Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing. Cheryl Tulkoff

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Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing - Cheryl Tulkoff

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chapter in this book describes and illustrates a specific core element of a comprehensive DfX program. The chapters provide best practices and real‐world case studies to enable effective implementation.

      The chapter will educate you on the core elements of a reliability program, common analysis pitfalls, performing and reviewing reliability data analysis.

      At the end of this chapter, readers will be better prepared to:

       Understand the basic elements of a successful reliability program

       Understand the principles associated with reliability analysis and management of the factors that affect product reliability

       Understand the probability density function (PDF) and the cumulative distribution function (CDF) used in reliability

       Understand the reliability prediction models available

      The process of Design for Reliability (DfR) has achieved a high profile in the electronics industry and is part of an overall DfX program. Numerous organizations now offer DfR training and tools (sections, books, etc.) in response to market demand. However, many of these are too broad and not electronics‐focused. They place too much emphasis on techniques like failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) and fault tree analysis (FTA) and not enough emphasis on answers. FMEA and FTA rarely identify DfR issues because of the limited focus on the failure mechanism. And they incorporate highly accelerated life testing (HALT) and failure analysis when HALT is testing, not DfR. In addition, failure analysis occurs too late. This frustration with test‐in reliability, even HALT, has been part of the recent focus on DfR.

      As the design for philosophy has expanded and spread through the electronics marketplace and has become identified with best practices, a diluted understanding of DfR has occurred. True DfR requires technical knowledge of electronics packaging, discrete components, printed boards, solder assemblies, and connectors and how these aspects of electronics can fail under environmental stresses.

      This chapter is designed for engineers and manufacturing personnel who need to fully comprehend the characteristics of DfR and how it applies to their unique applications.

      Scientific principles are based on the understanding that products fail when environmental stress exceeds the material strength.

      At the end of this chapter, you will:

       Understand the basic elements of a successful reliability testing program

       Understand how reliability testing can be used for the process, part and assembly qualification

       Understand failure patterns based on the ensemble of environmental stressors chosen

       Have a basic understanding of the concepts of accelerated aging rates and acceleration factors

       Understand the difference between a stress screen and an accelerated life test

       Understand the basics of stress‐screening equipment

       Have a basic understanding of frequency analysis and power spectral density for vibration and mechanical shock testing

       Have a basic understanding of setting stress levels based on the step‐stress algorithm to establish the product operational and destruct limits

       Know how to use the testing process to drive improved reliability in the products manufactured at every site

       Know how to drive robust product design with the testing process and push product performance to the fundamental limits of the material and device technology

      This chapter provides a comprehensive insight into the areas where design plays an important role in the manufacturing process. It addresses the increasingly sophisticated printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication technologies and processes, covering issues such as laminate selection, microvias and through‐hole formation, trace width and spacing, and soldermask and finishes for lead‐free materials and performance requirements. Challenges include managing the interconnection of both through‐hole and surface mount at the bare‐board level. The soldering techniques discuss pad design, hole design/annular ring, component location, and component orientation. You will have a unique opportunity to obtain first‐hand information on design issues that impact both leaded and lead‐free manufacturability.

      The best design is not just reliable and manufacturable; products must also be designed with life‐cycle management in mind. Designing products to be both reliable and supportable is a critical step in the process. It is one that must be addressed if customers or end‐users have long‐life, high‐reliability, and repairable systems or products.

      Key topics covered in this chapter include:

       Obsolescence management

       Long‐term storage issues

       Counterfeit prevention and detection strategies

       Baseline life‐cycle cost (estimated total ownership cost)

       Use environment verification

       Corrosion protection and mitigation

       Supplier auditing and vendor maturity and stability

      Root cause analysis (RCA) is a generic term for diligent structured problem‐solving. Over the years, various RCA techniques and management methods have been developed. All RCA activities are problem‐solving methods that focus on identifying the ultimate underlying reason a failure or problem event occurred. RCA is based on the belief that problems are more effectively solved by correcting or eliminating the root causes, rather than merely addressing the obvious symptoms. The root cause is the trigger point in a causal chain of events, which may be natural or man‐made, active or passive, initiating or permitting, obvious or hidden. Efforts to prevent or mitigate the trigger event are expected to prevent the outcome or at least reduce the potential for problem recurrence.

      Effective failure analysis is critical to product reliability. Without identifying the root causes of failure, true corrective action cannot be implemented, and the risk of repeat occurrence increases.

      This chapter outlines a systematic approach to failure analysis proceeding from non‐destructive to destructive methods until all root causes are conclusively identified. The appropriate techniques are discussed and recommended based on the failure information (failure history, failure mode, failure site, and failure mechanism) specific to the problem. The information‐gathering process is the crucial first step in any failure analysis effort. Information can be gained through interviews with all the members of the production team, from suppliers, manufacturers, designers, reliability teams, and managers to end‐users.

      Topics to be covered include:

       Root cause problem‐solving methodology

       Root cause failure analysis methodology and approach

       Failure reporting, analysis, and corrective action system (FRACAS)

       Failure mechanisms

       Continuing education and improvement

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