1517.1)Jesus’ choice of a program without, 136:6.2 (1518.1)instruction to the seventy as to, 163:4.3 (1804.7)vs. magic, 90:2.3 (987.7)-minded people, central and southern Galileans becoming, 146:6.1 (1645.2)expectations of, 145:2.17 (1631.5)-mindedness, a characteristic of Jesus’ earlier followers, 152:1.2 (1699.2), 163:7.4 (1808.6)not the only method of curing diseases, 164:3.15 (1813.2)outward allegiance only, the result of, 136:8.2 (1520.3)a philosophic, 1:4.7 (27.2)seeking, Jesus’ attempt to divert the apostles’ minds from, 138:8.8 (1545.9)proclivities of Jesus’ immediate followers, brought to a head by the feeding of the five thousand, 152:5.6 (1704.5)so-called, superhuman term given to genuine supernatural workings, 102:1.5 (1119.4), 102:8.7 (1128.3), 137:4.14 (1531.1), 145:3.15 (1633.6), 146:4.2 (1643.3), 146:4.5 (1644.1), 148:2.1 (1658.4), 148:7.4 (1665.3), 149:1.1 (1668.5), 149:2.7 (1671.2), 153:4.2 (1714.1)spiritual ineffectiveness of, 152:5.4 (1704.3)universal belief in, in Jesus’ times, 121:7.12 (1341.1)working, absence of, on Perean mission, reason, 165:0.2 (1817.2)Jesus’ attitude toward, 136:6.2 (1518.1)Miracles of Jesusthe blind man at Jericho, 171:5.0 (1873.1–3)calming the winds and the rains, 151:5.5 (1695.1)casting out the unclean spirit, 153:4.1 (1713.3)draught of fishes, 145:1.0 (1628.4–1629.1)the dropsical man, 167:1.4 (1834.2)the epileptic boy, 158:4.0 (1755.7–1756.5)feeding the five thousand, 152:2.0 (1700.2–1702.1)healing the blind beggar, 164:3.0 (1811.2–1813.3)one of the strangest of the, 164:3.11 (1812.5)the epileptic, 145:2.12 (1630.8)the paralytic, 148:9.0 (1666.5–1667.2)Jairus’s daughter, recovery of, 152:1.1 (1699.1)the Kheresa lunatic, 151:6.0 (1695.4–1697.1)the leper at Iron, circumstances of cleansing of, 146:4.3 (1643.4)Jesus’ first deliberate, 146:4.5 (1644.1)man with a withered hand, 148:7.2 (1665.1)Jesus’ purpose in performing this miracle on the Sabbath, 148:7.4 (1665.3)the nobleman’s son, 146:5.1 (1644.3)Peter’s mother-in-law, 145:2.16 (1631.4)at the pool of Bethesda, 147:3.0 (1649.1–1650.1)the resurrection of Lazarus, 168:2.0 (1845.7–1846.9)spontaneous healing, many cases of, 149:1.2 (1669.1)the sundown healing, 145:3.0 (1631.6–1636.3)the Syrian woman’s daughter, 156:1.0 (1734.3–1735.4)the ten lepers, 166:2.0 (1827.6–1828.4)the water and the wine, 137:4.0 (1528.4–1531.4)the widow’s son, 146:6.0 (1645.2–1646.1)the woman with the hemorrhage, 152:0.2 (1698.2)with the spirit of infirmity, 167:3.0 (1835.5–1836.5)Miraculousan appeal to the, not a factor enhancing true religion, 102:8.7 (1128.3)birth(s) claimed by Roman cult of self-elevated human deities, 98:3.8 (1081.2)of Isaac, alleged, ages of Abraham and Sarah altered to provide for, 93:9.8 (1023.5)of Mithras, the Roman version of, tainted legends of Jesus’ birth, 98:7.7 (1084.6)careers of human leaders, human propensity for creating legends of, 92:5.5 (1008.7), 92:5.6 (1008.8)catch of fish in Galilee, a mistaken interpretation, 192:1.7 (2046.5)concepts of Jesus’ divine-human personality, a foundation of the early church, 166:0.2 (1825.2)cure of the lunatic, supposed, and the legend of the devils and the swine, 151:6.6 (1696.4)cures, faith in Jesus rather than his conscious will as the cause of, 152:0.3 (1698.3)tendency of simple-minded people to interpret mental healings as, 146:6.1 (1645.2)dealings of God with the Hebrews, record of, prepared by priests as substitute for secular history, 97:8.1 (1070.4), 97:9.9 (1072.7)demonstrations, belief of Jesus’ friends and family that he would increasingly manifest, 137:3.6 (1528.2)draught of fishes, incorrect interpretation of David Zebedee’s catch, 145:1.3 (1629.1)events appearing in Hebrew history, motivation for priests to multiply, 97:7.1 (1068.1)feeding of the five thousand, Jesus’ instructions to the twelve as to his reasons for, 152:6.6 (1706.1)happenings, absence of, during time of waiting, a test for Jesus’ friends and family, 137:7.2 (1534.1)nonoccurrence of, in Jesus’ childhood, effect on Mary, 126:1.5 (1387.5)inauguration, a feature of the Jewish Messianic concept of a world-wide kingdom, 170:1.5 (1858.7)interpretation of human history, a serious blunder by modern religions, 97:8.5 (1071.3)ministry of Jesus, Josiah a fruitful recipient of, 164:5.6 (1816.3)occurrences not the right approach to Jesus, but vice versa, 149:2.7 (1671.2)people,
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