Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing. Cheryl Tulkoff

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Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing - Cheryl Tulkoff

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3.37 E‐Field and dendritic growth.Figure 3.38 Non‐functional pads example.Figure 3.39 Typical bathtub curve.Figure 3.40 Conformal coating Tg behavior.

      3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Changes to the typical bathtub curve.Figure 4.2 MLCC life expectancy.Figure 4.3 Temperature variation in a trucking container.Figure 4.4 Failure load conditions.Figure 4.5 Power cycling.Figure 4.6 Manufacturing operations impacting bending.Figure 4.7 Cracked capacitor and pad cratering.Figure 4.8 Strain gauge.Figure 4.9 Vibration durability issue 1.Figure 4.10 Vibration durability issue 2.Figure 4.11 Preconditioning Weibull slope change.Figure 4.12 Acceleration factor calculations.Figure 4.13 Potential failure modes and tests.

      4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Cost increases associated with DfM implementation.Figure 5.2 IPC Standards 2019.Figure 5.3 Thermal stress crack.Figure 5.4 Visible thermal stress crack..Figure 5.5 Vertical crack under termination..Figure 5.6 Mechanical shock failure modes..Figure 5.7 ICT fixture.Figure 5.8 Resistor damaged by sulfur dioxide..Figure 5.9 IC wearout concern.Figure 5.10 Surface finishes.Figure 5.11 Black pad images.Figure 5.12 Silver creep..Figure 5.13 PTH failure..Figure 5.14 CAF examples..Figure 5.15 QFN bondline.Figure 5.16 QFN I/O pad and thin bondline.Figure 5.17 Windowpane stencil structure.Figure 5.18 Solder paste volume change..Figure 5.19 CTE and modulus change.Figure 5.20 Cleaning process considerations.

      5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Kirkendall or champagne voids.Figure 6.2 Counterfeit definitions.Figure 6.3 Basic validation process flow.Figure 6.4 Plating voids.Figure 6.5 Glass fiber protrusion.Figure 6.6 Plating folds.Figure 6.7 Plating nodules.Figure 6.8 Etch pits.

      6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Problem‐solving vs. root cause problem‐solving.Figure 7.2 The eight disciplines process.Figure 7.3 Scanning acoustic microscopy system.Figure 7.4 Through transmission acoustic microscopy.Figure 7.5 Peak amplitude acoustic microscopy.Figure 7.6 Phase inversion acoustic microscopy.Figure 7.7 X‐ray microscopy.Figure 7.8 Thermal imaging.Figure 7.9 Superconducting quantum interfering device microscopy.Figure 7.10 Decapsulation system.Figure 7.11 Cross‐section polishing.Figure 7.12 Cross‐section of a BGA.Figure 7.13 Scanning electron microscope system.Figure 7.14 SEM EDX spectra.Figure 7.15 Xyztec combination wire bond and shear tester.Figure 7.16 Fourier transform system.Figure 7.17 Ion chromatography system.Figure 7.18 Digital image correlation setup.Figure 7.19 Plan‐do‐check‐act process.


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


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      Series Title

      Wiley Series in Quality & Reliability Engineering

       Series Editor

      The Wiley Series in Quality & Reliability Engineering aims to provide a solid educational foundation for both practitioners and researchers in the Q&R field and to expand the reader's knowledge base to include the latest developments in this field. The series will provide a lasting and positive contribution to the teaching and practice of engineering.

      The series coverage will contain, but is not exclusive to,

       Statistical methods

       Physics of failure

       Reliability modeling

       Functional safety

       Six‐sigma methods

       Lead‐free electronics

       Warranty analysis/management

       Risk and safety analysis

       Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing

       Cheryl Tulkoff, Greg Caswell

       April 2021

       Reliability Culture: How Leaders can Create Organizations that Create Reliable Products

       Adam P. Bahret

       February 2021

       Design for Maintainability

       Louis J. Gullo, Jack Dixon

       February 2021

       Lead‐free Soldering Process Development and Reliability

       Jasbir Bath (Editor)

       September 2020

       Automotive System Safety: Critical Considerations for Engineering and Effective Management

       Joseph D. Miller

       February 2020

       Prognostics and Health Management: A Practical Approach to Improving System Reliability

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