The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of Egyptian religious philosophy by, 96:4.1 (1056.3)compromise adoption by, of Yahweh as the one and only god, 96:4.3 (1056.5)concession of, to his followers’ fetish worship, 88:2.5 (969.3)decision of, to cast his lot with his father’s people, 96:3.2 (1055.5)difficulty of, to interpret the El Elyon concept to the Hebrews, 96:5.5 (1058.3)elaboration of sacrifices by, 63:6.4 (716.3)an evaluation of, 96:3.0 (1055.4–1056.2), 96:5.1 (1057.6)evolution of the concept of the personality of God from, to Malachi, 97:0.2 (1062.2)of the religious beliefs of, 96:4.1 (1056.3)an extraordinary combination of military leader, social organizer, and religious teacher, 96:5.1 (1057.6)father of, identity, 96:3.1 (1055.4)father-in-law of, a Kenite worshiper of El Elyon, 96:4.2 (1056.4)feasts established by, 125:1.5 (1379.1)followers of, composition of, 96:2.3 (1055.1)identity of, 92:5.11 (1009.5)influence on, of Kenite traditions, 96:5.3 (1058.1)vs. Ikhnaton as a leader, 95:5.3 (1047.3)Jewish version of creation story credited to, 74:8.10 (838.2)Jews’ attitude toward laws of, 121:7.3 (1340.1)law of, fasting a part of the, 147:7.2 (1655.4)regarding redemption of first-born sons, 122:9.1 (1352.4)leader of the night flight of the Semites from Egypt, 96:3.5 (1056.2)a man of meekness, 140:5.16 (1575.1)the matchless, 96:3.0 (1055.4–1056.2)mother of, identity, 96:3.1 (1055.4)and the new Ten Commandments at Sinai, 142:3.21 (1599.13)parents of, worshipers of El Shaddai, 96:4.2 (1056.4)on payment of blood money, 70:10.12 (796.2)relation of, to Katro, 93:3.5 (1016.7)on the relation of righteousness and prosperity, 135:5.1 (1500.1)reputed wonders of, 136:6.6 (1518.5)resurrection of, 52:5.5 (596.3), 53:1.2 (601.4)a superb leader, although a man of meekness, 140:5.16 (1575.1)supreme teacher of the Hebrews, 74:8.8 (837.7)teachings of, about God, 142:2.1 (1597.1), 188:4.4 (2016.9)on Urantia advisory council, 45:4.14 (514.4)wisdom and sagacity of, 92:5.11 (1009.5)Most High(s)about, 43:3.0 (488.3–489.3)Adam’s children wards of the, 75:6.3 (844.5)Adamson’s wife and children as wards of the, 77:5.3 (861.3)adviser, in present Norlatiadek government, function of, 43:5.6 (491.2)Assistants, field of service of, 37:4.4 (410.2)associate, junior, of Constellation Father, a function of, 35:6.3 (391.1), 35:9.4 (393.4)length of service of, 43:3.2 (488.4)nomination process for selection of, 35:6.1 (390.5)senior, becoming head of government at change of administration, 35:6.1 (390.5)length of service of, 43:3.2 (488.4)normal functions of, 35:6.3 (391.1), 35:9.4 (393.4)central abode of, vs. that of Faithful of Days, 43:4.4 (489.7)constellations governed by three, 15:2.4 (166.3)director, in present Norlatiadek government, 43:5.8 (491.4)of Edentia, certain planetary problems still under the control of the, 114:4.2 (1253.5)Jesus’ embrace by, 191:3.3 (2041.2)jurisdiction over Urantia of, 73:0.2 (821.2)Melchizedeks’ appeal to, 93:1.2 (1014.4)teachings concerning the, 93:3.2 (1016.4)resignation of power to Jesus by the, 136:9.6 (1522.5)seizure of authority on Urantia by a, 43:3.7 (489.2), 67:3.10 (757.3)suspension of rotation of, at time of Lucifer rebellion, 43:5.1 (490.6)Van’s appeal to, 67:2.2 (755.4)verdict of, on Van’s appeal, reason for delay of, 67:6.9 (760.4)Faithfuls of Days’ relation to councils of, 15:13.6 (181.6)Father(s), definition, 43:5.3 (490.8), 51:6.10 (587.8)Edentia the headquarters world of the, 51:3.2 (583.1)Gabriel’s counsel with, regarding command of Satania loyalists, 53:5.4 (605.8)gardens of the, 43:6.2 (492.2)God, El Elyon the, 93:3.2 (1016.4), 96:1.4 (1053.2), 142:3.4 (1598.5)group interests of, 43:9.4 (495.6)identification of, in Melchizedek teachings, as God, 93:3.2 (1016.4), 142:3.4 (1598.5)as the Trinity, 93:3.3 (1016.5), 104:1.3 (1143.6)judge-advocate, in present Norlatiadek government, function of, 43:5.12 (491.8)liaison, in the present Norlatiadek government, function of, 43:5.13 (491.9)mercy of the, 131:1.5 (1443.1)of Norlatiadek, 43:3.0 (488.3–489.3)the Constellation Fathers, 43:0.2 (485.2)immediate supervisors of affairs of Urantia related to the Michael bestowal, 43:3.8 (489.3)oath of allegiance of Material Son and Daughter to, 74:2.6 (830.1)tree of life sent to Urantia by the, 66:4.13 (745.3)Urantia children of Adam and Eve as wards of the, 55:7.3 (632.2), 75:6.3 (844.5)observer, "rules in the kingdoms of men," 43:5.17 (491.13)thirty-three-time seizure of Urantia planetary government by the, 114:4.4 (1253.7)reason for appellation, 43:3.4 (488.6)referee, in present Norlatiadek government, function of, 43:5.9 (491.5)regents, Vorondadeks as, 35:5.6 (390.3), 39:3.11 (433.5)release of Jesus from the morontia state by the, 193:5.4 (2057.6)rule of, in the kingdoms of men, agencies through which accomplished, 114:0.1 (1250.1), 114:6.8 (1255.7)fosters the greatest good for the greatest number, 134:5.4 (1488.2)meaning of, in planetary justice, 50:2.6 (574.1)misinterpretations of, 97:8.5 (1071.3), 134:5.4 (1488.2)the scriptural statement, allusion to, by Jesus, 175:1.8 (1906.5)not a mere poetic expression, 3:5.2 (51.1)someday the civil rulers will learn of the, 134:5.3 (1488.1)rulers of constellation governments, 15:10.17 (179.4)secret place of the, man’s dwelling in, 131:2.10 (1445.4)teachings of the Cynics referring to the, 131:1.9 (1443.5)term of service of, 35:6.1 (390.5)the Vorondadeks, 20:1.10 (223.15)Most holymount, beauty of, 43:4.4 (489.7)identification of, 43:4.1 (489.4)Sphere, location, character, and function of, 11:3.1 (120.4)relation of homes of Trinity-origin beings to, 13:2.4 (148.3)a sphere of activity on Paradise, 11:3.1 (120.4)Motaachievement, Jerusem citizens’ classification according to, 45:7.6 (518.2)characteristics of, 48:6.28 (554.2), 103:6.9 (1136.4)comparison of, with philosophy, 48:6.28 (554.2)definition, 45:7.6 (518.2)function of, on morontia spheres, 48:6.28 (554.2)influence of, on personality on the morontia level, 112:1.11 (1227.1)insight, and satisfaction of long-cherished mortal desires, 44:8.4 (508.2)logic, religion’s and science’s partial proof by, on the morontia level, 103:7.10 (1139.2)man’s inability to perceive, 103:6.8 (1136.3)metaphysics man’s substitute for, 103:6.9 (1136.4), 103:7.8 (1138.6)morontia, and revelation, 4:2.7 (57.4)statements of human philosophy analogous to, as taught on the first mansion world, 48:7.0 (556.1–557.15)personality, definition, 45:7.8 (518.4)prerequisite to the attainment of, 103:6.7 (1136.2)of the morontia level, 103:6.7 (1136.2)Mother(s)ancients’ sacrifice of the interests of, for the child, 84:7.10 (940.6)bringing their children to Jesus for blessing, 167:6.1 (1839.6)-child association, the nucleus of marriage and home, 84:1.8 (932.5)bond, constant functioning of the, 83:7.1 (928.2)cult, absorption of the Melchizedek gospel in the, 93:7.3 (1022.1)Danubians followers of the, 80:8.5 (897.3)onetime prevalence of the, in the Mediterranean world, 80:7.7 (895.7), 98:1.3 (1078.1)persistence of, in the Christian religion, 80:7.7 (895.7)Eve(s), the default of, 75:4.8 (843.2)dispatch of the selected, to a midsonite world, 36:4.1 (400.5)finaliters’ worlds the destination of, 36:4.5 (401.1)time of departure of, from midsonite world, 36:4.2 (400.6)-family, a description, 84:2.0 (932.7–933.5)of the first humans, death of, 62:5.10 (708.8)of God cult, sacrament associated with, 89:9.2 (984.1)sect, the greatest of the mystery cults, 98:3.5 (1080.7)goddess of Anatolian times, 133:6.1 (1477.8)of James and John, request of, for her sons, 139:3.8 (1553.4)Jesus’ silence about his mission, to his, 126:3.9 (1390.4)solicitude for his, 129:0.1 (1419.1)Jewish, young Jesus’ question about the temple segregation of, 125:5.4 (1382.6)ideal, monogamy a prerequisite for a woman to become an, 83:6.7 (927.8)in the local universe, the Universe Spirit a, 33:3.4 (368.4)love, and the early home, 68:2.6 (765.3)and the family, 70:3.2 (787.2)love of the Eternal Son comparable to that of a, 6:3.5 (75.10)is instinctive, 84:1.6 (932.3)Mary, Jesus’ addressing of his mother as, 127:3.14 (1400.6), 137:4.9 (1530.1)nucleus, electrons’ escape from, 42:7.9 (478.3)of a nebula, possible terminations of, 57:4.1 (654.6)-Son, absolute personality of the, and spirit energy, 105:3.4 (1156.1)the Eternal, acceptance of the fullness of Michael’s bestowal by, 158:3.2 (1755.2)resemblance of some Creator Sons to, 21:1.3 (235.2)unbroken connection of Master Sons with, 21:5.10 (241.4)Infinite Spirit’s recognition of the, 8:1.2 (90.6)the Original, bestowal of, made real to Havona by the first-born Michael, 7:5.9 (87.3)communication of, with all Paradise Sons, 7:6.7 (88.5)consent of, required for creation of new types of creatures, 21:2.5 (236.3)of spirits, Divine Minister the, 33:3.3 (368.3)wheels, of direct-origin suns, 15:4.4 (169.4)worship, practice of by the Nordics, 80:8.5 (897.3)Mother Spirit(s)the Infinite, Paradise the home of, 14:6.34 (162.9)and the Supreme Spirit groups, 17:8.2 (205.3)the Paradise, a title of the Third Source and Center, 8:2.2 (92.3)Reflective, creators of the Reflective Image Aids, 17:4.1 (202.1)Mother Spirit(s), Local Universeabout, 34:0.0 (374.1–383.3)and the Christian concept of the Trinity, 104:1.12 (1144.9)collaboration of, with universe reflectivity, 34:3.4
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