The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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Master Spirits’ collective attribute of, 16:2.4 (186.3)of the Supreme, 131:8.5 (1452.3)and ubiquity, 118:2.0 (1296.3–1297.1)OmnipresentDeity, 0:1.10 (2.10)Spirit, an appellation of the Third Source and Center, 8:2.2 (92.3), 9:1.5 (99.4), 9:2.0 (100.3–7), 9:2.0 (1244.3)spirit of the Eternal Son, 6:4.8 (77.1), 7:1.7 (82.6)Omniscienceassociation of, with the transcendental level, 105:7.13 (1160.11)of Father and Son, 6:4.7 (76.7), 7:1.1 (81.6), 169:4.2 (1855.3)limitation of, 3:3.5 (49.4)and predestination, 118:7.0 (1300.5–1301.5)and reflectivity, 9:7.5 (105.5)Seven Master Spirits’ collective attribute of, 16:2.4 (186.3)spiritual, of the Eternal Son, 6:5.1 (77.4)of the Third Source and Center, 9:1.5 (99.4)Omniscient DeitySee 0:1.10 (2.10)man’s attempts to deceive, 87:1.2 (958.4)Omnivorousnessof Material Sons’ offspring, 52:3.8 (593.7)of most world races, 52:3.9 (593.8), 81:1.8 (901.3)Omriattempted land deal of, 97:9.18 (1073.8)Onagarbirth date of, 63:6.8 (716.7)doctrines of, 63:6.7 (716.6)first truth teacher, 63:6.0 (715.8–717.1)identity of, 92:5.8 (1009.2)life span of, 63:6.8 (716.7)on Urantia advisory council, 45:4.3 (513.6)Onamonalontonachievements of, 64:6.7 (723.6)center, the oldest Amerindian culture, 79:5.8 (884.2)fate of teachings of, 64:6.8 (723.7), 70:5.4 (789.2)Hesunanin, expectation of return of, 92:5.6 (1008.8)length of life of, 64:6.7 (723.6)and the red man’s council of seven, 70:5.4 (789.2)on Urantia advisory council, 45:4.5 (513.8)One-brained type of mortals, characteristics of, 40:5.17 (447.2), 49:5.13 (566.1)future career of, 109:3.5 (1197.7)terrestrial attainments of, 49:5.15 (566.3)-celled organisms, of early marine life, 59:1.18 (674.4)day alone with God, 177:1.0 (1920.5–1921.4)God, the alter ego’s evolution to, 91:3.3 (997.1)characteristics of the, 131:5.2 (1450.1)doctrine of, in Chinese religions, 131:8.1 (1451.4)greatness of the, 131:9.2 (1452.6)Greeks’ search for, at time of coming of Christianity, 195:1.7 (2071.7)Ikhnaton’s apparent failure to impose the worship of, 95:5.4 (1047.4), 95:5.14 (1049.2)Melchizedek’s attempt to keep alive the truth of the, 93:3.6 (1016.8), 93:4.15 (1018.4)of Salem, vs. the many gods of Mesopotamia, 93:5.4 (1019.1)High in Authority, function of, in a trinitized evolutionary trio, 19:3.7 (217.6)presenter of Paper 25, 25:8.12 (284.5)see also Those High in Authorityhundred, the, organization of, 66:5.0 (745.7–749.2)Truth, of Singlangton, 45:4.8 (513.11), 64:6.15 (724.5), 94:5.3 (1032.5)Universal Deity, Islam’s steadfast presentation of, 95:7.6 (1051.4)without Name and Number, function of, in a trinitized evolutionary trio, 19:3.7 (217.6)presenter of Paper 31, 31:10.21 (354.7)see also Those without Name and NumberOnenessabsolute, of Deity, 10:0.3 (108.3), 56:5.1 (640.5)of the duality of the Father-Son, 105:2.7 (1154.6)of Father and Son, 8:0.2 (90.2)achievement of, with the guiding spirit, mind’s destiny, 1:3.7 (26.1)with Adjusters, absolute, achieved only in eternity, 110:7.4 (1212.5)after fusion, constituting man a part of the Supreme, 101:6.6 (1112.2)failure of Son-fusion candidates to attain, 40:8.2 (449.5)perfect and final, 110:1.6 (1204.4)between matter, mind, and spirit, final only on infinite levels, 1:3.5 (25.5)of Conjoint Actor, Universal Father, and Eternal Son, 8:2.1 (92.2), 8:6.7 (97.1), 10:7.1 (115.3)with Deity through the Supreme, salvation from the finite, 101:6.15 (1113.4)divine, discovery of, by wider observation, 56:0.2 (637.2)of divinity, a defining characteristic, 1:7.6 (31.6)with divinity, a definition, 56:3.6 (639.6)found by spirit in finality, 56:3.6 (639.6)eternal, the source of all diversified reality, 56:10.11 (647.2)of Eternal Son and Universal Father, 7:7.1 (88.7), 8:6.7 (97.1)of execution, in the divine Trinity, 10:7.1 (115.3)with the Father, Jesus’ consciousness of his, 161:2.9 (1786.4), 196:2.2 (2091.11)of Jesus and his Father, 157:6.13 (1750.7), 169:4.2 (1855.3), 184:4.6 (1985.1)of personality concept between the Father and the Son, result, 21:1.1 (234.6)of solitary Deity, impossibility of conceiving, source of trinitarianism, 104:2.2 (1145.3)of spirit ministry in a local universe, result, 15:9.15 (177.14)of spiritual influences, 8:5.4 (95.7)of the three Absolutes, 106:8.21 (1172.6)of the Trinity, 10:0.2 (108.2), 10:7.1 (115.3)1-2-3 the firstidentification of, 77:9.5 (866.4)a member of the four and twenty counselors, 45:4.18 (514.8), 77:9.5 (866.4), 114:3.2 (1252.6)named by numerals as is customary for primary midwayers, 77:8.2 (864.3)the only loyal midwayer leaving Urantia, 77:9.5 (866.4)role of, during the planetary rebellion, 77:9.5 (866.4)service of, as governor general of Urantia, 77:9.5 (866.4)Open doorfor able individuals to ascend social strata in the Roman Empire, 121:3.9 (1335.8)of eternal life, 139:12.7 (1566.6)to eternal salvation, Jesus as, 182:1.14 (1965.8)faith the, for entering into the love of God, 138:8.8 (1545.9)of the kingdom, to all who desire to know truth and find God, 138:4.2 (1541.4)for reception of evil, nonexistence of, consequences for sin, 43:4.9 (490.4)rejection of, consequences, 166:3.4 (1829.1)Ophelconnection of, with feast of tabernacles ceremony, 162:4.4 (1794.3)Opiummedicinal use of, by the Sumerians, 90:4.9 (992.1)OpportunityAdjuster-fused finaliters enjoy the widest service, 40:10.6 (453.1)boundless, in God’s plan for his creatures, 32:5.7 (365.3)humans not to enjoy a second, upon rejection of a first, 112:5.9 (1233.5)missed by red man of being upstepped by later Adamic stock, 64:6.9 (723.8)power of choice constitutes man’s greatest, 112:5.5 (1233.1)for repentance, long offered to Lucifer, 53:2.5 (603.1)supernal, for mortals and angelic hosts to attain Paradise, 40:1.1 (443.12)variety is indispensable to, for functioning of natural selection, 64:6.31 (726.3)Opposable thumbdawn mammals’ development of, 62:3.2 (705.1)of the mid-mammals, 62:3.2 (705.1)Optimismchild’s trusting, Jesus’ possession of a, 196:0.11 (2089.1)a concept reaction in a mind conscious of values, 195:7.8 (2079.3)of Jesus, divine, shared by his associates, 100:7.12 (1102.9)inherited from his mother, 122:5.3 (1348.3)sturdy and practical, contagious, 127:3.14 (1400.6)and pessimism, 139:11.8 (1565.5), 195:7.8 (2079.3)vs. reality, 160:4.14 (1779.6)secular, an illusion, 195:8.12 (2082.4)serviceability of, in living on earth, 181:1.8 (1954.5)Optimist(s)blind, Jesus not a, 100:7.9 (1102.6), 181:1.9 (1954.6)a definition, 181:1.7 (1954.4)Simon Peter an, 139:2.3 (1550.6)Oraclesthe Latins’ consulting of, 98:3.4 (1080.6)a means of the ghost cult to study the intention and will of the spirits, 87:5.9 (963.4)traditional, supposed inspiration of, and the transmission of truth, 155:6.2 (1730.6)Oral lawa definition, 153:3.7 (1713.2)Jesus’ conflict with Jewish, 124:1.13 (1368.2), 153:3.6 (1713.1)Orangechildren, number of, in Sangik family, 64:5.3 (722.4)and green races, struggle of, 52:2.5 (591.5), 64:6.11 (724.1)man(men), extinction of, 51:4.6 (585.2), 52:2.5 (591.5), 64:6.11 (724.1), 64:6.18 (724.8), 64:7.7 (727.4), 64:7.16 (728.5), 78:3.7 (871.3)initial domination of Egypt by, 64:7.15 (728.4)outstanding characteristic of, 64:6.10 (723.9)time of, 64:6.13 (724.3)people, appearance of unexpected giantism in, on Urantia, 51:4.2 (584.4)race, beliefs of, regarding afterlife, 86:4.6 (953.5)early migration of, 64:6.11 (724.1), 64:7.13 (728.2)effect of, on the early races in India, 79:2.2 (879.8)intermingling tendencies of, 51:4.5 (585.1)mixtures of, in certain populations, 64:7.3 (726.10), 64:7.5 (727.2), 64:7.14 (728.3), 78:1.9 (869.5), 78:1.10 (869.6), 78:3.5 (871.1), 79:2.2 (879.8), 79:5.8 (884.2), 80:1.4 (889.6)one of the secondary races, 49:4.2 (564.4), 81:4.6 (904.10), 81:4.13 (905.4)Porshunta, oracle of the, 45:4.7 (513.10)typical relationship of, with the red race, on most planets, 51:4.6 (585.2)usual time of appearance of, 52:1.2 (589.11)stocks, loss of, relative importance of, 51:4.3 (584.5)Oratoryof Nebadon, vs. that of Urantia, 44:4.7 (503.7)on worlds in light and life, 55:5.6 (630.3)Orbit(s)of circulating matter, variations in, 58:3.3 (667.2)of the former fifth planet, irregularity of, result, 57:6.5 (658.2)of a local universe, settled status of, a prerequisite to light and life, 15:9.16 (177.15)of Nebadon about Sagittarius, character of, 41:0.4 (455.4)of nebular suns, determination of, 57:3.6 (653.6)planets as larger matter aggregations that follow an, 15:6.14 (173.4)stabilization of, in the early solar system, 57:6.2 (657.5)universal, of cosmic energy units, 12:4.1 (133.3)Orbitalelectrons, numbers of, in relation to behavior, 42:7.9 (478.3)electrons in an atom, maximum natural number of, 42:7.7 (478.1)movement of solar system material, and intrusion of foreign space bodies, 57:5.14 (657.3)shifting of electrons, results, 41:6.4 (462.2), 42:5.6 (475.2)stability of earth and moon, results, 57:6.3 (657.6)velocities of electrons, unimaginable to humans, 42:7.3 (477.5)OrdealsJesus’ denunciation of belief in, 150:3.12 (1681.7)primitive, for crime detection, 70:10.5 (795.2)Orderand stability in the universe, 4:1.5 (55.3)Ordinationapostolic, arrival of long-waited-for hour, 140:0.3 (1568.3)instruction of the twelve, preliminary, 140:1.0
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