God’s Code. Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Читать онлайн книгу.with my children thinking I was doing good. (Philliphe confessed)
— It's all right. It's over. The important thing now is to move on, rebuild life and I see that you are willing to do so. (Isael)
—I hope so. (Philliphe)
— You have children, your Isael? (The Seer)
—No, I have not. (Isael)
— If you had, what minimum requirements did your son-in-law or daughter-in-law have to have? (The Seer)
—First, my son's love. Also, be a hard worker, honest, friendly and out of the dark. (Isael)
—Damn it! How much demand! Kkk. (Laughter) (The Seer)
—But that's how it is. In order to achieve a healthy relationship, this is the minimum. Ever thought your daughter-in-law or son-in-law would be angry with you and harm you with spiritual work? Of bad people I want distance, that is, each in its place. (Isael)
— You're quite right. You shall not seek evil, and you shall have the shadow of God within your reach, thus says Yahweh. (Rafael)
—And more: "Evil is a wound that bleeds and has no cure". (Complementary Uriel)
— Even so, we must remember the power of free will. We can advise, but never interfere with the decision of our older children. (Isael)
— And what a Maktub! I learned from the seer. (Philliphe recalled)
— We must also be authors of our own history, helping both types of destiny. Never mere spectators! (Renato recalled)
— God says also: Take your yoke and your staff and follow me. This is what really matters to be happy being married or not. (The seer concluded)
— Stop of five minutes for reflection. Holy God and strong God continue to inspire us to write his “ Code”. Let's go guys? (Isael)
—Yes. (The others)
In this time span, Rafael, Uriel and Isael meet and share secrets. What would be of more interest in the next subitems? Keep following, readers.
2.3- Expenses
The pause ends and the group meets again in the same place as always, on the benches of the square. This time it is Uriel Ikiriri who takes the floor initially:
—We'll talk about family expenses now. Who is eligible to ask the first question to Isael?
— I. I will speak from my personal experience. Since when I was very humble, I consider this life as very fleeting always making a point of spending all my salary until the end of the month. Of course, I've never wasted my financial power with nonsense, but I've always looked for alternatives to enjoy my work. Would this be a correct attitude? (Philliphe)
— This is a view followed by some people and cannot be conceptualized as correct or not. I'd say you're closer to the first one. However, I would advise the family to keep at least ten percent of their income as a reserve because you never know when we will need it. Life takes many turns and is unpredictable. (Isael)
— I got it. Thank you. (Philliphe)
— In what activities would you suggest concentrating a family's expenses? (The Seer)
— It depends on the financial situation of each one of them. There are some who can only meet their basic needs and others who cannot. I would recommend for a middle-class family focus on food, health, education, leisure, transportation, donations and reservations. Being that for these last two ten percent for each. (Isael)
—It's ok. (The Seer)
—Do you think the formation of an important personal patrimony? (Renato)
—No way. Remember what the master said: "Gather no treasures in the land where thieves rob, and moth and rust erode, but in heaven, for there is their eternal abode." A family having a roof to live, food on the table and a life with a harmony is the essential and nothing can afford it. (Isael)
—The treasures in the sky are only achieved with a great dedication to the neighbor. Whenever possible it is good to help those who need it. (Complemented Rafael)
—With money? (Renato)
— Not only that. With some advice, with support, give yourself without waiting for a return. Anyway, being more human is what most people are missing. (Rafael)
— I confess I was selfish. When I was with my family, I only thought about her and I did not care about the others. Was I punished for this? (Philliphe)
— Do not say that. God always believes that the human being can improve and impose nothing. "God is not a hangman, he is a father." What happened was a fatality and this moment that you are living should be used for reflection, for the evolution of your soul. (Uriel)
— Like what happened to me on my dark night. It was a time of learning and when I was prepared, God acted and resurrected me in every way. (The Seer)
— Then teach me, Son of God! Brings back my light, my peace and tranquility. I want to wake up and say to myself: I am happy! Even though I never forget my personal tragedies. (Pleaded Philliphe)
Philliphe did not restrain his tears. Every now and then he was discovering a world he had not even imagined before the tragedy. Still, he was in a hurry to overcome his inner wounds that were not yet healed. His commotion was such that it thrilled everyone present.
The seer came close, embraced him firmly, and the others followed his example, making the embrace six times more. When he had calmed down a little, the others left, leaving only the seer at his side. The conversation was then resumed.
— What I can do for you, you can be sure I'll make you my friend Philliphe. Together, we will discover God and he will comfort you. Have faith! (The Seer)
—Thank you very much. You're the most special person I've ever met. (Philliphe)
— Thank you for sharing your pain with us. When we do that, it gets less heavy. (The Seer)
—Can we continue, then? (Rafael)
—Yes. (The others)
—What would you say to a family that cannot control their spending, how to achieve stability? (The Seer)
—Look, you have to have the least sense to avoid waste. If you only get X, just spend up to x, give it to anyone who hurts. However, many do not control their impulsivity that has even turned disease. (Isael)
— I'm a bit of that. I confess. Sometimes I plan to buy two pants and two shirts and I leave with five of each. It looks like it's stronger than you. (The Seer)
—Normal. Others are even worse. To control this is that it is the art of the few. (Isael)
— I also suffer from the same problem. How to control? Is there a way? (Philliphe was interested)
—Some. Not use a credit card, take only a limited amount of money, be demanding on yourself, among other things. (Isael)
— Poh! What a torture! I give up! (Philliphe)
— I also though I do not use a credit card. (The Seer)
— Isael is exaggerating. The important thing is to have a good mental attitude, cautious. (Rafael)
— If you have difficulty, seek a psychologist, psychoanalyst or psychiatrist. They are professionals who can help. (Uriel)
— Planning! (Isael concluded)
—Personal, I'm hungry. Let's stop again? (Renato suggested)
—Can be? (Asked Rafael)
— Yes. (The others)
— Let's eat and then we resume. (Rafael)
The team got up from the seats and headed to the nearest