A Choice of Crowns. Barb Hendee

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A Choice of Crowns - Barb  Hendee

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jerked beef, blankets, and various items of clothing.

      “You’re sending all that to the poor?” I asked.

      She blinked. “Of course. Don’t you organize drives in your father’s keep?”

      Drives? What did that mean?

      I looked around myself at the tables. “Where did all this come from?”

      “From those who are most fortunate.” She still seemed puzzled by my questions. “I have a list of nobles, merchants, and city leaders who are willing to donate. I send out word of what we most need, and then twice a moon, we spend several days gathering. We organize in here, and send wagons out where they are most needed.”

      High windows in the barn allowed sunlight to filter inside. The light showed dust hanging in the air. I was still almost too astonished for words.

      “How often do you work in here?” I asked.

      “How often?” She laughed softly. “Every day. There’s always something that needs to be done, even if it’s just sorting and organizing. This is a large task, and winter will only bring more need.”

      Every day.

      I could not get my head around that. The princess of our kingdom spent time every day working in an old stable to sort out food and blankets for needy commoners. How could her mother allow it?

      “Do you go out gathering and delivering yourself?” I asked.

      At this, her smile faded. “Not so much as I’d like. I used to go quite a bit, but I’m only allowed out the castle gate if Micah can escort me, and ever since he was promoted to commander of the guard, he has less time.”

      It took a few seconds for me to realize she referred to Captain Caron. She called him by his given name? Then I remembered Rowan had done the same. How odd. I didn’t even know Captain Reynaud’s given name.

      “Captain Caron is young to hold such a command,” I ventured.

      She nodded. “Yes, but last year, Captain Trevar took a fall off a horse and broke his knee so badly it wouldn’t mend. He had to retire, and Rowan wanted someone he could trust. He trusts Micah.”

      This was another interesting piece of information. King Rowan valued men he trusted over men with more experience.

      “Would you like to help?” she asked.

      I would not. I found all this quite beneath a person of her station—or my own. But turning around and leaving would appear impolite.

      “What can I do?”

      “The Compté family has a new baby,” she said, “and Theresa hasn’t recovered from the birth. I was able to get out and visit last week, but I’ve heard things haven’t improved. Her husband, Cameron, is an artisan mason, but he’s not found much work this summer. Go to the back of the stable and find some clean cloths for nappies. Then go upstairs. Most of the food is there. See if you can find some of last year’s strawberry preserves. Theresa might need more fruit in her diet.” Walking to another table, she lifted an indigo shirt with black buttons. “And I think I’ll send this for Cameron.”

      I stared at her. She knew the given names of some mason and his wife out in the city? Thinking back to the events of the morning, I realized she had not been feeding Rowan snippets of gossip. She actually knew what was happening with the people outside this castle wall.

      “Princess,” another woman called. “Do you think there is enough flour loaded?”

      “I’m coming,” Ashton called back.

      She headed over to check the wagon. With little choice, I started toward the back of the barn. Cloth for nappies? What exactly was I seeking? I knew that babies wore cloths. I’d simply never seen such a cloth.

      But I’d only taken a few steps when a serving woman came through the open front doors and approached me.

      “Lady Olivia.” She bowed her head. “Captain Caron said I might find you here.”

      “Yes?” I asked, wondering what she wanted.

      “The dowager queen requests your company for tea. It is being served as we speak.”

      Relief flooded through me. “Thank you. Please wait so that you might show me to her apartments.”

      Turning, I called, “Princess, I fear I must leave you. Your mother is asking for me.”

      “Of course,” she called back. “I can manage here.”

      With another sigh of gratitude, I left the barn.

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