A Light In The Heart Of Darkness. Amy Blankenship

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A Light In The Heart Of Darkness - Amy Blankenship

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the knock in the background through the phone and then Kotaro’s voice. He yelled into the phone to get her attention. “Damn it, Kyoko! What the hell is Kotaro doing there?” he ground out, angry that the security guard had shown up at “his” Kyoko’s apartment again.

      Kyoko cringed when the yell from the phone could be heard loud and clear within the living room. Looking over Kotaro’s shoulder at the wall clock, she knew she needed to start getting ready or Suki would be the next one banging on the door. Enough was enough. She turned and walked over to the counter intending to hang the phone up.

      Raising it back to her ear she shouted, “I’ll see you later!” ‘Click’… one down… one to go.

      Kotaro smirked knowing it had been Toya she was yelling at. His eyes traveled over the silk that clung to a nicely shaped body like a second skin and he couldn’t have stopped himself if he had tried from moving forward… closer to her. He slowly closed his eyes only for a second as he inhaled deeply, his entire body now less than an inch from hers. The thought of touching without contact had him mentally curving his body around hers and tightening.

      He leaned forward bringing his lips close to the shell of her ear before whispering her name. His lips softened, as did his ice blue eyes. He often found himself almost wishing she would remember the past… and how close they once were. What would she do if she remembered they used to live together? Him, her, and Toya… so they could protect her.

      Kyoko lost her breath as it rushed out of her and she felt the skin along her neck and cheek tingle. It was hard enough to keep her thoughts straight with him so close but right now she could feel him touching her even though he wasn’t. Remembering just what she was doing before the phone had interrupted her made instant heat rise up into her face.

      Not wanting him to notice her guilt, she kept her back to him and tried hard to suppress the memory of the bath. Closing her eyes, she fought the urge to lean back into him and had to grab the table to steady herself.

      Kotaro wanted to put his hands on the table on both sides of her… trapping her within his arms but suddenly stilled. He could smell the soaps she had used in the bath but one flavor made its way to him and his expression turned curious… arousal? He stepped back from her… feeling himself harden.

      Running his hand through his untamed hair, he retreated to a safer distance trying hard to ignore the jolt in the pit of his stomach… why had he come here again?… it was important.

      He felt his protective instincts kick in recalling the recent alerts he had received. “Will you spend the evening with me?” The innocent sounding question hid a double meaning, as he tasted the want.

      Kyoko slowed her breathing once again ready to fight her feelings. She frowned knowing it would be too dangerous to be alone with him. Suddenly, she wanted to thank Suki for ordering her around.

      Seeing her frown Kotaro quickly added, “We can do anything you want to. Rent a movie and stay in… or go out.”

      â€œRent a movie and stay home…” Kyoko repeated wishfully thinking that was exactly what she wanted to do. Then noticing Kotaro’s eyes light up, she quickly amended, “At least that’s what I wanted to do and if I hadn’t been dragged into someone else’s plans. I would have loved to stay up watching movies with you. But I’m sorry Kotaro. I can’t.” She gave him an apologetic smile mentally stomping her foot at the thought of missing out on a very warm evening with the handsome security guard.

      Kotaro’s shoulders dropped an inch but he smiled anyway knowing she wasn’t trying to hurt his feelings. He could even tell that she wanted him to stay and he wondered at the pull of that want… was it the same as his wants? To him, Kyoko was the most precious gem on earth and he would do anything he could to make her smile and keep her safe at the same time.

      After all, he had waited over a thousand years just to see her again.

      Needing to make sure she was protected and out of harm's way he asked, “So what plans do you have, maybe I can join in the fun?” He gave her his most mischievous smile hoping it would work. If not then he could resort to stalking her… the corners of his perfect lips tilted in a secret smile.

      Kyoko knew Suki would never go for that. Girl’s night out meant ‘girl’s’ night out. She also knew that if Kotaro found out she was with only Suki… he would tag along, somehow showing up as if by accident. She had seen him do it many times.

      Where Toya was pushy, Kotaro always tried to be subtle, even though when you put the two guys in the same room they seemed to act a lot alike and would constantly annoy each other. Both guys had a heart of gold and she knew it. In a way she loved them both… so much that it was painful, which is why she chose not to choose and just stay single for now. Honestly, she didn’t want to hurt either of their feelings.

      But one thing Kyoko knew for certain was if Kotaro thought she was going out with Toya tonight… he would not bother to follow. At least she hoped not.

      â€œI’m sorry Kotaro, I already have plans with Toya but I promise we will rent movies or something another time.” Kyoko lowered her eyes not liking the fact that she was lying to him but it was the only way to get him to let it go. Watching the floor she noticed him take a step forward and she instantly took a step back biting her lower lip when she felt the table behind her.

      Kotaro felt the jealousy vibrate within him but he held it in check. His only comfort was that if she was with Toya tonight, at least he could count on her not being one of the next missing girls.

      Plus, he knew Kamui was secretly watching over both Toya and Kyoko. Mentally, he had to admit Toya was overprotective of her and would keep her safe. He wanted to be the one with Kyoko tonight, the one protecting her. But even though he didn’t like it, Toya would not let any harm come to her.

      He watched her slowly raise her eyes to his and could see the worry in her gaze that he would try to stop her… he wanted to stop her but he wouldn’t. In time she would make her own choice.

      Nodding his head slightly in reluctant acceptance, Kotaro reached for her hand and held it for a moment, locking ice blue eyes with stormy emerald ones. He could tell she had a rough day by her eyes. He could always read her feelings through the color of her eyes… he had learned that over a thousand years ago. He only wished she would remember.

      â€œThat’s a deal then Kyoko. I’ll check in on you tomorrow. Be careful beautiful.” Leaning forward he brushed his lips across her forehead then let go of her hand, turning to leave.

      Kyoko smiled. “Thanks, Kotaro.” Her forehead still tingled where his warm lips had touched her. She was glad he was easier to deal with than Toya. He would often kiss her cheek, forehead or hand, leaving that spot tingly and warm.

      She wondered what he would think if he knew she had never been kissed on the lips. No one would ever believe that at the age of eighteen, she was still as pure as she was… well physically pure. She blushed again knowing her thoughts were not too faultless. She would blame the traitor that lived within her chest and sped up every time she thought of him.

      Kotaro opened the door to slip out but not before throwing her a smile over his shoulder and adding. “Just remember, you’re still my woman.” He quickly left, shutting the door behind him, grinning wolfishly at the comment.

      He knew she wouldn’t cross the line with Toya and wasn’t worried. Even in the past when he and Toya had butted heads, she would take up for him over Toya. She had always loved Toya but Kotaro knew it was he she was truly in love with. The speed of her heartbeat when he was around had always given her true feelings away… in this lifetime and in the past. He only had to wait for her to realize it once again.

      Kotaro inhaled softly savoring her scent. Even now he could smell her purity and knew she was not one to take something like that lightly. She was so innocent of the real world.

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