A Light In The Heart Of Darkness. Amy Blankenship

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A Light In The Heart Of Darkness - Amy Blankenship

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slid down further into the bath to let the bubbles floating along the top caress her neck and shoulders. Her emerald green eyes, that were sometimes known to turn stormy at a moment's notice, were shining with contentment.

      Her auburn waves of hair were piled haphazardly on top of her head and her silky smooth skin was hidden now beneath the bubbles. She was a happy girl… and all she really wanted to do was relax for the rest of the day. A bit of soft music in the background, some sweet smelling candles lit all around the bathroom and it was the perfect setting.

      She closed her eyes knowing his image would soon come into focus… as if waiting for her. It was her secret to keep.

      Ice blue eyes watched her from within her mind. She had dreams of him so many times during the nights that now she could summon them even during her waking hours. The deeper she became entwined in the dream, the more real he became until it seemed he was really there… kneeling beside the bathtub.

      His lips tilted in a sensual smirk as he reached out and took the washcloth from her… his eyes becoming as bright as blue flame.

      â€œDreams are nice,” she whispered as she rolled her head to the side letting him do what he wanted.

      â€˜Ring, Ring.’ One of the most annoying sounds in the world echoed throughout the apartment. Kyoko jerked forward in the tub sloshing the water over the rim and onto the tile floor. Raising her hand to her cheek, she could feel the heat there and blushed just as the phone rang again.

      â€œShoot!” She stood up quickly knowing the phone was all the way in the living room. Stepping out of the water, she grabbed the silk robe from the counter and wrapped it around her as she ran to answer it.

      Realizing she was leaving a trail of water, she made a mental note to remember to take the cordless phone to the bathroom with her the next time.

      On the other end of the irritating ringing, Suki tapped her fingernails on the kitchen counter wishing Kyoko would hurry up already and get to the phone. She had this nagging feeling that Shinbe would be here any minute, and she didn’t want him to know anything about what she was planning.

      She heard the click on the other end. “Finally!”

      Kyoko pulled the phone back from her ear to glare at it then placed it back. “Suki, I was in the bath!” Kyoko nearly whined as she gazed longingly back toward the bathroom door where she knew the water was still hot and scented with jasmine. It beckoned her to return and enjoy… so did the dream. She bit her bottom lip as she dragged her eyes away from what she wanted.

      â€œAre you standing there naked?” Suki snickered knowing Kyoko blushed easily.

      â€œSuki!” Kyoko cried into the receiver. Her friend simply had a warped sense of humor, which probably came from being around Shinbe way too much. She grinned mischievously as she countered, “Did you need something? I have a hot, steamy bath calling my name and you’re interrupting my little rendezvous.”

      â€œRendezvous?” Suki looked at the phone and rolled her eyes. “You definitely need help Kyoko. Who ever heard of getting romantic in bathwater without someone there with you? At least get a spark of imagination and think about a sexy man to wash your back while you’re in there.” She sighed in an exasperated tone unaware she had just shocked Kyoko to the core at how close her mental picture really was.

      â€œAnyways, you and I are having a girl’s night out to celebrate finals being over,” Suki chirped. She wasn’t about to let Kyoko say no.

      â€œI won’t take no for an answer either, so start getting ready. And wear that outfit we bought last weekend. I’ll do the same.” Suki inhaled deeply and quickly started again before Kyoko could get a word in edgewise. “Be ready by 7:30. Love ya. Byeeee!”

      Kyoko blinked when the phone clicked signaling the line was disconnected. Her lips were still parted because she had been ready to say ‘no’ at her first opportunity. She sent a silent glare at the far wall of the living room that separated the two girls’ apartments wondering if Suki had called from there or from her cell phone out somewhere.

      Looking at the caller ID she sighed. “Cell phone, that figures.” No need to go beat on the wall then. But the image of her hands around Suki’s neck brought a smile to her face. “I can pretend though.”

      Tossing the cordless phone back on the counter, Kyoko looked down at the silken robe now clinging to her damp body and groaned. The warm water still on her skin had now turned cold and tingly, making chill bumps appear. Quickly, she turned to go back to her bath.

      â€œRing, Ring.” Kyoko twitched.

      Spinning around as her left eyebrow rose in frustration. “I hope that’s Suki so I can tell her how well I like to be bullied!” Jerking up the phone, she said a little louder than normal. “Hello!!”

      Toya smirked at Kyoko’s greeting. “Come now, didn’t your mommy ever teach you to be polite when answering the phone?”

      Kyoko felt like calmly walking to the window, opening it, and letting the phone slip from her hand into the unknown. “Why is it that no one wants to let me finish taking my bath?” she whined, stomping her foot only to feel the air conditioning make its way beneath her robe.

      Toya’s smirk vanished as his imagination ran wild and explicit visions started dancing around in his mind. “Are you nak…” He stopped suddenly tongue-tied before asking her if she was standing there naked. Shaking the thought out of his head, Toya took a deep breath to calm himself and hopefully get his now raging hormones under control. ‘Damn, that was a pretty picture…’

      Kyoko frowned wondering if Toya was standing right beside Suki at that very moment.

      Toya tried again. “Heh, never mind. Look, I’m coming over to take you to the movies tonight, so just get dressed.”

      Kyoko narrowed her eyes wondering who pronounced it to be ‘The Day of The Bullies’. “Uh, I have plans tonight.” Of course her plans had been to turn into a prune in the bath than curl up on the sofa and watch a movie. Maybe even fall asleep during it, not have everyone under the sun bugging her to “go out”.

      â€œWhat! Cancel them, because you’re coming with me!” Toya practically ordered, getting annoyed that she wasn’t doing what he wanted her to do… as if she ever did.

      Kyoko closed her eyes and held the phone away from her chanting ‘I will not throw it out the window, I will not throw it out the window,’ “Knock, Knock” Kyoko swung around to face the door thinking. ‘But I WILL throw it at whoever is at the damn door!’ she could hear a demented laugh come from somewhere deep inside, where her evil twin resided.

      She calmly walked to the door and unlocked it, then peeked around the door to see who it was. “Kotaro” she whispered a little breathlessly then snapped her mouth shut guiltily hoping he hadn’t noticed.

      Kotaro's eyes lit up and darkened at the same time when the door opened. He was glad to see Kyoko safe… and obviously not fully dressed. He cocked an eyebrow at the way she had said his name. Pressing his hand against the door above her head, he opened it the rest of the way with his usual confident smile as he slid past her… almost touching.

      â€œHow is my woman today?” Kotaro walked past her and into the apartment like he belonged there.

      â€˜I will not commit murder, I will not throw the phone, I will not…’ Kyoko’s mind continued to chant as Kotaro faced her with his usual heart-stopping grin. She suddenly felt like the air conditioning had stopped working.

      How was it this man, who could only be described as walking sex, affect her so? She always felt like she was trying to stop herself from throwing him to the floor. Shaking her head, she

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