The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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concerning nearness of the divine presence, 5:2.3 (64.6)never made in Havona, 14:2.9 (155.3)by Planetary Adams and Eves not infrequent, 51:5.1 (585.5)possibility of making, inherent in the scheme of progression, 130:4.11 (1435.3)of a revealed religion in becoming permeated with a national culture, 194:3.9 (2064.1)of secularism, the great, 195:8.6 (2081.6)Universal Father never makes, 4:3.5 (58.3)Misthinkingof creatures of nature, results of, 4:2.8 (57.5)Misunderstanding(s)between disciples of John and Jesus, refusal of Jesus to advise about, 141:3.3 (1589.4)a cause of, 25:3.7 (277.4)as a cause of early Christian persecutions, 195:2.2 (2072.6)of war, 70:1.2 (783.5), 70:1.6 (784.2)of God, cause of, 3:2.7 (47.5), 3:2.10 (48.2)some results of, 148:4.8 (1660.7)Jesus’ infrequent efforts to correct, 141:7.12 (1594.6)of the Master’s promise to return, 176:4.1 (1918.4)possibility of, as evidence of personality in the universe, 75:8.7 (846.6)of providence of God by inhabitants of Urantia, 4:1.1 (54.4)role of Universal Conciliators in adjusting, 25:2.11 (276.4), 25:3.6 (277.3), 25:3.8 (277.5), 25:3.12 (278.3)social, techniques for avoidance of, 156:5.18 (1740.5)of suffering, discourse on Job, 148:6.0 (1662.3–1664.4)in system 11 of constellation 37, an event leading to Michael’s second bestowal, 119:2.1 (1310.4)trifling, believers’ need for discretion in adjusting, 178:1.7 (1930.4)MisunderstoodJesus a sympathizing friend to the, 154:6.9 (1722.5)Mithraicchurches and ritual, onetime similarities of Christian and, 98:6.3 (1083.3), 195:3.6 (2074.1)cult, openness of, to men vs. women, 98:5.5 (1082.6)rise of, in Persia, 85:5.2 (947.5)rituals of the adherents of the, 98:5.4 (1082.5)some teachings of the, 98:5.4 (1082.5)doctrines, in Paul’s Christianity, 121:7.10 (1340.8)origin of Paul’s theory of sin and redemption, 121:6.5 (1339.1)priest, talk of, with Jesus, 130:7.3 (1439.1)temple, Roman, subsequent conversion of, into a Christian church, 132:0.5 (1456.1)Mithraismabsorption of many of Zoroaster’s teachings by, 98:5.2 (1082.3)and Christianity, 95:6.7 (1050.3), 98:6.0 (1083.1–5), 121:5.8 (1337.4), 195:0.9 (2070.5)contribution of, to the final "Christian faith" of the Occident, 98:6.5 (1083.5)mystery of, 121:5.8 (1337.4)spread of, in the Levant and Mediterranean regions, 95:6.7 (1050.3), 98:5.1 (1082.2)tolerance of, for other religions, 98:6.4 (1083.4)and Zoroastrianism in Iran, 98:5.2 (1082.3)MithrasDecember twenty-fifth the annual festival of, 98:5.4 (1082.5)vs. Jesus, 98:6.4 (1083.4)revival of ancient worship of, by Persian priests, reason for, 95:6.7 (1050.3)worship of, the greatest of all mystery cults, 98:5.1 (1082.2)Mixed racesabout, 81:4.0 (904.5–905.5)difficulty in childbirth of the, 76:4.2 (850.8), 84:4.7 (935.7)Mo Tiidentity of, 94:6.11 (1034.6)Moabas seen by Jesus from the Nazareth hill, 123:5.12 (1363.5)MoabitesDavid’s heavy taxing of the, 97:9.14 (1073.4)MobPilate’s terror of the, 185:5.13 (1994.7)spirit, arousal of, in Nazareth synagogue, 150:9.3 (1686.6)Mode of livingfaith as shaper of the, 101:8.1 (1114.5)man’s acceptance of peace as a normal, prerequisites to, 70:2.20 (786.11)nonconcern of enlightened spiritual consciousness with any particular, 101:9.5 (1115.6)religion a, 100:6.1 (1100.3)Moderationeventuation of, in charm, 48:7.11 (556.11)a precept taught by the early Egyptians, 95:3.3 (1045.6)Modernage, criteria for an acceptable religion for the, 195:9.5 (2083.1)Christian church, comparison of, with Jesus’ intent for believers, 195:9.10 (2083.6)Christianity, the hope of, 195:10.21 (2086.7)pagan and barbarian sources of the stream of, 195:9.11 (2083.7)civilization, compatibility of, with teachings of Jesus, 154:4.6 (1720.3)development of, 81:0.0 (900.1–912.2)European, antecedents of, 80:1.8 (890.4)potentials of, origins of, 79:0.1 (878.1)status of, regarding spiritual development and the home, 81:6.25 (909.6)culture, need of, to become spiritually baptized, 195:10.1 (2084.1)man(men), attitude of, toward matter and its control, 90:3.1 (989.3)toward prayer, 91:8.8 (1001.12), 195:6.7 (2077.3)barriers to philosophy building by, 103:6.12 (1137.2)calling of, to spiritual battle with trumpet blasts of Middle Ages, 195:6.10 (2077.6)confusion in religious customs of, 92:7.13 (1013.8)decreasing need of, for war as producer of social dividends, 70:2.9 (785.14)the great challenge to, 196:3.34 (2097.2)justified fears of, regarding transformation by religion, 195:9.6 (2083.2)need of, to develop new thought patterns for salvation consciousness, 89:10.1 (984.4)to find adequate symbolism for new ideas, 87:7.6 (966.1)for help in solving increasingly complex problems, 195:10.19 (2086.5)religious efforts of, 99:5.9 (1091.8)task of, in readjusting human values, 92:7.14 (1013.9)threat of secularism to establish mastery over, 195:8.4 (2081.4)unsatisfied spiritual longings of, 195:10.8 (2084.8)mechanist, inconsistency of, 195:7.3 (2078.6)national life, essentials of, 71:1.3–11 (800.5–13)phraseology, rendering of Jesus’ statements in, 130:1.4 (1428.4), 130:4.1 (1433.6), 132:1.1 (1456.7), 132:3.1 (1459.1), 133:5.3 (1476.5), 133:7.5 (1479.5), 142:3.1 (1598.2), 144:4.1 (1620.22), 146:2.1 (1638.1), 150:3.2 (1680.4), 151:3.2 (1692.1), 155:5.1 (1728.3), 156:5.6 (1739.1), 159:3.1 (1765.3), 178:1.1 (1929.2)problem, the, 195:5.0 (2075.4–2076.5)religion(s), a blunder of, 97:8.5 (1071.3)cause of difficulties of, in adjusting to social change, 99:2.6 (1088.1)emphasis on prayer vs. worship by, 102:4.5 (1123.5)the major error of, 140:4.7 (1572.7)prospects for rehabilitation of, 2:7.9 (43.2)religious practices, relics of primitive religion found in, 85:1.3 (945.1), 86:4.8 (953.7), 87:2.10 (960.4), 87:6.7 (964.6), 87:6.14 (965.1), 88:2.1 (968.6), 89:3.1 (976.3), 89:4.7 (978.4), 89:4.10 (978.7), 89:9.4 (984.3), 90:5.3 (992.4), 92:1.1 (1003.6)science, inability of, to destroy true religion, 99:4.8 (1090.4), 195:6.4 (2076.9)origins of, 81:2.9 (901.12), 88:6.8 (973.1)secularism, parents of, 195:8.2 (2081.2)secularistic revolt, blessings of, 195:8.8 (2081.8)social customs, connection of some, to olden practices, 70:7.12 (791.5), 70:10.7 (795.4), 70:10.10 (795.7), 82:3.15 (917.3), 83:2.3 (923.3), 83:4.9 (925.5), 85:3.3 (946.5), 87:2.10 (960.4), 87:6.17 (965.4), 88:3.2 (970.3), 88:6.7 (972.7), 89:1.6 (975.3), 90:2.4 (987.8), 92:1.1 (1003.6)institutions, source of, 68:4.1 (767.1)society, and the conquests of peace, 70:2.21 (786.12)dangerous strains on, 68:2.5 (765.2)the great inconsistency of, 83:7.9 (929.3)industry as the basis of, 69:5.15 (777.3), 70:3.5 (787.5)world, standing of marriage in, 83:7.4 (928.5)Modestycivilized, origin of, 87:5.7 (963.2)of women, so-called, cause, 84:4.8 (936.1)Moguldynasty, and progressive transfer of self-determination in the East, 134:5.9 (1488.7)Mohammedexpected return of, 92:5.6 (1008.8)followers of, attitude of, toward the Trinity, 92:6.19 (1011.17)influence of, 92:5.14 (1010.2)Mohammedanismindirect influence of Zoroaster’s teachings on, 95:6.7 (1050.3)vs. Judaism and Christianity, 5:4.5 (67.3)woman’s status in, 84:5.6 (937.3)see also Islam; IslamicMohammedansgreat monotheists, 104:1.9 (1144.6)Moistureconstant circulation of, on architectural spheres, 43:1.2 (486.1), 46:2.2 (520.7)precipitation, in creation of glaciers, 61:5.2 (699.3)a factor in cooling the earth’s crust, 57:8.2 (660.4)Moldstransition slime, difficulty of classification of, 58:6.1 (669.2)Molecularstage of matter, definition, 42:3.10 (472.8)Mollusksfollowed earthworms and leeches, 59:3.5 (677.2), 65:2.5 (732.3)monarchs of the seas, time of, 59:3.11 (677.8)size of, 59:3.5 (677.2)Monarch(s)absolute, concentration of powers in, 70:12.2 (798.1)of light, Andronover’s two generations of, 57:4.9 (655.5)a dying, one of our near-by suns, 41:4.4 (460.1)offended, God an, vs. God a loving Father, 188:4.8 (2017.3)stern and legal, God as a, illogic of childish view of justice of, 188:4.11 (2017.6)Monarchialgovernment, 70:6.0 (789.8–790.3)Monasteriesand cathedrals, in Tibet, 94:10.2 (1038.6)Essenes living in, 137:7.8 (1534.7)Moneyblood, abolition of the practice of paying, 70:10.12 (796.2)cannot love, Jesus’ statement about his duty to his family, 127:2.8 (1397.6)due to Joseph at his death, efforts to collect, 126:5.7 (1393.4), 126:5.11 (1393.8), 185:4.1 (1992.3)-getter, Matthew Levi’s nickname, 139:7.2 (1559.6)global regulation of, a factor in world peace, 134:6.11 (1491.5)Jesus’ questions to his apostles concerning their available, 138:7.4 (1544.3)sending of, to his Nazareth family, 129:1.6 (1420.3), 129:2.1 (1421.6)Judas not betraying Jesus for, 139:12.5 (1566.4), 177:4.4 (1925.1)salt as, 140:4.3 (1572.3)a universal language of modern trade, 70:3.5 (787.5)Money-changersJesus’ driving out of the, results, 175:0.2 (1905.2), 184:1.3 (1979.1), 185:5.5 (1993.5)licensing of temple, 173:1.3 (1889.1), 173:2.3 (1891.4)presence of, in the temple courts, 125:1.1 (1378.3), 173:1.5 (1889.3)temple pilgrims’ overturning of the tables of the, 173:1.7 (1890.2)Mongoliapresent-day river cult in, 85:4.1 (946.8)Mongoloidclass of mankind, an analysis of the, 81:4.12 (905.3)Mongolsconquest of Asiatic continent by, 79:1.9 (879.6)Monitor(s)care of anything of permanent value
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