A Choice of Crowns. Barb Hendee

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A Choice of Crowns - Barb  Hendee

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once, but at Reynaud and not at me.

      He spoke to the royal guard in the lead. “Micah, manage that,” he ordered.

      Then, he kicked his frothing horse again and galloped back toward the city, holding the reins in one hand and Ashton with the other.

      I was stunned.

      I was humiliated.

      Captain Reynaud’s face showed fury.

      I’d ridden five days, and this was the greeting from my future husband?

      Quickly, I stood up, and Reynaud stood beside me

      The leader of Rowan’s guards appeared both mortified and dumbstruck at the same time. Dismounting swiftly, he strode toward me. He was perhaps thirty years old and one of the tallest men I’d ever seen. He wore a close-trimmed beard, and his blond hair hung down his back. There was a sheathed sword on his left hip.

      I was angry and wanted to punish someone, anyone, for the initial greeting I’d received here.

      But as he came before me, he dropped to one knee. “My lady, Olivia.”

      His tone was so filled with apology that my anger faded. He seemed to know exactly who I was and was already treating me as his queen.

      “I’m Captain Micah Caron,” he continued, with his eyes downcast. “Commander of the royal guard.”

      This surprised me. He was not overly young to have achieved the rank of captain, but he was young to be named as commander of the royal guard. Normally, such honors were awarded to seasoned soldiers in their late forties or early fifties.

      I found myself unable to speak. King Rowan’s nearly unhinged behavior had left me at a loss.

      “The king has been overwrought with worry,” Captain Caron rushed on. “But he welcomes your arrival, as do we all. The dowager queen has been preparing. A fine private room awaits you, and tonight, a banquet will be hosted in your honor. The Council of Nobles has gathered to express their joy.” He looked up to Reynaud. “Bunks and hot meals have been readied for your men.”

      Beside me, Reynaud’s taut body began to relax. He cared for his men and would appreciate Captain Caron seeing to their comfort. Now that I was safely delivered, they could begin the journey back tomorrow.

      “May I escort you to the castle, my lady?” Caron asked.

      Still somewhat at a loss, I nodded once—as regally as I could.

      He stood up and towered over me. The effect was the opposite of when Ashton had stood beside me. His expression was still apologetic but protective at the same time. I felt small…almost delicate. Something about his physical presence unnerved me, and yet I couldn’t help being grateful for how swiftly he’d altered the situation.

      Motioning toward my horse with one hand, he said, “My lady?”

      I let him hand me up into the saddle, and then I looked to the castle.

      My new home.

      Chapter Three

      That evening, after a few hours of rest, I woke alone in my private room, in one of the west towers of the large, drafty castle. Though not luxurious, the accommodations met my needs and expectations. It boasted its own fireplace. Tapestries depicting rose gardens graced the walls. I had a large four-poster bed with a thick down comforter. There was a wardrobe and a cherrywood dressing table with a mirror and matching chair positioned against the east wall.

      All of my trunks had been delivered.

      As I rose to dress, though, a problem presented itself. Most women of my class employed a lady’s maid. However, my father had forbidden this practice. He’d taught us all how to listen, how to spy, and how to gather information, but he saw a danger in letting anyone get too close to a family member, and was against the idea of another woman in our rooms, seemingly invisible, listening to us talk.

      As a result, my sisters and I had sometimes been forced to lace each other up. I managed to get around this as often as possible by ordering gowns that laced up the front. For formal occasions, I could call on one of our serving women.

      But my finest gown, the one I wished to wear tonight, laced up the back and would require assistance. Perhaps I could choose another? No. The one I had in mind suited me too well, and I needed to look my best.

      The problem resolved itself with a soft knock on the door.

      “Come,” I called.

      A middle-aged woman stepped inside. She wore a gray wool dress with her hair pinned up rather severely. Bowing her head, she said, “My lady. The princess informed me that you are traveling without a maid. I came to see if I could be of assistance.”

      I knew full well that my lack of a maid would appear odd in these early days, and I’d soon need to employ one here. It would be expected.

      “Are you maid to the princess?” I asked.

      She nodded. “Yes, my lady. I am Kamilla. May I assist you?”

      Though I showed no emotion, her offer was welcome. “Please.” I pointed to the largest of the trunks. “My gown for tonight is in there. It is the one on top.”

      It was emerald-green velvet with a scooped neckline and long, slender sleeves. The skirt was split, and I’d brought a white satin underskirt to wear beneath it. Kamilla got me dressed and laced me in tightly, nodding her approval at the effect of the green over the stark white.

      I looked at my hair in the mirror. “Up or down?” I asked, throwing all decorum to the wind. She lived here, and she dressed Ashton. I wanted her opinion.

      Kamilla studied me dispassionately. “Down, I think. You have lovely hair and should show your tresses. But sit and let me do something with the front. Do you have a clip, perhaps in silver?”

      “Yes, in that box.”

      Without question, I sat and allowed her to brush out my hair. She took the front, pulled it back over my forehead, and pushed the top forward slightly to soften the effect. Then she pinned it. The effect was simple and elegant.

      I stood up. I looked well. This was not vanity. I could see that I looked well. My burnished red hair shone, and the dress brought out the color of my slanted green eyes.

      Once more, Kamilla nodded her approval. “It’s good that you stand so straight. You’re tall, and there’s nothing for it, so you are wise to use it instead of slouching.”

      Her somewhat impertinent opinion was unexpected, but I couldn’t help finding her words gratifying. No one had ever looked at me and approved of my height before.

      Then the next problem presented itself. “I have no idea where to find the great hall.”

      “I’ll escort you, my lady.”

      * * * *

      Kamilla took me far enough that I could see the entry chamber before the great hall, but she did not exit the corridor. Instead, she faded back into the shadows.

      I stepped alone into the vast circular entry chamber. There were entrances to other corridors along the walls, leading in all directions, but an open archway to the great hall dominated one side.

      Drawing myself up, I walked through the archway to find the great hall already filled with people, milling about drinking from goblets. A large hearth stood in the center of one wall, and even in early summer it was burning, as the coastal nights could be chilly. I wondered what winters would be like here. Five long tables with chairs lined three of the walls, but it was customary for guests to drink and visit before dinner was served.

      I was not alone for long.

      “My dear,” said a familiar voice.

      Baron Augustine, an old friend of my father and a frequent visitor to my family’s keep, approached me though the crowd. He was portly, with a white beard, and dressed in a burgundy tunic with gold thread.

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