God’s Code. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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God’s Code - Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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way to go. (The seer argued)

      — I agree. We are in the beginning of labor pains. (Rafael)

      —Probably some of you are still going to reincarnate here again, making the planet evolve. (Uriel)

      —Until the cycle is completed. (Isael)

      — So be it! I want to be is happy in the time I have left. (Renato)

      —I too. Rebuilding my life and my self-esteem is all I need. Thank you all. (Philliphe)

      —You're welcome. With me, one for all and all for one! (The Seer)

      —One for all and all for one! (The others)

      The silence began. They took another five-minute break, and moments later they were ready to start chat again. What new revelations would come up to compose "the will"? The code was expanded and demonstrated at every moment a face of God that the majority did not know. Keep following.

      Patiently, Rafael resumed the conversation:

      — Who this time suggests the subject? (Rafael)

      — I. Let's work on family behavior. All right, everybody? (Uriel)

      — Yes (The others).

      — With the word then Master Isael. (Uriel)

      — Well, behavior in a person is everything whether in family or society. You have to be able to deal with situations in the best possible way. (Isael)

      — Like what, for example? (Asks Philliphe)

      — They are countless. For example, the subtlety of a man opening a car door for a woman or pulling a chair to it in a restaurant, talking less and listening more, being nice and friendly with people. (Explained Isael)

      —Got it. I do some of these things. I leave to be desired in others. After all, nobody is perfect, right? (Philliphe)

      —Of course not, my friend. No one is. In my case, I take my good education wherever I go. One of my marks is knowing how to treat people well. (The Seer)

      — You're to be congratulated, my friends. What you see in the world today are mostly arrogant, proud people, owners of the truth that by any thing swear, strike or even kill. We are living the world of competition and save yourself anyone who can! (Remembered Rafael)

      — True truth! We must remember that God seeks the meek and humble of heart. (Uriel)

      — Good to know that! We are on the right way. (The Seer)

      — And you, Renato, how is your behavior? (Philliphe wanted to know)

      —Normal. Sometimes I'm kind and others I explode. At home, I'm well-behaved except for my privacy. (Renato)

      —What do you mean? (Philliphe)

      — When I am at ease or another I fart! (Renato)

      —Arg! (Exclaimed Philliphe)

      —Kkkkk. (Laughing, Rafael and Uriel)

      — You're ashamed, Renato! (The seer fought)

      — Why? Does not the son of God fart by accident? (Renato)

      —I 'm normal. However, I keep my education at all times. (The Seer)

      —Example! Neither do I! (Philliphe)

      —The worst is when you let go at lunchtime. Once, my mother patted me and from there I never did again at this time. (Renato)

      —It's one of the worst at this hour! Others that bother also are burping and yawning. (Philliphe said)

      — It's still good that you have remedied it! This is third-rate people. What do you think, Rafael and Uriel? (The Seer)

      — They're things that happen, but it's best not to repeat them if possible. (Rafael)

      —So, says Yahweh: Do not worry about the digestion or its results. Rather, follow the remarkable examples of cooperation, charity and optimism left by many to bear fruit. (Uriel)

      — Nice. So, I'll keep releasing my puns at least at home. KKKk. (Renato)

      — kkkk. (Laughter of Rafael, Uriel, Philliphe, Seer)

      — But what is good education is better to always keep. (The seer arose)

      — How about we stop for a bit and take a walk around? (Renato suggested)

      —It can be. What do you think? (The Seer)

      —I hope you do not delay. There are still some topics left for today. (Remembered Rafael)

      — We have exactly fifteen minutes. (Uriel)

      — So, let's go! (Philliphe)

      The group leaves, rumbles to the square and one of them points to a stall that sells salty, fruits and sweets in general. They go there, each ordering a loaf of bread and kindly Philliphe offers to pay. They take five minutes savoring this deliciousness that was not very well recommended to consume.

      After eating, they also pass some electronics stores, clothes and pizzas just to check some prices. At the end, they return to the same place as before. Each one sits in its place and with an airier look are about to resume the elaboration of the "Testament."

      —Then let us continue with our proposal. Any suggestion? (Rafael)

      —I. How about we talk about the value of attention? (The Seer)

      —I liked it. Can you be more specific? (Rafael)

      — I have a story to tell. Do you want to hear? (The Seer)

      — I do and you? (Rafael)

      The others positively nodded and for a moment the seer thought the best way to tell a remarkable story. He had to synthesize enough for everyone to understand the content of it. Taking the necessary courage, he pronounced himself:

      — It was once a middle-class family living in Franca, in the interior of São Paulo. The family surnamed Foster Pereira was composed by the divorced father Roberto and the children Severino and Charles. Roberto, the head of the family, was a successful entrepreneur very dedicated to work. His only goal was to raise wealth to provide what was best for his children. So far so good. The problem was that his focus distanced him a little from those he loved. One day a fatality happened and his children drowned in a pool in a friends' house. And now? To whom will I leave my wealth? Roberto thought. It was at this point that he learned that much more important than money was the affection with the children that he had deprived himself of. He had not had the opportunity to say to his children: I love you! And this was destroying him. Therefore, my brethren, if God gives you the opportunity tell your close family and friends how important they are in your life right now. Do not leave it for later because we do not have control of what will happen in five minutes and it may be late. (The Seer)

      — Very deep, Son of God! I also experienced something similar in my family. The accident also showed me the most revolting side of being alone and that only money is not enough to be happy. (Philliphe)

      — This is quite common. In my case, besides not paying attention to me, my father beat me and enslaved me, which was worse than the example presented. (Unleashed Renato)

      —What a pity, Renato! I'm glad you got over it. Congratulations on the courage of change. (Isael)

      —Thank you. I still have unhealed wounds but I live happily with my adoptive mother. I am also happy to be part with the seer of this wonderful series. (Renato)

      — You're irreplaceable, Renato. With his intelligence and cunning he took us out of serious trouble. Returning to the subject, what did you think of the story, Rafael and Uriel?

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