The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(2096.3)traditional, character of, 12:5.10 (135.9)true, family life and, 84:7.30 (942.1)Moralizerof marriage, religion the, 82:4.1 (917.4)Moresancient, man a victim of, 68:4.4 (767.4)the basis of written laws, 70:11.6 (797.4)changing, effect of, on evolutionary religion, 92:2.0 (1004.4–1005.2)civilization demands sex gratification in accordance with, 82:1.4 (913.7)codification of, by Urantia nations, 70:12.4 (798.3)crystallization of, cause, 68:4.3 (767.3)a definition, 70:11.1 (796.7), 70:12.3 (798.2)evolution of the, about, 68:4.0 (767.1–7)of long-established, 70:11.1 (796.7)influence of, on marriage, 83:1.5 (922.8)and laws, relationship of, 70:11.1 (796.7)origins of, 68:4.2 (767.2), 68:6.7 (770.4)primitive, purpose of, 69:5.4 (776.2)reforming the, the Salem missionaries’ attempt at, consequences, 95:1.8 (1043.3)regulation of marriage by the, 84:7.3 (939.6)reverting to usages of older, modern man guilty of, 87:6.14 (965.1)in social evolution, 71:2.7 (802.1)violation of the, vs. sin, 89:10.3 (984.6)Morontiaascension of Nebadon, and man’s spiritual understanding, 6:6.4 (78.7)beings, univitatia not, 37:9.8 (414.13)color tones, color symphonies, 44:1.6 (499.8)gulf, revelation man’s only technique in bridging the, 103:6.13 (1137.3)level, art a gesture toward the, 196:3.30 (2096.6)melody, five forms of, unrecognized by human senses, 44:1.10 (500.1)mortal, Michael’s bestowal as a, 119:6.0 (1315.4–1316.3)progress, illustration, 39:4.12 (435.5)recorders, identity of, 44:4.12 (504.4)stage, final, vs. lowest spirit status, 30:4.20 (342.3)Morontia-Activities and Societyactivities, group, dispensational classes of world pilgrims utilized for, 30:4.13 (341.3)creations, supervision and custody of records of, 48:2.25 (544.8)creatures, ascending mortals’ introduction to true social life of, 47:6.3 (536.4)custodians of probation nursery, mansion world parents’ collaboration with, 47:1.5 (531.3)family, fraternization of all ascenders as one, 30:4.10 (340.12)mortals, and student-visitor colonies, 30:3.11 (339.8)teaching secretaries to, 39:1.13 (428.7)progression, the most stabilized epoch of, 43:9.3 (495.5)progressors, contact of with material personalities and spirit beings, 48:2.26 (545.1)social activities, character of, 47:6.3 (536.4)transactions, reality of, 44:0.20 (499.1)Morontia-Beings and Personalitybeings, diversity of function of, 44:3.3 (502.2)early, utilization of mechanical means of transport by, 46:2.4 (521.1)transportation facilities employed by, on Edentia, 43:1.2 (486.1)creatures, higher, transition servants of, 46:4.7 (523.1)the morontia Jesus’ instruction of, 191:3.1 (2040.4)personalization of mortals as, after death, 5:6.5 (70.6)level, personality on the, 112:1.11 (1227.1)patterns of personality, not material energy patterns, 112:6.2 (1235.6)personality(ies), forms, human difficulty of comprehension of, 112:6.2 (1235.6)a function of, on first mansion world, 63:7.3 (717.4)guidance of, by character patterns and mota, prior to emergence of morontia will, 112:6.5 (1236.3)maintenance of the Satania probation nursery by, 45:6.7 (516.5)moral personality the forerunner of, 101:6.3 (1111.7)and the visible morontia Jesus, 189:4.11 (2027.1)records, availability of, to all orders of personalities, 48:2.25 (544.8)self, about, 112:6.0 (1235.5–1237.2)complete identification of the personality with the, following resurrection, 111:3.2 (1219.1)the conjoint child of the human you and the divine you, 112:5.12 (1234.1)the immortal soul, 112:5.12 (1234.1)portrayal by the, of temporal decisions, 111:1.5 (1216.6)prerequisites to the creating of the, 111:1.2 (1216.3)state, relation of the third phase of religion to the, 101:5.13 (1111.3)the self’s becoming a more enduring universe reality in the, 112:7.6 (1238.1)will, conditions preceding the emergence of the, 112:6.5 (1236.3)Morontia-Bodies and Formsbody(ies), development of mind and spirit within the, 47:3.11 (534.3)early, liability of, to mechanical accidents, 50:3.3 (574.5)free from residual waste, 47:4.6 (535.2)of a Nebadon ascender, number of, 48:1.5 (542.2)reality of, 30:4.20 (342.3)reassembly of personality factors within the, 30:4.15 (341.5)retention of, during passage from one Edentia training world to another, 43:8.2 (494.1)suitably adjusted, acquirement of, at each mansion world advance, 47:4.4 (534.8)of survivor, seraphim’s sponsoring of, 30:4.15 (341.5)transportable by angels, 39:2.13 (431.2)form(s), ability of, to be enseraphimed, 39:2.13 (431.2)of ascenders, granting of material for, 48:2.18 (544.1)dissimilarity of, vs. that of human bodies, 42:12.11 (483.11)increasing likeness of, to the inner person, 112:6.3 (1236.1)individual, diversity in, 42:12.11 (483.11)of life and matter, basic, identicalness of, 48:2.22 (544.5)of mansion world graduates, modification of, 47:10.4 (539.6)reality of, 190:0.3 (2029.3)retention of the same, throughout local universe experience, 47:10.4 (539.6)investiture of Adjuster-fused mortals of primary modified order of ascension, 49:6.19 (570.8)senses, number of, 14:2.3 (154.5)three-gas-mixture air requirements of, 46:2.3 (520.8)Morontia-Companionscherubim, kinship of, to human races, 38:7.1 (422.1), 48:3.4 (545.5)service to Morontia Companions, 38:7.7 (422.7)Companions, about, 48:3.0 (545.2–547.3)classification of activities of, 25:7.1 (282.5), 48:3.6 (545.7)co-operation of, in development of personality factors, 47:3.11 (534.3)creation of, in dual phases, 84:6.5 (938.9)as such, 25:0.9 (273.9)equal status of the two types of, 48:3.4 (545.5)function of, 25:7.0 (282.5–283.1), 48:3.6 (545.7)kinship of, to human races, 48:3.4 (545.5)number of, in Nebadon, 37:8.9 (414.4)in Satania, 47:3.11 (534.3)number and location of headquarters of, 48:3.3 (545.4)origin of, 25:7.1 (282.5), 47:3.11 (534.3), 48:3.1 (545.2)as play sponsors, 48:4.2 (547.5)supervision of Mansion World Teachers by, 48:5.4 (550.5)temple of, location, 47:3.11 (534.3)training of, 48:3.2 (545.3)counselors, function of, 48:6.27 (554.1)helpers, spironga the transition servants of, 46:4.7 (523.1)teachers, glorified cherubim as, 47:5.1 (535.5)world seraphim, 48:6.0 (551.6–555.5)Morontia-Definitionscareer, 47:10.7 (540.3)designation, 0:5.12 (9.2)intellect, 110:2.6 (1205.4)material, 48:1.3 (541.6)mota, definition, 102:3.2 (1121.4), 103:6.7 (1136.2)progressors, 30:4.18 (342.1), 48:8.1 (557.16)a reality manifestation of the local universe, 103:6.7 (1136.2)spheres, 48:1.2 (541.5)stage of evolution, identity of, 110:6.21 (1211.6)transit, 55:2.3 (623.3)Morontia-Education and Motaachievements, 44:8.0 (507.6–508.4)educational system, activities, roles of heavenly reproducers in, 44:2.11 (501.10)efficient conduct of, by advanced cherubim, 48:5.5 (550.6)level, science’s and religion’s partial proof by mota logic on the, 103:7.10 (1139.2)mota, about, 48:7.0 (556.1–557.15)definitions, 45:7.6 (518.2), 48:6.28 (554.2), 102:3.2 (1121.4), 103:6.7 (1136.2)and human philosophy, co-ordination of, 47:5.3 (536.1), 48:7.1 (556.1)insight of, necessity for man’s discernment of goodness, love, and truth, 103:6.13 (1137.3)revelation the substitute for, 4:2.7 (57.4), 102:3.5 (1122.1)role of, in reconciling divergent reality perception for surviving personalities, 103:6.7 (1136.2)wisdom, mota, 45:7.6 (518.2)Morontia-Energy and Materialdomiciles, reality of, 44:3.2 (502.1)embellishment, of celestial artisans, 44:0.1 (497.1)energy, function of liaison stabilizers in transformation of, into morontia material, 48:2.20 (544.3)regulators of, 48:2.20 (544.3)energy pattern, fabrication of, for the human survivor, 112:5.17 (1234.6)food, living energy, 47:4.6 (535.2)material, Morontia Power Supervisors’ sponsoring of, 42:12.11 (483.11)origin of, 48:1.3 (541.6)translation temples composed of, significance, 55:1.5 (622.5)substance and mind, production of, by Master Spirits, 16:4.5 (189.6)synthesizers, function of, 44:6.9 (507.1)temple(s), beauty of, 55:1.1 (622.1)functions of, 55:1.5 (622.5)Morontia Power Supervisors’ building of, 55:1.3 (622.3)vegetation, an energy growth, 43:6.6 (492.6)Morontia-Jesus’ Experiencesappearances of Jesus, 190:0.0 (2029.1–2036.3)delegates, reaction of, to the Creator’s appearance as a morontia being, 191:4.7 (2042.4)form, Jesus’, friends’ slowness in recognizing, 190:2.3 (2032.1), 193:2.3 (2054.4)Jesus, greeting of, to John Mark, 192:1.4 (2046.2)message of, to the Greek believers, 190:4.0 (2033.4–2034.1)to Philadelphia believers, 191:4.0 (2041.4–2042.4)to Samaritan believers at Sychar, 193:1.0 (2053.3–2054.1)Jesus’ mortal transit from flesh to, 189:0.2 (2020.2)Master, instruction of the Jerusalem believers by the, 193:0.1 (2052.1)resurrection, Jesus’, Gabriel’s presence at, 189:1.5 (2021.4), 189:3.2 (2024.4)stages traversed by Jesus,
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