The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1349.8–1350.2)Jerusalem Jews’ detestation of the name, 187:2.5 (2007.4)Jesus’ family’s return to home in, 123:1.1 (1356.4)home in, location of, 122:5.9 (1349.5)visit to, 138:1.4 (1539.2)Jewish and gentile influence in, 123:5.7 (1362.8)Joseph’s burial in, 126:2.1 (1388.1)and Mary’s return to, from Alexandria, 123:0.6 (1356.3)as a liberal center of Hebrew culture, 123:5.10 (1363.3)one of twenty-four Hebrew priest centers at, 123:5.12 (1363.5)rejection, 150:9.0 (1686.4–1687.2)synagogue, advanced school of, Jesus’ study in the, 123:5.2 (1362.3)NazariteAbner a, 165:0.1 (1817.1)brotherhood, belief of, in the coming of the Messiah, 137:7.12 (1535.4)John the Baptist’s presentation of his flocks to the, 135:4.2 (1499.2)southern headquarters of, 135:1.1 (1496.6)vows of the, 135:1.1 (1496.6)colony, visit of Jesus and Abner to the, 142:8.1 (1605.3)life, a holy personality, 135:1.2 (1496.7)Son of Man not a, 137:7.12 (1535.4)Neanderthalabsorption, effect of, on culture of the blue race, 78:1.8 (869.4)culture, state of, during fourth and fifth glaciers, 64:4.3 (721.1)peoples and Sangiks, comparative intelligence of, 64:7.10 (727.7)races, 64:4.0 (720.7–722.1)stock, extermination of, by the Adamites, 80:1.7 (890.3)Neanderthalersancestry of, 64:3.5 (720.6), 64:7.9 (727.6)blue men’s encounter with, in Europe, 64:7.9 (727.6)geographic distribution of, 64:4.1 (720.7)world domination of, period of, 64:4.1 (720.7)Near Eastacceptability of Christianity to peoples of the, reason, 146:1.3 (1637.5)Nebadonabout, 1:7.9 (32.1)adjudication of the realms in, 30:4.11 (341.1)administration of the life-modification worlds in, 49:5.12 (565.13)age of oldest inhabited planets of, 57:3.10 (654.3)alphabet, number of basic symbols in, 44:4.4 (503.4)Andronover nebula, onetime a component part of, 57:1.1 (651.3)the site of the universe of, 57:3.8 (654.1)archangel corps of, directing head of, 37:3.3 (408.6)architectural spheres in, number of, 37:10.1 (416.1)ascenders, morontia-body transformations of, number of, 48:1.5 (542.2)basic laws of, codification and promulgation of, 39:3.3 (432.4)beginning of Michael’s supreme sovereignty in, 21:3.8 (238.2)celestial hosts of, assigned to Jesus, 136:5.1 (1516.1)Census Director of, number of, 24:2.7 (267.5)changes in, upon the terminal bestowal of Michael, 101:6.17 (1113.6)chief executive of, 37:1.9 (406.11)Christ Michael sovereign of, 21:0.3 (234.3)conciliating commissions in, 37:8.6 (414.1)Corps of the Finality, identity of possible future leadership of the, 188:3.8 (2015.4)of Local Universe Personalities, sponsors of, Part II, Part IIIof Perfection, members of, as Nebadon permanent citizens, 37:9.7 (414.12)councils and tribunals of, of which Gabriel is presiding officer, 35:1.2 (385.1)courts of, 33:7.0 (372.5–373.2), 43:2.1 (487.3)Creator Sons in, number of, 35:0.1 (384.1)creatures, preparation of, for next universe age, 39:1.12 (428.6)determination of space boundaries of, 41:0.2 (455.2)directional control creatures of, 34:4.12 (378.6)Divine Minister of Salvington is everywhere in, 45:1.8 (510.6)education, purpose of, 37:6.5 (412.5)Evening Stars, number of, 37:2.4 (407.4)Father Melchizedek’s function in, 35:1.2 (385.1)Gabriel the administrator of, 33:6.1 (371.3)the chief executive of, 37:1.9 (406.11), 38:6.2 (421.5), 136:3.4 (1513.1)as regent of, 33:2.5 (367.7)the supervisor of judicial mechanism of, 33:7.2 (372.6)God-man of, Jesus of Nazareth the, 32:0.3 (357.3)harmonizing of, with Orvonton ideas and Paradise ideals, 37:4.2 (409.7)Havona’s space relation to, 14:0.1 (152.1)headquarters of, 17:0.12 (197.12), 33:8.1 (373.3)home of Spirit-fused mortals, 40:9.9 (451.5)identification, 15:7.7 (174.7)Immanuel, head of Paradise personalities in, 33:5.1 (370.6)importance of Urantia in, 20:5.5 (228.2)inhabited planets in, number of, 32:2.9 (359.6)worlds, percentage of, nonbreather, 49:3.1 (563.4)Jesus’ Personalized Adjuster’s status in, 136:2.3 (1511.2)jurisdiction of, by Immanuel during Michael’s incarnation, 120:1.2 (1325.4)language of, ascending mortals’ study of, 48:3.13 (546.6)Lanonandek rebels in, number of, 35:9.6 (393.6)Life Carriers in, number of, 36:1.2 (396.3)life designs, Life Carriers’ sixtieth attempt to improve, 57:8.9 (661.3), 65:4.1 (734.5)limitation of reincarnation in, 46:7.5 (528.3)local universe of, 0:0.5 (1.5), 6:6.4 (78.7), 12:1.12 (129.10), 15:14.6 (182.5), 43:0.1 (485.1)location of, in grand universe, 12:1.12 (129.10)Lucifer rebellion as compared with others in, 53:7.9 (608.5)in the making, 38:1.3 (418.6)mass materialization of, 32:1.4 (358.1)Material Sons and Daughters of citizenship status in, number of, 45:5.4 (515.3)Melchizedek incarnations, number in, 35:4.4 (389.3)Michael of, 1:2.9 (24.7), 33:1.0 (366.2–367.2), 51:3.9 (584.2)Michael’s assumption of unlimited sovereignty in, a result of, 43:4.7 (490.2), 53:9.3 (611.2)beginning organization of, about four hundred billion years ago, 119:0.7 (1309.1)purpose to gain unqualified rulership of, 53:9.2 (611.1)midsonite spheres in, 36:4.1 (400.5)modification of God’s laws in, 4:2.2 (56.6)Morontia Companions in, number of, 48:3.1 (545.2)natives of, relation of Master Spirit of Orvonton to, 17:0.12 (197.12)neighboring universes nearest to, 32:2.12 (360.1)no constellations in light and life in, 55:8.5 (633.1)Norlatiadek’s location in, 41:10.5 (466.4)not a single astronomic system, 32:2.4 (359.1)number of archangels in, 37:3.1 (408.4)of constellations in, 43:0.1 (485.1)of Lanonandeks in, 35:8.3 (392.3)of Melchizedeks in, 35:2.9 (387.1)of rebellions in, 53:4.4 (605.1)of Teacher Sons in, 20:8.2 (231.2)of Vorondadeks in, 35:5.2 (389.6)Orvonton the superuniverse of, 15:1.5 (165.4)permission given Jesus to assume his rulership of, 136:3.5 (1513.2)personalities, commission of, sponsors of, Part II, Part III, Part IV, 56:10.23 (648.6), 119:8.9 (1319.2), 120:0.1 (1323.1)personification of Father-Son in, 33:2.3 (367.5)physical creation in, first completed act of, 32:2.3 (358.5)registration of Urantia in, 57:8.1 (660.3)plan of mortal progression in, 30:4.34 (344.2)position of, in circuit of Orvonton, 32:2.12 (360.1)power centers, 41:1.0 (455.5–456.4)Chief of, presenter of Paper 41, 41:10.6 (466.5)present number of inhabited worlds in, 37:10.1 (416.1)primary subdivisions of, 41:1.4 (456.3)rebellions, triumph of the Son of Man, and settlement of the, 53:8.4 (609.7)relative position of, in Orvonton, 32:2.11 (359.8)resurrection halls of, 40:9.4 (450.6)Seraphington graduates in, 39:9.2 (441.6)settledness, increasing, of orbit of, 41:0.4 (455.4)sovereign of, 33:2.0 (367.3–7)spirit circuits in, 34:4.1 (377.5)Spirit-fused mortals on morontia spheres of, 37:5.2 (410.5), 40:9.4 (450.6)standard day of, 33:6.7 (372.2)superuniverse standing of, 15:9.18 (177.17)suspense in, during Jesus’ bestowal, 128:1.13 (1409.3)System Sovereigns’ personal prerogatives in, 45:2.1 (511.1)training of spirit personalities of, 45:7.2 (517.4)Trinity Teacher Sons in, number of, 35:0.1 (384.1)type of cosmic mind pervading, 9:4.3 (102.3)of organism, planetary modification of, for Urantia personality, 16:8.15 (195.2)Union of Days’ status in, 120:0.7 (1324.4)and universal outward expansion, 12:4.12 (134.1)universality of four points of the compass in, 34:4.13 (378.7)universe of, number of systems in, 53:0.2 (601.2)universe number of, in Ensa, 15:14.6 (182.5)Urantia life unique in, 58:4.1 (667.5)the most fortunate planet in, 76:5.7 (853.1)variant of Orvonton type of cosmic mind in, 9:4.3 (102.3)various types of life in, 37:10.1 (416.1)Voices, Chief of, function of, in portraying attitude of Michael, 28:4.6 (308.5)worlds, past, present, and future, inspiration of Jesus’ mortal life to, 129:3.6 (1424.1)year, days of standard universe time in the, 33:6.7 (372.2)a young universe, 39:9.2 (441.6)Nebuchadnezzarattack of, against the Judahites, 97:9.25 (1075.1)counsel of Jeremiah regarding surrender to, result, 97:6.4 (1067.7)overthrow of Necho by, 97:9.25 (1075.1)return of, to attack Jerusalem, 97:9.25 (1075.1)Nebula(e)blazing, a source of short space rays, 58:3.2 (667.1)creators, 29:5.5 (329.5)current stabilization and organization of, 12:2.3 (130.5)a definition, 15:4.4 (169.4), 41:1.1 (455.5)the four stages of a, 57:4.1 (654.6)irregular, origin of, 41:8.4 (464.6)number of, in local universe, 41:0.3 (455.3)small circular, large suns, 41:8.3 (464.5)source of the physical pattern of the, 104:4.9 (1148.8)space, end of secondary career of a, 57:3.12 (654.5)spiral, activities of, 15:4.7 (170.1)Nebularancestry of Nebadon, 41:0.3 (455.3)stage(s), primary, 57:2.0 (652.4–7)secondary, 57:3.0 (653.1–654.5)tertiary and quartan, 57:4.0 (654.6–655.5)Necessityvs. luxury in material-comfort
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