Steve Miller's Slimming Secrets. Steve Miller
Читать онлайн книгу.excuses, meaning they get the results they deserve: it’s all about tough love.
Be aware of what most people think
If your motivation is to avoid others judging you, then this motivator is definitely for you. You probably know by now that I refuse to wrap it up because that would not be fair on you. Nor will I succumb to political correctness because that just keeps you fat. At the end of the day, we both want a weight-loss result for you and so honesty really is the best policy. There are many things people think when they see a fat person: most are very negative whether this is right or wrong, it’s never going to change. I’m not saying this is fair, but it’s true that most people dread the thought of a fat person sitting next to them on a plane, in the cinema or at the theatre. And typical judgements include others believing that fat people are lazy and lack any sense of responsibility. I know it hurts, but I want to encourage you to let this motivate you away from being thought of in that way: there is something you can do about it and that’s the wonderful thing.
Over the years, the opportunity to eat junk food has become much easier due to its affordability. I remember the days when fish and chips were a real treat. Nowadays, it’s relatively easy to buy them a few times a week. Not only that, but fatty, sugary foods are often on special offer in supermarkets and it doesn’t break the bank to buy profiteroles, mini donuts, tubs of ice cream and chocolate bars. We are effectively spoilt for choice, especially given the fact that you can buy a pack full of treats for £1, or take advantage of the numerous buy one, get one free deals that we see everywhere. This is one of the reasons why food has gained the upper hand over the years, taking control of you rather than you taking control of it. In short, so many people have become slaves to food. It’s become the champ and celebrates a victory every time you buy into all the unhealthy items in store because your mind is conditioned to believe it pulls the strings. Food has tempted you, and for no fault of your own, you gave in to this temptation by eating it – and eating too much of it, too.
In other words, the control food has is superior because your subconscious mind has become programmed to eat rubbish food, and lots of it. Now I’m all for eating a bit of junk but when junk is in the majority, it becomes a different story. It turns you into a junk product, one that gets caught in a spiral of eating to feel good, feeling bad about yourself and then eating some more just to feel good again.
It’s when you take the control back that your eating patterns will be healthier; helping you to slim down to the person you deserve to be. In this chapter, I offer you a number of strategies to help you regain control. Try them all, and then select the ones that work best for you.
Over the next coming days, I want you to start experiencing food using the Green Cross Code: stop, look and listen. However, in this instance you will be using the code in the context of food control. This technique has helped thousands of my clients bring back the control they have over food, so that they eat less and eat better:
Stop: Before you decide to eat, start making a conscious effort to stop and think about what you’re about to do. This also includes stopping as soon as you see the food in front of you, which is probably yelling, ‘eat me, eat me!’ As you look at the food, deliberately stop yourself from reaching out to it. The reality is the food wants you to grab it and put it straight in your mouth without even thinking. Because you have done this for so long, it’s natural to get in there and munch on whatever you see but from now on, I want you to STOP first.
Look: Now that you’ve stopped, take a good look at what’s in front of you. Is it healthy, or is it food that will do nothing for your waistline other than make you fat? LOOK at what you see. Using your commonsense and the advice given in this book, ask yourself: do you see food that contains a lot of fat and a high calorific content, or food that is low in fat and low in calories? At this point, keep your hands by your side and silently begin to congratulate yourself on what you are doing. At this point, it really is important to slow down and say ‘well done’ to yourself as your ability to control the food becomes much stronger.
Listen: Having stopped and looked at the food, it’s now time to LISTEN to your inner voice. The best way to do this is by asking yourself three key questions: What will this do for me? What can I do differently? What does it feel like, knowing I have power over it?
If you decided that you don’t want the food after all, promptly dispose of it and turn your back on it. Once again, congratulate yourself and be sure to smile! Then select a healthy option and as you eat it slowly, congratulate yourself again and affirm mentally that you are in control of the food. Assert the control you have over food in your mind as many times as possible, as this will help you to develop a new and positive habit.
Use the Green Cross Code method of food control in as many situations as possible, especially where temptation is present, such as Christmas parties, weddings, birthdays and all those social gatherings where you are likely to face loads of calorie-laden foods, and where often you can eat as much as you like.
Have you ever noticed that you eat when you are bored? Isn’t it easy to grab hold of some crisps and dips, or sweets and eat to occupy the mind? For many people, weight gain is often the result of picking at food. I would advise you to plan your time carefully in between meals, making sure that your brain is engaged so you are mentally busy. In between your three meals a day, plan things to do, such as reading, writing, walking, or focusing on your work. Try and do something where your full concentration is away from food and focused instead on what you are doing. Avoid sitting around doing nothing because your mind may soon begin to wander onto the topic of the food in your fridge. It is amazing how much snacking is done when the mind is bored. People aren’t often aware of how much they snack on especially when playing computer games or watching TV, so do bear this in mind too! Remember the saying, ‘little pickers wear big knickers’? Stay busy so yours become smaller!
Read the script
I have designed the following script for you to read daily to help your control over food become solid. If you feel this works for you, I would recommend you read it for 21 days. The reason I say 21 days is because it normally takes around three weeks for a new habit to be formed. In other words, what you read will gradually become embedded in your mind, helping you to automatically be in control of food. Simply sit in a comfortable seat where you won’t be interrupted and allow the words to drift into your mind, bit by bit. You will also notice that I use pauses between each statement because I want you to take your time. This is to help the suggestions in my script sink deeper into your mind, helping the new habit of control over food to become firmly embedded:
‘As you sit reading this [PAUSE] I want you to know that everything I say to you [PAUSE] is for your benefit [PAUSE] so that you become more and more in control of food [PAUSE] because you deserve to be in control of food [PAUSE], and I want you to know that as you read this [PAUSE] your full mental concentration is focused on allowing all the things I say to you [PAUSE] for your benefit [PAUSE], so that [PAUSE] over the days that follow [PAUSE] your control over food becomes so much stronger [PAUSE] so much more natural [PAUSE] and [PAUSE] it is completely understandable that in the past food had the upper hand [PAUSE] because in the past you had allowed it to become the boss [PAUSE] the gaffer [PAUSE] the manager of you [PAUSE] and that wasn’t your fault [PAUSE], you weren’t to blame [PAUSE] it is just that in the past food decided it would lead the way [PAUSE] and back then, you had accepted it would be that way [PAUSE] so there is no need to feel guilty [PAUSE] no need to blame yourself [PAUSE] because right now, you have decided that it’s time for a change [PAUSE] time to do something new [PAUSE] something exciting [PAUSE].