A Choice of Crowns. Barb Hendee
Читать онлайн книгу.the council and the reigning monarch. Council seats were for life, and an empty seat could only be filled by a majority vote from the sitting council. Most council members held one or more secondary government offices as well—for which they were paid generous stipends. Lord Sauvage served as minister of foreign affairs. Lord Cloutier, the oldest member, served as minister of finance.
Baron Augustine had studied the law in his youth. He was the keeper of our laws and bylaws. Striding directly to me, he leaned in to kiss my cheek.
“My dear,” he repeated. “I cannot tell you how glad I am to see you. The dowager’s announcement of your agreement, of your impending betrothal, has brought such joy to the council. She couldn’t have chosen better, and you do us honor by traveling on such short notice.”
Of course, he was flattering me. Any woman with an ounce of sense would have agreed to the arrangement, jumped onto a horse, and ridden five days if the crown had been offered to her, but…at the same time, his voice was warm and genuine. He’d always behaved like a loving uncle, and he was glad to see me. My own father would not have kissed my face or bothered with such kind words.
Even more, just like Ashton, like Captain Caron, he already viewed me as the new queen. My brother, George, had not been wrong. I would have the support of the council.
“I’ve not met the dowager,” I said quietly. “Will you play escort and introduce me?”
“It would be my honor.” He offered his arm. “She has been so eager for your arrival.”
We made our way through the throngs of guests toward the hearth. I spotted the dowager queen, Genève, before Baron Augustine even pointed her out. She had the same shade of dark hair and eyes as her son. In her late forties, she was still striking, wearing a gown of gold silk and holding a goblet without drinking as she spoke to the wives of Lords Paquet and Sauvage—two other men on the council.
When she saw me coming, she went still, taking in everything about me. Perhaps she too could see who I was without being introduced.
Baron Augustine stopped and bowed to her. “My queen, allow me to present the lady Olivia Géroux.”
Though she was the dowager queen, in gatherings like this, it was polite to address her by her former title. Her eyes scanned my face, my hair, my form, and gown. She smiled, but it did not reach her cold eyes. Then she handed off her goblet and grasped my hands. “My dear. You are most welcome. In his letters, your father spoke highly of you, and I can see he did not exaggerate.”
Was there relief in her voice? I thought so. I could feel strength emanating from her, and perhaps she could sense it in me.
Cold eyes or not, she was my most powerful ally here.
“Olivia,” said a soft voice from my right.
Turning, I saw Princess Ashton coming toward us. The sight of her took my breath away. She was almost ethereal in a gown of peach silk that made her pale skin glow. Her silky black hair was styled in a fashion similar to mine, flowing down her back with the front held by a silver clip.
She smiled openly. “Oh, how beautiful you look. You are by far the loveliest girl in the hall. I’m sorry Rowan rode off so quickly today. I wasn’t even able to thank you properly.”
The most unsettling thing about her was that she meant every word, and I was uncertain how to respond to someone like her. She appeared to lack any and all ability at skilled wordplay. She said what she thought, and she was a gentle creature.
Normally, I would despise such a woman, as she was clearly weak-natured. But again…she wouldn’t be in my life for long. I suspected several betrothals were likely in the works, hence Prince Amandine’s attempt at abduction.
“You look well,” I said. “Are you recovered?”
“Yes, thank you. I rested this afternoon, and I feel safe here with my brother.”
Her eyes moved partway across the hall, and I breathed in quickly to see Rowan in the crowd, speaking with Lords Paquet and Sauvage. He was every inch as handsome as he’d been that afternoon, wearing the same sleeveless tunic that showed the defined muscles in his arms. Waves of dark hair curled behind his ears. His face was clean-shaven, and his cheekbones were high.
Standing on tiptoes, Ashton kissed the side of the dowager’s face. “Good evening, Mother.”
“Are you certain you are recovered, my dear? This whole affair has given us such a fright.”
“I feel well, Mother,” Ashton answered, “and I didn’t want to miss Lady Olivia’s welcoming dinner. She’s been so kind. She and her men saved me.”
Genève smiled at me again, but if anything, her eyes were even colder. “Yes, I was informed.”
“Have you managed to learn who these captors served and how they escaped the castle gates with the princess?” I asked.
“No. But my son will learn the truth.”
Again, we all looked to Rowan. He suddenly glanced around, as if missing something, and turned his head toward our small group.
Crooking his arm, he barked, “Ashton.”
Ashton started slightly, as if she’d done something wrong. “Excuse me.” Hurrying over, she took his arm with both hands, and he turned back to his conversation without acknowledging my existence.
Baron Augustine and the wives of Lord Paquet and Sauvage froze at this clear slight against me, but Genève never lost her serene smile. Gazing upon her children with what appeared to be affection, she sighed. “It has been a most trying time for the king. He was overwrought at the abduction of his sister, and I fear it may take him longer to recover than her.”
His pointed attempts to ignore my existence could hardly be accounted to worry over the potential loss of a sister. There was more going on here. I simply didn’t know what yet.
But I nodded sympathetically. “Of course. I’ve not yet spoken with the king, so I have little idea of his state of mind.”
Everyone waited for Genève’s next words. Again, her smile never faded. “That will be remedied soon, my dear. You are seated next to him at dinner.”
This brought relief. I would finally learn more about my future husband.
* * * *
Unfortunately, dinner proved an equally humiliating affair.
Baron Augustine was seated on my left, with the king to my right. Lord Moreau, another member of the council, sat to the king’s right, and the two them remained engaged in steady conversation for the first three courses. Several times, Lord Moreau leaned around Rowan to speak to me, attempting to pull me into the discussion, but though Rowan never offered an impolite word to me, he also refused to acknowledge my existence. How was I to win a man so determined to pretend I was not there?
By the time dessert was served, we’d still not exchanged a word.
“Have you questioned the two guards who were on duty at the castle gate yesterday?” Lord Moreau asked him.
Rowan nodded. “Yes, and so has Micah. They both swear no one got by them with the princess…that they searched every wagon. They are loyal men, and I know them well. Perhaps the princess was mistaken about being taken past the guards. She told me a bag had been placed over her head before she was hidden in the back of the wagon, so she saw nothing.”
“Then how did these captors get her off the castle grounds?”
Rowan’s face darkened, and he looked down the table past Moreau. Ashton was seated several people away, on the far side of Genève. “I don’t know. But I will find out.”
“My king,” Baron Augustine said, pulling Rowan’s attention. “I hear your vineyards are producing a fine crop this year. Lady Olivia’s father also grows a variety of grapes.”
“Does he?” the king answered without looking