A Light In The Heart Of Darkness. Amy Blankenship

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A Light In The Heart Of Darkness - Amy Blankenship

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the triangle was strikingly different from the other humans. A soft hue of pure white light that surrounded the group dazzled Kyou’s vampire inner sight.

      Lessening the intensity of his gaze, Kyou shook his head and glanced at the group again. Even with his senses purposely dulled, he could detect a faint swirling glow flowing around the three figures. A faint glitter of rainbow dust came from directly above them shadowing the light as if to hide it from his eyes.

      Kyou searched the sky above them to see only the night. His eyes narrowed understanding more than he was supposed to before returning his gaze to the group.

      He had never seen anything like it in his endless lifetime. A faint memory snagged his attention causing him to stare at the group wide eyed. He was remembering the words of his younger brother before Hyakuhei had so viciously murdered him

      "…If only we could find the Guardian Heart Crystal… then maybe we could be free from the darkness, brother…"

      Kyou had scoffed, telling Toya the jewel was only a myth and impossible to find, even in the legends. Toya had ignored his retort, "The aura of she who protects the jewel will shine with holy light. Don’t you want to be free?"

      A melancholy feeling settled over Kyou with the memory of his brother’s question. He would have given anything to free his brother from the life Hyakuhei had brought him into. The breeze came through the window blowing his long hair back from his face as if to tell him to go, as if Toya himself was telling him to go.

      Gathering the surrounding darkness around his lethal body, Kyou emerged unnoticed among the crowd of unsuspecting youth, his intense gaze never leaving where the purest soft light was glowing.


      Kyoko giggled when she saw Suki wiggle her eyebrows behind Tasuki's back. Suki had definitely been hanging around Shinbe way too much lately. She crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue making Suki almost double over in a fit of laughter then the look instantly vanished as Tasuki turned to see what Suki was laughing at.

      This made Suki have to hold on to the wall to keep her knees from buckling as Kyoko just shrugged at Tasuki saying, “Who knows what’s gotten into her? She has never been normal.” She cocked an eyebrow adding, “I have to break her out of the loony bin at least once a week or she gets even worse and tries to gnaw through the trees in front of the dorm.”

      Tasuki smirked as he leaned close to Kyoko’s ear as if to whisper but then said in a loud enough voice for Suki to hear, “Maybe on your way home tonight, you should take her back.”

      Kyoko nodded happily then felt the hair on the back of her neck raise as if someone was watching her. Hoping it wasn’t Toya secretly following them, she tried to ignore it as she kept her attention on Suki and Tasuki.

      Suki finally caught her breath enough to remind Kyoko they were having a slumber party in the padded room later tonight then asked Tasuki if he would like to join them. “We even got a straitjacket for the occasion.” She stuck out her tongue at both of them.

      â€œPut that thing away before you hurt someone,” Kyoko retorted and was quickly rewarded when Suki’s jaw dropped.

      As the line started moving, Kyoko glanced over her shoulder wondering who was watching her. She saw only the lights of the parking lot and a horde of people waiting to get in then frowned at her own paranoia. The uneasy feeling that someone was watching her refused to go away and it worried her. She remembered Kotaro’s warning about a stalker around campus and suddenly wished she had hinted to him just were they were going to be.

      Suki grabbed her hand and pulled her along since she was holding up the line. Kyoko shrugged the creepy feeling off as they entered the building and her attention was drawn to the interior of the massive dance club.

      Kyou had seen her turn as if sensing him and wondered at it. Her eyes had drifted very slowly across the very spot he was standing but he had known she could not see him in the shadows. Under the cloak of darkness he kept her within his sights as he entered the establishment.

      His golden gaze moved over the room knowing there were more than just humans within the dimly lit spaces but they were low threats and not worth his attention.

      Suki led them to an area close to the bar so they wouldn’t have to go too far to get drinks and still have a good view of the dance floor. The music was already cranking but not so loud that you had to yell just to be heard.

      Kyoko was stunned at how nice the place was inside. She was starting to actually feel glad that she had let Suki bully her into coming. After all, there had to be more to life than studying, which was all she had done for over a week now. All the energy in the place was addictive and she smiled excitedly. It was one of those rare moments when she felt like anything could happen.

      Instead of actual tables and chairs, the establishment had over stuffed sofas here and there with small glass tables to hold the drinks. Purples, blues and blacks were the main colors of the club, lending it a hint of mystery and magic with all the lights constantly switching colors creating a feeling of sensuous pandemonium. The club’s atmosphere was almost intoxicating.

      Deep shadows lent privacy to those who sought it and Kyoko blushed, thinking of all the things that sometimes went on in the shadows… things she had yet to experience. Her mind reverted back to wondering what Kotaro was doing before she guiltily snapped her attention back to her friends.

      Kyou took a seat in the darkest corner close to the intensely pure aura. Observing the group he could now see that the glow was coming from only one of them. His eyes softened for the first time in countless years, for only an instant as he watched her smile, taking in the grandeur of the club. It was like watching the sunrise and that was something he hadn’t done in a long time.

      She was beautiful, with long flowing auburn hair off set by the silky white shirt she wore.

      His gaze scanned her perfect body, taking in the exposed flesh at her waist and the short miniskirt followed by a pair of very shapely toned legs before lifting back to her neck… which was exposed. He followed the arch up to her face with a disapproving growl. She was turned at an angle and he found himself needing to see her eyes… the eyes were the mirror to the soul.

      His instincts were reacting in ways he had never experienced before. This feeling he could not describe agitated him and somehow reminded him of his brother. He did not like the unknown.

      He darkened the shadows around him as she turned, sweeping her gaze past him but he had seen them. The sight had almost taken the breath from his body. She had the eyes of emeralds shrouded in innocence… but he could also see the mischief and power hidden there.

      Kyou clenched his fist so tight he could feel drops of blood forming where his sharp fingernails had punctured his flesh. Why was such innocence here, in a place like this? It should not be allowed. He felt a growl start deep within his chest and tried to suppress it.

      If his hunch was correct and Hyakuhei made an appearance, then things could get very dangerous, very fast. Was she the one who held the Guardian Heart Crystal within her? His brother’s words came back to haunt him a second time.

      â€œâ€¦brother, if we find it then we can be free of him…”

      Blocking out the other sounds within the nightclub, Kyou directed all his senses to her so he could learn more and prepare himself. His haunted golden eyes nearly glowed as he dipped into the thoughts of the group sitting at her table. Listening to the thought of mortals was a vise he hadn’t used in a long time.

      Tasuki offered to go get the first round of drinks since the bartender was his cousin. He wasn’t going to waste his one chance to impress Kyoko. He knew she thought of him as a friend but he wanted to be so much more, if only she would open her eyes and see the devotion he offered her. There would never be a man that could love her more than him. It just wasn’t possible.

      Suki smiled at hearing he knew the bartender and asked Tasuki to get them all a Long Island iced

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