God’s Code. Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Читать онлайн книгу.and the thirst for power that separate a family. There is also misunderstanding, intolerance, and especially lack of respect. Family is not chosen and it takes the minimum effort to live in peace and harmony. (Rafael)
—So, says Yahweh: Parents, commit to forming a good family foundation for your children and be an example of dedication to them in every way. Money is important yes, but it is not enough to achieve happiness. "What good is your home being made up if there are unhappy people in it? It is better to live in a hut and have peace with yourself." (Uriel)
—Is it possible to attain full happiness, Uriel? (The Seer)
— Very difficult these days, but fully possible. It is enough for a man to work for his goals, to be faithful to his values and the laws of God, and even in the face of failure, he does not give up. And other things shall be added unto them according to their works, according to the word of the Lord. (Uriel)
—Hallelujah! The tragedy destroyed me completely but I feel that I was happy while I could with my family. (Philliphe)
— Good, friend Philliphe. Now we are going to work to give new meaning to our lives. (The Seer)
— I believe in miracles, though! (Exclaimed Philliphe)
— Being here is already a miracle! To enjoy your company and those of Rafael, Uriel, Isael, the seer excites me. (Renato)
—Thank you! (Philliphe)
—We're doing great. "God’s code" is flowing. When completed, Angels and men will be able to know the invisible God and their real values. Enough of misrepresentations! (Rafael)
— We are six spirits who are present and one seventh omnipresent, coordinating everything. Let's pray to continue with your grace. (Uriel)
Each member of the team got up from where they were sitting and gathered in a circle. Uriel and Rafael raised their hands and prayed in a language totally foreign to the others. At the end of the prayer, the earth trembled and a fire from the sky penetrated all those present. It was there that they had a mysterious and edifying vision that cannot be revealed here.
Ten minutes later, the fire completely integrated with the present and filled them with the holy spirit. With a signal, Rafael ordered everyone to return to their places. And now? What are the next lessons? At every moment surprising things were happening and urged them to continue testing their limits, discovering the real value of their existence. In front! Toward the next chapter moved by Yahweh.
2.7- Disagreements
—Can we remain friends? (Asked Rafael)
—Of course, yes. What do you guys think? (The Seer)
—Yes. (The others).
—Then we will start item seven. What does Renato suggest? (Rafael)
— I was thinking of talking about the issue of disagreements and their possible solutions. (Renato)
— I liked it. What do you think, Brother? (Rafael)
— Too good to reflect. (Uriel)
—This Renato is a genius. (Philliphe)
—That's why I chose you to be my adventure buddy. (The Seer)
—Thank you, guys. Any less. Let Isael speak. (Renato)
—Well, folks, a family or a society is a complex set of people each with its own personality and opinions. In the face of this, it is normal for misunderstandings to occur one time or another. The problem is when this happens frequently or goes beyond the limits. At this point, it is necessary to stop to rethink the attitudes and seek ways to resume harmony. (Isael)
— What would these means be? (Philliphe was interested)
— Well, every case is a case. In general, seek the point of friction, dialogue and negotiation so that the dissenting parties are satisfied. All with great respect. (Isael)
— Got it. I now remembered some discussions I had with my late wife. If I had this information I would not have hurt her. (Philliphe)
Philliphe bends down, picks up a handkerchief in his pocket, and wipes away some stubborn tears that come down from his eyes and wet his sweaty face. With each word he uttered, he remembered his family that caused uncontrollable emotions. But it was a good emotion and he felt that it was not far from the day when he would have overcome much of the stigmata caused by the tragedy. This was all that wonderful team that was trying to help him.
Three minutes later, he keeps his handkerchief and proposes to continue to participate and listen to others.
— Do not blame yourself, Philliphe. What happened, happened. The important thing is to live the present and prepare for the future if God allows it. (The Seer)
— Wise words, son of God. That's the key to your rebirth, Philliphe. (Isael)
—The problem is having the strength to get to this level. (Philliphe)
— Thus, says Yahweh: "If you listen to my voice in the various manifestations in your life, including this one, I promise that there will be no more crying or suffering in it. Only happiness and success. " (Rafael)
—"When I say that there will be no more crying or suffering, you will be fully prepared to face the failures, the tragedies and disappointments that happen. You will have no more influence in your life and you will walk in great strides in bringing about important victories", says Yahweh. (Uriel)
— So be it! (Philliphe)
— Remembering that for this to be possible will require a lot of commitment and dedication on our part. We are in the first of ten cities that we will pass, that is, we are at the tip of the Iceberg. (The seer clarified)
— I'm not afraid. Since I decided to look for Renato and you, I was aware that it would not be easy. I promise that there will be no lack of willingness on my part. (Philliphe)
— How nice! (The Seer)
— I'm happy too. Ever since you came to me on the mountain I noticed a different glow in your eyes. A characteristic glow of the warriors. Know that you can count on me for whatever you need. Friends always! (Renato)
— Thank you, Renato. The reciprocal is also true. (Philliphe)
—Very well. Do not forget us too. Needing, it's just keep in mind or call our names that will help them. We are at your disposal. (Rafael)
—We are as if we were your guardian angels. (Complementary Uriel)
— Consider me a friend too. (Isael)
—Thank you to the Three. Thanks also Renato and Philliphe for embarking with me on another adventure. (The Seer)
—You're welcome. I love our adventures, lol. (Renato)
—I appreciate that. (Philliphe)
— Well, folks, I'm exhausted. Now the next one that will choose will be me. What about that? (Rafael)
— No objection at all. (The Seer)
— Me neither. (Philliphe)
—I, much less. (Renato)
— I do not accept! lol Just kidding, brother. (Uriel)
—You can talk, Rafael. (Isael)
— Let's see... (Rafael)
Rafael frowned and left a suspenseful mood in the rim he was planning for the continuation of God’s code? Whatever it was would certainly be instructive coming from a being of so much enlightenment and experience which he had shown. Towards the next chapter!
2.8- General Conduct
— It's the following: I propose a challenge. Each one here will make a list of five distinct commandments