A Light In The Heart Of Darkness. Amy Blankenship

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A Light In The Heart Of Darkness - Amy Blankenship

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about the dark side of this world… didn’t want to risk her happiness. Even he himself was not what she thought he was. He knew she would accept him either way but the memory of burying her kept his lips sealed from speaking of the past. Some things were better off never remembered.

      As Kotaro walked out of the building and back onto the sidewalk, he looked up from the yard below toward her window wondering what she would do when she found out about him. And yes, he would tell her the truth… just not yet. How do you explain that you are older than any normal human and that you have powers like she has only seen in the movies?

      Kotaro shook his head as he started back toward the college contemplating his next move regarding the missing girls.

      He knew what was happening to them and that they were most likely already dead or at least undead. His eyes flashed in anger for just a moment, revealing the darker side of his Lycan soul. He needed to catch the scent of those damn bloodsuckers and the one who led them before they found Kyoko again.

      Chapter 3

      Kyoko flipped through the closet looking for what Suki had talked her into buying last weekend. She giggled to herself remembering Shinbe had followed them on the shopping spree offering to let them model anything they needed an opinion on. What had topped it all off was when he had snuck into the girls dressing room and talked to Suki through the curtain.

      Shinbe had been talking in a high pitch voice to trick Suki into thinking he was the attendant for the ladies room and offered to zip her up.

      Suki had said yes to the offer of help and turned her back to the curtain. Kyoko had almost fallen over when Shinbe went flying across the dressing room to land against the wall on the other side.

      She had asked Suki how she had realized it was Shinbe and Suki had responded with. “I don’t think they would let a lesbian work in a girl’s dressing room so when he put his hand inside my dress instead of on the zipper… it was kind of a dead giveaway.”

      â€œPoor Shinbe,” Kyoko sighed as she pulled out a frilly white belly shirt with silk sleeves that from elbow to the wrist were bell shaped and flowing. Actually, she thought it was very pretty. It kind of reminded her of an angel’s robe but sexy. It was short enough to show her belly button with the hip hugger black mini skirt she had bought.

      After putting the clothes on and finding what shoes she wanted, she pulled the hair around her ears and some from the back, up high into a scrunchie, leaving the rest to hang down attractively. Applying a small amount of makeup and a necklace holding a small crystal teardrop, she deemed herself ready for whatever Suki was getting her into.

      She secretly wished she could have told Kotaro where they were going but even she didn’t know the answer to that. She chewed on her bottom lip realizing she was already missing him then tried to shove the melancholy feeling aside knowing Suki would detect it.

      The last thing she needed tonight was her best friend asking her a million questions that she didn’t want to answer.


      Shinbe ran his fingers through the blue highlights that shimmered within his dark hair as he leaned against the doorframe grinning. He had rushed over to Suki’s when he had received her call saying she was going to be gone this evening and not to come over.

      â€œShe’s delusional if she thinks she can get rid of me that easy,” Shinbe cocked an eyebrow as he waited.

      When she opened the door with her hair still wrapped in a towel, Shinbe’s first words were. “Aww… did I miss you bathing Suki?” He smirked seeing Suki’s eyebrow twitching. As soon as he had met Suki and Kyoko he had felt the need to stay near them at all times. He had often double dated with Toya and the girls.

      Suki knew Shinbe considered himself ‘her boyfriend’ just because he was the only one she dated but Suki had never agreed to the ball and chain part. She tried to hide the blush that threatened to rise up and take over her face as she retorted, “It would take bleach and a wrecking ball to get a dirty mind like yours clean.”

      He leaned closer to her blocking out all else as his amethyst eyes darkened attractively. “If you let me… come in… I think we could find a reason for you to take another bath.”

      Suki felt her heartbeat speed up at the sound of his husky voice and took a couple of steps back as he took several steps forward closing the door behind him. Deciding not to let him get the upper hand, she gave him her best warning look and was rewarded when he stopped his pursuit of her. If he ever found out how much of a hold he had on her… she would really be in for it.

      â€œHey Shinbe, look, I have to finish getting ready because I have plans tonight with a friend. I already told you on the phone, remember?” She had known he would come over anyway… if for no other reason than to try to find out where she was going.

      Taking the towel from her head, her long hair still damp, Suki headed for the bathroom still talking loud enough so that he could hear her. “We can do something tomorrow night, okay?”

      Shinbe leaned against the bar separating her kitchen from the living room. He was about to start voicing his complaints when his gaze fell on a flyer lying on the counter. Picking it up, he quickly scanned the page. Both of his eyebrows rose in enlightenment.





      The words ladies night was circled. Shinbe cocked an eyebrow as he laid the paper back down on the counter and walked toward the bathroom. He hid his smile as he entered without knocking and slid in behind Suki as she had the brush poised to slide through her hair.

      â€œTomorrow then,” Shinbe whispered seductively in the shell of her ear then dipped his lips down to kiss her shoulder. He turned to leave not saying another word… hiding his knowing grin.

      Suki stood motionless, staring in the mirror, not liking the vibes she had just gotten. It was unlike Shinbe not to beg and plead with her. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, she hurried and finished getting ready. Afraid now that Shinbe had something up his sleeve, Suki decided she would show up at Kyoko’s a little earlier than planned.


      Several miles away, piercing red eyes gazed out the window of a penthouse suite overlooking the city. Long waves of silky black hair cascaded down a bare back in contrast to skin as pale as the moon. His angelic face was striking, with sharply defined angles and his body was lean and hard like that of the mystical god Adonis.

      His naked body glistened from the moonlight, muscles dancing with each movement he made. He was beautiful to anyone who looked upon it, yet his dark soul was malicious and deadly. A smile graced his perfect lips as his thoughts turned to the events of the night before.

      Turning from the window he began to prepare himself for the evening. His gaze strayed to the Queen Ann chair next to the fire and the young college student that sat lifeless in it. Hyakuhei smirked as he thought of the fresh blood he had dined on the night before.

      â€˜Pity, she was such a beautiful girl.’ He licked his lips recalling his pleasure of taking the girl and feeding on her. He could never tire of the young women he lured out and took for himself.

      Tonight he would be visiting a popular nightclub to hunt his prey and needed to be sure his ‘children’ were taken care of. ‘Ladies night’ was always ripe for the picking and was a buffet of never ending flesh for the nightwalkers.

      He was a powerful vampire lord and none would dare cross him or question his strength. Pleasure had been his only desire for over a thousand years but now he wanted more. He wanted what was rightfully his. A frown marred his face as he pondered his quest, the object that had become his obsession as he waited on it to be born into the world once again. The legendary Guardian Heart

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