A Choice of Crowns. Barb Hendee

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A Choice of Crowns - Barb  Hendee

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to grow vines of white in the south.”

      This was hardly a riveting topic, but I was determined to make him at least acknowledge me. He did not. He did not acknowledge I’d spoken, and went back to his conversation with Lord Moreau.

      Everyone was seated and finishing the last of their strawberry tarts with cream when movement in the north archway caught my eye. Several musicians came into the hall and began setting up to play.

      The dowager queen rose from the table and approached her son.

      “You should lead the dance, my king,” she said in her smooth voice, “and partner with our guest of honor.”

      A jolt ran through me at her brilliance. While a lady could never ask a man to dance, someone like the dowager queen suggesting it couldn’t be ignored. Rowan would have no choice but to lead me out onto the floor.

      To my astonishment, he stood up. “Forgive me, Mother. I’m not disposed to dance tonight. It’s been a trying day, and I would retire to a quieter place.” He leaned around her to look down the table. “Ashton, I’ve a mind to play chess.”

      She was still eating her tart, but she put down her fork instantly. “Of course.”

      They both left the table, heading for the archway. Everyone watched them leave.

      At this, even Genève froze. This was more than a slight. He’d just refused his mother’s pointed invitation to dance with me and then abandoned the dinner being held for me. It was an insult. Baron Augustine appeared shocked beyond words.

      I didn’t let anything show on my face as my mind raced for a graceful path forward.

      To my everlasting gratitude, Lord Moreau stood and held out his hand. “The king has been kind enough to give me the pleasure of dancing with our beautiful guest. Will you join me, my lady?”

      I smiled back as if there was nothing in the world more pleasant than accepting his offer. “I would be honored, my lord.”

      I took his hand.

      All eyes were upon me as we moved out onto the floor. He grasped my left hand and my waist as we began. I was skilled dancer, and so was Moreau. He was a slender man with a thin mustache. Though he was not as close a friend to our family as Baron Augustine, he’d visited our keep several times, and I knew him slightly. He had a reputation for gambling, but he was respected on the council.

      Other couples soon joined us on the floor, and we were no longer the center of attention.

      Relaxing slightly, he studied my face as we danced. “Don’t distress yourself. You’re doing well.”

      This was the first attempt at honesty anyone had made here, and I wanted to jump at it. But could I trust him?

      “Am I?” I responded. “He’s not yet even spoken to me.”

      “No, but neither can he send you away, and you’ve managed to smile through his insults. The dowager queen was wise to bring in a daughter from the house of Géroux. Your father did not raise fools.”

      “You wish for this wedding to take place?” I asked.

      “Wish for it? I’d carry you both down the aisle myself. So would any man on the council. Rowan is a fine king, stronger in some ways than Eduard ever was, and he listens to the council. He can hold our kingdom safe, but he needs to marry and establish a line. The people expect it.” He paused in his words if not his fluid movements on the dance floor. “And I can already see that you would make a fine queen.”

      Though I was relieved at this honest exchange, in part, it served only to frustrate me more. “Surely, he can see that as well? Why is he so opposed to marriage?”

      Something flickered across Moreau’s face, almost a nervous twitch. But he shook his head. “Who can know the inner workings of a king’s mind? Perhaps he does not see the importance of this one element. We must protect him from himself and help him down the correct path.”

      To me, this seemed not only a weak answer, but also an evasion. Moreau knew more than he was saying.

      “If that is the case,” I asked, “how am I to seduce him if he won’t acknowledge me?”

      “You don’t,” he answered flatly, spinning me faster to an increase in the tempo.

      “I beg your pardon?”

      “Don’t try to charm him. He’s immune. Trust me on this count. Simply do what you’ve been doing tonight. Smile and pretend nothing is amiss. You cannot win him over. In this instance, he will only be swayed by a show of strength.”

      To my shame, this advice actually brought relief. I was no charming seductress, and I was only too familiar with men who responded to nothing but strength. Still…

      “How does that help me succeed?”

      “He’ll have to be bullied,” Moreau answered. “But you needn’t worry about that. The dowager queen and the council can manage him. You only need make it clear that you won’t respond to his insults and that you have no intention of leaving. We’ll handle the rest.”

      This assurance should have increased my relief, but it didn’t. As he’d already stated, my father did not raise fools. While I would use any support offered by the dowager or the men on the council, the only person I trusted entirely was myself.

      I had to ensure my own success here, and that meant I’d need leverage over Rowan. What was his weak point?

      All men had one.

      * * * *

      The next morning, I had a breakfast tray in my room, and then Kamilla came to see if I required help getting dressed. She didn’t appear to mind serving both the princess and me.

      “Which gown, my lady?” she asked, looking through my largest trunk. “I’ll have a maid come in today to unpack for you.”

      Which gown? I wasn’t certain.

      “I’ve not been told of today’s activities,” I answered. “The daily rhythms of the castle are still new to me.”

      For some reason, I felt safe admitting such things to her. Father would have scorned me for such behavior, but I required some assistance here, and she didn’t appear to judge my ignorance.

      “Of course they are,” she said. “You’ve only just arrived. I’m sure the dowager queen will invite you to tea later today to help set up your schedule, but this morning is common court day. Twice a month, the king holds court in the great hall, so the common people might bring him problems or grievances. It could be useful for you to attend.”


      It could be very useful to see Rowan interacting with his people. I might learn a great deal.

      “Perhaps this one, my lady,” Kamilla said, lifting a tan muslin day gown from my trunk.

      In addition to green, tan was also a color that suited my red hair. I nodded to her.

      * * * *

      I arrived at the great hall to find it packed, so I stood quietly in the back, observing.

      A dais had been set up at the front of the hall with a large chair near the front of the dais and a smaller chair set halfway behind the large one.

      Rowan, wearing his crown, sat in the large chair…and Ashton sat in the small one.

      This did take me aback. I had listened to some of the rumors that Rowan didn’t care to share power with anyone, but if he wanted a woman’s counsel in court, I would have expected the dowager queen. For one, Ashton would not be here much longer. It was already past time she should have been married off. Even more, Ashton lacked both strength and intelligence. What assistance could he possibly gain from her?

      Six guards in light blue and yellow tabards stood behind them.

      A well-dressed man who appeared

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