The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_ca5d633f-01d2-5009-af62-1e719214e200">189:1.0 (2020.4–2022.4)transition, Jesus’ occupation with his, and personalities from mansion worlds, 189:1.12 (2022.3), 189:2.1 (2022.5), 190:0.1 (2029.1), 191:3.1 (2040.4), 191:4.7 (2042.4), 192:3.3 (2050.3)Morontia-Life and Careerscareer(s), blending of, with completed mortal existence, by the Thought Adjuster, 45:7.8 (518.4)certain ascenders’ ability to immediately begin their, prerequisites, 112:4.2 (1231.2)condition initiating the, 112:6.9 (1237.1)Master Spirit’s influence over, 16:5.4 (191.2)opportunity to gratify genuine desires after acquiring true mota insight, 44:8.4 (508.2)nature of the, 112:6.1 (1235.5)a purpose of the, 48:5.8 (551.3)life, about, 48:0.0 (541.1–558.3)exemption of many natives of older worlds from, 49:6.6 (569.1)group working and class functions of, part of ascenders’ experience on the fourth mansonia, 47:6.2 (536.3)in local systems, vs. that of material worlds, 48:1.4 (542.1)Michael’s traversing of the phases of, from his resurrection to his ascension, 101:6.5 (1112.1)modern religion’s distorted concept of, 48:1.1 (541.4)nature of the mortal’s first assignment of, 113:7.3 (1248.3)number of levels of, 42:10.5 (481.2)span of the, 48:0.2 (541.2)supervisors, headquarters of, 45:1.3 (510.1)an unforgettable experience, 48:8.1 (557.16)Morontia-Mind and Soulbeings, mind planners’ work with, 48:6.24 (553.5)human soul, three antecedents of, 111:2.4 (1218.2)insight, revelation the substitute for, 101:2.10 (1106.9)mind(s), Conjoint Actor the essence of, 12:8.7 (140.3)a definition, 110:2.6 (1205.4)differential functioning of, in response to 570 levels, 42:10.5 (481.2)evolving, definition, 42:10.5 (481.2)source of, 42:10.5 (481.2), 112:6.9 (1237.1)technique of evolution of the, 112:6.6 (1236.4)realities, of the immortal soul, 1:3.7 (26.1)recognizable by ascenders, 44:0.17 (498.8)the soul trusts of rebel guardians, lodged in custody of seconaphim, 113:6.10 (1247.8)united mind and spirit capable of creating, 67:3.9 (757.2)soul, delegation of final decision authority to, by mortal mind, 111:3.2 (1219.1)dependence of, on the Adjuster, for self-consciousness, 112:6.7 (1236.5)immortal, prerequisite to the evolving of the, 109:5.5 (1199.6)a static identity form in custody of destiny guardian after death, 112:3.5 (1230.3)survival of, result of, 0:5.10 (8.10), 111:3.2 (1219.1)Morontia-Power Supervisorsabout, 29:0.9 (319.9), 48:2.0 (542.5–545.1)absence of, from reception of mansion world graduates, 47:10.1 (539.3)the channels of morontia power, 48:2.1 (542.5)classification of created groups of, 48:2.3 (542.7)and construction of morontia temples, 55:1.3 (622.3)creation of, time, 48:2.3 (542.7)enabling of ascending mortals to glimpse finaliters, 45:1.2 (509.5)functions of, 29:0.11 (319.11), 41:1.1 (455.5), 42:1.5 (468.2), 42:10.5 (481.2), 48:2.0 (542.5–545.1)origin of, 48:2.2 (542.6)self-government of, 48:2.11 (543.5)seven orders of, 30:2.108 (337.9)and unrevealed activities of Master Spirits, 16:4.5 (189.6)Morontia-World(s)mortals, order of passage of, through major Edentia spheres, 43:7.1 (493.2)spheres, ascending scale of, necessity for, 48:2.16 (543.10)-training worlds, activities of Trinity Teacher Sons on, 20:8.2 (231.2)continuing functions of, 55:2.8 (624.2)tasks to perform and seasons of rest and reversion, 25:7.2 (282.6)world(s), custodians of, 48:2.18 (544.1)existence of, between material existence and spiritual liberty, 195:7.23 (2080.8)and materials, Paul’s knowledge of, 48:1.7 (542.4)midway creatures’ passage through, on Paradise ascent, 31:6.1 (349.4)reality of activities of the, 44:0.15 (498.6)MorontialHavona-life group, 14:4.3 (156.8)level of worship, 5:3.8 (66.4)personality, technique of acquiring a, 101:5.12 (1111.2)realities, man’s need to believe in, 101:9.3 (1115.4)the soul is, 0:5.10 (8.10), 108:5.4 (1191.5)values, man’s recognition and awareness of, 101:9.5 (1115.6)Morontiansfull-fledged, ascenders’ status at completion of Jerusem career, 47:9.5 (539.2)possible potentially final absolute destiny of, 106:7.4 (1169.3)Morontiasamong recognized universe phenomena, 4:1.7 (55.5)co-ordinated, a factor in universe stability, 12:6.1 (135.11)Morrison bedslocation of, 60:2.5 (687.6)Mortal(s)augmenting revelation of the Supreme to their fellows by, 56:8.4 (644.2)chief executive, function and term of office of, 55:4.15 (628.3)correct attitude of, toward the Trinity, 10:4.7 (113.1)differences between, vs. equal possibilities for spiritual progress, 5:1.5 (63.3)epochs, see Epochs, planetary mortalevolutionary, and universe acts of the Paradise Trinity, 10:7.6 (116.1)Gabriel’s contacts with, 33:4.8 (370.5)life, desires of, Nirvana a freedom from the, 94:8.16 (1036.18)planetary recognition for achievements of, in morontia temples, 55:1.4 (622.4)reaction of, to morontia melody and celestial harmony, 44:1.11 (500.2)of the realm, degradation of the Edenic pair to status of, 75:7.3 (845.3)the seven fathers of, 51:6.6 (587.4)status of, on Father’s worlds, 13:2.6 (148.5)of time, archangels’ records of, 37:3.7 (409.4)recognition of Ancients of Days by, 18:3.1 (209.3)Mortal(s)-AdjustersAdjuster-fused, destination of, 31:0.1 (345.1), 112:7.15 (1239.4)Adjuster-indwelt, as potential worshipers, 52:1.7 (590.3)candidate for Adjuster fusion on worlds in light and life, procedure of, 55:2.4 (623.4)career, Adjusters’ influence on the, 108:5.5 (1191.6)co-operation of, with Adjusters, 110:3.2 (1205.6)creatures, result of Adjuster indwelling of, 5:6.5 (70.6)divinely endowed, future possibilities of, 3:4.4 (50.2)an essential for Adjuster indwelling of, 2:1.7 (34.6)flesh, indwelling of the, by the divine spirit, 48:1.6 (542.3)God dwells within, 5:1.12 (64.3), 12:7.13 (139.2)-inhabited worlds, a prerequisite to universal Thought Adjuster bestowal on, 20:5.3 (227.6)life, Adjuster fusion of certain humans during, 49:6.18 (570.7)men, gift of God to, 1:2.8 (24.6)-mind transcripts the possession of the detached Thought Adjusters, 47:3.3 (533.1)minds, Thought Adjusters’ mission to elevate, 108:0.1 (1185.1)morontia-temple fusion of Adjusters and, visible phenomena of, 55:1.5 (622.5)Mystery Monitor’s relation to, 1:3.1 (25.1), 6:4.6 (76.6)non-Adjuster-fusion types of, identification of, 40:5.12 (446.3)status, ascenders’ passage from, at Adjuster fusion, 47:9.5 (539.2)surviving, and Thought Adjuster, 0:5.9 (8.9)Mortal(s)-Angelsand angels, comparative time of Paradise achievement by, 39:8.4 (440.6)angels invisible to, 38:2.1 (419.1)angels’ understanding of, 38:2.1 (419.1)seraphim’s craving for assignment to, as destiny guardians, 39:1.6 (427.6)survival, angels concerned with, 38:3.1 (420.1)Mortal(s)-Ascenders’ Destinyascender(s), attainments of, in Havona, 14:5.1 (158.4)enhanced careers of rebellion-tested, 54:6.5 (619.2)height of attainment of, 48:8.4 (558.2)Machiventa Melchizedek as a, 45:4.16 (514.6)progress required of, on continuing planets, 45:7.1 (517.3)results of arrival on Havona of, 24:7.9 (271.8)societal relationships of, on Paradise, 27:2.3 (300.3)ascending, availability of records of status spheres to, 25:6.2 (281.7)ascension, local universe plan of, and special resurrections, 49:6.2 (568.5)plans, co-operation of divine spirits in the, 9:2.5 (100.7)transition spheres of, 30:4.18 (342.1)-ascension adventure, glories awaiting pilgrims on morontia worlds of, 43:6.8 (493.1)ascent, temples of worship on worlds of, 44:3.5 (502.4)Transcendentalers not connected with, 31:8.2 (350.5)career, present knowledge about the, 31:3.5 (348.2)creatures, an essential to survival of, 36:6.5 (404.3)and God’s touch of perfection, 2:2.6 (36.4)death, see Deathdesire for perfection by every, 140:4.11 (1573.2)destiny(ies), graduate guardians of, definition, 39:2.5 (430.1)variations in, significance, 40:10.5 (452.5)detention on seven training worlds, Orvonton plan of, 30:4.16 (341.6)as evolutionary ascenders, 77:9.1 (865.7)experience, deficiencies of, cure of, on mansion world number one, 47:3.8 (533.6)a future for, 3:4.5 (50.3)of individual orders of ascension, 49:6.8 (569.3)inward ascent of, 23:1.4 (256.6)man, attainment of God by, 0:8.9 (11.13)and his ascension-candidate status, 3:5.16 (52.2)hope of survival of, 42:12.15 (484.3)perfected, rebellion-tested, as Mighty Messengers, 22:2.3 (245.3)preparation of, for unknown universe service, 26:11.5 (297.2)progression, ascendant scheme of, relation of Ministering Spirits of Time to, 24:0.1 (264.1)relation of, to seraphim on Paradise ascent, 38:2.6 (419.6)spirit world attainment of, via morontia life, 48:0.2 (541.2)superuniverse service of, with Stationary Sons of the Trinity, 22:5.1 (247.7)survival, chances of, 40:5.19 (447.4)-survival plan, absence of favoritism in, 40:10.5 (452.5)advantages freely provided by the, 40:10.14 (454.3)execution of, by the gods, wisdom and loving-kindness in, 30:4.33 (344.1)nonrejection of, knowledge to result from, 30:4.15 (341.5)the objective of, 48:8.3 (558.1)one of the supernal businesses of the universe, 77:9.12 (867.3)seraphim, concern of, with operation of, 38:3.1 (420.1)survivors, degree of development of, on mansion world number one, 47:3.9 (534.1)individualization of morontia form for, 42:12.11 (483.11)introduction of, to morontia career, 47:10.7 (540.3)study of Material Sons and Daughters by, 45:6.2 (515.8)of time, goal and ideals of creature existence of, 14:4.18 (157.10)will creatures, competent and trustworthy, utilization
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