Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing. Cheryl Tulkoff

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Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing - Cheryl Tulkoff

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Goodman, James P. Hofmeister, Ferenc Szidarovszky

       April 2019

       Improving Product Reliability and Software Quality: Strategies, Tools, Process and Implementation, 2nd Edition

       Mark A. Levin, Ted T. Kalal, Jonathan Rodin

       April 2019

       Practical Applications of Bayesian Reliability

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       April 2019

       Dynamic System Reliability: Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic and Dependent Behaviors

       Liudong Xing, Gregory Levitin, Chaonan Wang

       March 2019

       Reliability Engineering and Services

       Tongdan Jin

       March 2019

       Design for Safety

       Louis J. Gullo, Jack Dixon February 2018

       Thermodynamic Degradation Science: Physics of Failure, Accelerated Testing, Fatigue and Reliability

       Alec Feinberg October 2016

       Next Generation HALT and HASS: Robust Design of Electronics and Systems

       Kirk A. Gray, John J. Paschkewitz May 2016

       Reliability and Risk Models: Setting Reliability Requirements, 2nd Edition

       Michael Todinov November 2015

       Applied Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: Probabilistic Models and Statistical Inference

       Ilia B. Frenkel, Alex Karagrigoriou, Anatoly Lisnianski, Andre V. Kleyner September 2013

       Design for Reliability

       Dev G. Raheja (Editor), Louis J. Gullo (Editor) July 2012

       Effective FMEAs: Achieving Safe, Reliable, and Economical Products and Processes Using Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

       Carl Carlson April 2012

       Failure Analysis: A Practical Guide for Manufacturers of Electronic Components and Systems

       Marius Bazu, Titu Bajenescu April 2011

       Reliability Technology: Principles and Practice of Failure Prevention in Electronic Systems

       Norman Pascoe April 2011

       Improving Product Reliability: Strategies and Implementation

       Mark A. Levin, Ted T. Kalal March 2003

       Test Engineering: A Concise Guide to Cost‐Effective Design, Development and Manufacture

       Patrick O'Connor April 2001

       Integrated Circuit Failure Analysis: A Guide to Preparation Techniques

       Friedrich Beck January 1998

       Measurement and Calibration Requirements for Quality Assurance to ISO 9000

       Alan S. Morris October 1997

       Electronic Component Reliability: Fundamentals, Modelling, Evaluation, and Assurance

       Finn Jensen 1995

      Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing

       Cheryl Tulkoff and Greg Caswell

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Tulkoff, Cheryl, author. | Caswell, Greg, author.

      Title: Design for excellence in electronics manufacturing / Cheryl Tulkoff,

      US, Greg Caswell, US.

      Description: Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2021. | Series: Quality and reliability

      engineering series | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2020027863 (print) | LCCN 2020027864 (ebook) | ISBN

      9781119109372 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119109389 (adobe pdf) | ISBN

      9781119109396 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Electronic apparatus and appliances–Design and


      Classification: LCC TK7870 .T845 2021 (print) | LCC TK7870 (ebook) | DDC


      LC record available

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