God’s Code. Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Читать онлайн книгу.the other. All right, everybody? (Rafael)
—Interesting. (The Seer)
—Instigating. (Philliphe)
— Exciting. (Isael)
—We will try. (Renato)
—Start, brother. (Isael)
—My five commandments are: Love and fear of God, Mercy, justice, war and sincerity. (Rafael)
— Great, brother. Could you be more specific? (Uriel)
— There is one God, multiple, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and we must love and respect him above all things; however great the distance of sin between God and the creature, as long as there is life there is always hope, since all sins have already been paid for by Jesus Christ. The mercy of Yahweh is infinite; we reap what we sow, this is the maxim. It is only with much appeal and faith that mercy can overcome justice; peace is preferable to war. However, we are prepared to fight for the two sons of God against the forces of darkness; be sincere with yourself and with the highest in every way. From sincerity comes trust and harmony. (Rafael)
— Pasta! (The Seer)
— Perfect (Philliphe)
—I sensed the vibrations here! God is with us! (Isael)
—What is the next? (Renato asked)
— I! Listen to what Yahweh says: Love the neighbor unconditionally and with a love equal to or greater than you; do not kill; do not steal; do not be proud; you avoid envy. (Uriel)
—I already do that! (Renato)
— I still do not follow all these items. (Philliphe confessed)
— I am hard at work on all these points. I leave it to God to judge my behavior. (Informed the seer)
— I'm with Philliphe and the seer. (Isael)
— Caution! Do not underestimate or over-value yourself. Follow what the son of God said. (Rafael)
— Love shows itself in small and great things, in a word of comfort to the afflicted, in the protection of the neighbor in the difficult moments, the resignation, the delivery, the complicity of the day to day; when I say that thou shalt not kill, it encompasses not only aggression itself, but every act of contempt, hatred, rage, or humiliation of the other. Remember, clay pot, you are not the owner of one's own life more than the next. Be very careful because I will ask for an account on an unforeseen day (The day of the thief) and if you have not prepared you can prepare for crying and darkness as I said two thousand years ago. As far as robbery is concerned, I cannot stand rogues or lazy people who walk like wolves in search of the working sheep, you are collecting debts instead of treasures. With whom will you pay me? Or what has the man to give me in return? As my son said, if your member leads you to sin, throw it away before your whole body is condemned. With regard to pride, this is what is leading many to perdition. You are dust and many are important because they have money, position or status. For I say: This is of no use to me as I measure my hearts and am looking for the truly pure, contrite, sincere, and honest. Some might ask me: How to achieve this? Learn from my children, meek and humble of heart in all situations in spite of all their greatness. In them lies my love and my grace. Finally, work and dedicate yourself to your goals and do not cultivate envy. Each one has what it deserves in the due time and it is no use to be comparing to nobody because each one has its history. I am the father of all and I am willing to cooperate so long as you do your part, Word of Yahweh. (Uriel)
—Glory to God! (Renato)
—Words that direct and calm my heart. (Philliphe)
— Hallelujah! (Isael)
— Who will be the next to list the five conduits? (Rafael)
— Can be me? (The seer inquired)
— Yes, son of God. (Rafael)
— My commandments are: Respect for God and people, not to cultivate prejudice of any kind, to practice charity, to proliferate love and friendship, to cultivate and maintain integrity. (The Seer)
— Detail for each of us. (Requested Uriel)
— I've learned from the experience of life that respect is at the heart of everything between family members, co-workers, friends, acquaintances because it imposes limits and a certain detachment necessary to maintain our privacy. Regarding prejudice, I do not admit it at all because the value of the human being is not in his race, ethnicity, color, sexual choice, sex, soccer team or social class, but in his attitudes, works and words that translate the of your being. In your heart is your true treasure. Already on the question of charity, whenever possible it is good to help those in need both of the material and of the spiritual. This act ennobles the soul. Concerning the conduct of relationships, I am open-minded and seek to cultivate love and friendship with all creatures. You know, it does not matter if you are of my sex or not, what matters is the affinity, the affection, the respect, the individuality of each one. The world is wonderful only because of diversity. Lastly, cultivating some basic values on a daily basis is essential to maintaining integrity, honor and dignity. I am happy with what I learned from my parents, teachers of life, friends, relatives, acquaintances, strangers and especially with God. They have made me an ethical being, accomplished and committed to my gift in order to help all of humanity. (The seer declared)
The seer stops for a little while. He runs his hand over his face in order to conceal something, perhaps some forgotten tear. In his thirty-one years of life, he had lived intense experiences and emotions: He had failed, he had been disappointed, he had spent a dark night of his soul far from God and good manners, but he reared himself. Now he was working for the success of his project "The Seer", giving up other dreams for him (because life is made of choices), and he had the awareness that God was with him all this time, in good and bad times. He felt ready for success and together with his colleagues wanted to show a little of the wonderful being that accompanied him to the world. Giving his testimony had mixed with him.
Feeling this moment, his colleagues approach, embrace and comfort him in every possible way. A few moments later, the seer calms down a little more, the colleagues return to their seats and then the chat is restarted.
— Thank you all. Sorry for my weakness. (The Seer)
— Do not worry. I've also had countless mood swings. (He observed Philliphe)
—We are a team. You can count on your old Renato always. (Renato)
—How old he is, is not he your Aldivan? (Played Isael)
—Old man in wisdom and young in age. (Answered the seer)
—Thanks buddy. (Renato)
— Well, as everything came back to normal, who is next to speak? (Rafael)
— I! (Philliphe declared)
—At ease, Philliphe. (Uriel)
Philliphe rose from his seat and stood about in the middle, with visibility between them all. He stood there for a moment as if to think of the best words to describe his lifestyle. What suggestions would you have for humanity to follow? It would be five more items uttered by a man suffered, marked and revolted by a tragedy, but deeply touched by God in that city called Familyng in the desert. Let us go to your next speech:
— My five commandments are: Dedication to work, socialization, leisure, helpfulness to each other, and separation of priorities. With regard to commandment one, I can say that work dignifies man whatever he may be. However, if his dream is better placed on the job market, fight and devote yourself to the end. This is my advice. Concerning question two, I understand that socialization is essential both for ideas and for projects. "Show yourself to the world without fear." Item three is essential for our mental health and should be enjoyed at least once a week. Remember: God worked six days and rested on the seventh. The last two items I learned after the tragedy and the advice I give is that you fight for your dreams. However, pay attention to who is on your side and support you in every way. Money is not everything, nor does it