Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing. Cheryl Tulkoff
Читать онлайн книгу.and material shortagesDoDUS Department of DefenseDPMOdefects per million opportunitiesDRAMdynamic random access memoryDRBdata‐retention bakeDRBFMdesign review by failure modeDRCdesign rule checkDSCdifferential scanning calorimetryDUTdevice under testEaactivation energyEAengineering authorityEBICelectron beam induced currentECMelectrochemical migrationECNengineering change noticeEDAelectronic design automationEDRelectronics design reliabilityEDXenergy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopyEEEelectrical, electronic, electromechanicalEFATextended factory acceptance testEMelectromigrationEMCelectromagnetic compatibilityEMIelectromagnetic interferenceEMSelectronic manufacturing servicesENDendurance testENEPIGelectroless nickel / electroless palladium / immersion goldENIGelectroless nickel / immersion goldEOLend of lifeEOSelectrical overstressEPDMethylene propylene diene monomerERCelectrical rule checkESDelectrostatic dischargeESRequivalent series resistanceESSelectrical stress screening; environmental stress screeningeVelectron voltsF3form, fit, and functionFAfailure analysisFARFederal Acquisition RegulationsFATfactory acceptance testFEAfinite element analysisFETfield effect transistorFIBfocused ion beamFIFOfirst in, first outFITfailures in timeFMEAfailure modes and effects analysisFMECAfailure modes, effects, and criticality analysisFR4fire retardant 4FRACASFailure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action SystemFTAfault‐tree analysisFTIRFourier transform infrared spectroscopyGBLy‐butyrolactoneGEIAGovernment Electronics and Information Technology AssociationGHzgigahertzGNDgroundGrmsgravity root mean squareHALThighly accelerated life testingHASAhighly accelerated stress auditHASLhot air solder levelingHASShighly accelerated stress screening;HASThighly accelerated stress test; highly accelerated stress testingHATShighly accelerated thermal shockHBMhuman body modelHCFhigh cycle fatigueHCIhot carrier injectionHDDhard disk driveHDIhigh‐density interconnectHPLChigh‐performance liquid chromatographyHTOLhigh‐temperature operating lifeI/Oinput/outputICintegrated circuitICTin‐circuit test; ion chromatography testingIDidentificationIDMintegrated device manufacturerIECInternational Electrotechnical CommissionIEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersImAgimmersion silverIMCintermetallic growthImSnimmersion tinIPCassociation connecting electronics industriesIRinfraredISOInternational Organization for StandardizationISTintegrated system testJEDECJoint Electronic Devices Engineering CouncilJPLJet Propulsion LaboratoryJTAGJoint Task Action GroupKClpotassium chlorideKPIkey performance indicatorLCCCleadless ceramic chip carrierLCDliquid crystal displayLCFlow cycle fatigueLCRinductance‐capacitance‐resistanceLEDlight‐emitting diodeLFlead‐freeLGAland‐grid arrayLPIliquid photo imageableLTSlong‐term storageLUlatch upMBBmoisture barrier bagMCMmulti‐chip modulesMCM‐Lmulti‐chip module ‐ laminateMEMSmicro‐electro‐mechanical systemMFGmixed flowing gasMHzmegahertzMILmilitaryMIL‐HDBKmilitary handbookMIL‐SPECmilitary specificationMLCCmulti‐layer ceramic capacitormmmillimeterMMmachine modelMnO2manganese dioxideMRP/ERPmaterials requirements planning/enterprise resource planningMSLmoisture sensitivity levelMSPmanaged supply programMTBFmean time between failuresMTTFmean time to failureNaClsodium chlorideNASANational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNAVSEANaval Sea Systems CommandNBTInegative bias temperature instabilityNDEnon‐destructive evaluationsNISTNational Institute of StandardsnmnanometerNPInew product introductionNREnon‐recurring expenseNSMDnon‐soldermask definedNTFno trouble foundOBICoptical beam induced currentODMoriginal design manufacturerOEMoriginal equipment manufacturerOPEXoperation/maintenance/intervention expenseORTongoing reliability test; ongoing reliability testingOSPorganic solderability preservativePbleadPCpersonal computerPCBprinted circuit boardPCBAprinted circuit board assemblyPCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International AssociationPCNprocess change noticePCQR2printed board capability, quality, and relative reliabilityPESDpolymer electro‐static discharge devicePFMEAprocess failure modes and effects analysisPGApin‐grid arraypKaacid disassociation constantPLLphase‐locked loopPoFphysics of failurePoPpackage on packageppbparts per billionppmparts per millionPSDpower spectral densityPTHplated through‐holePWBprinted wiring boardPWRpowerQBRquarterly business reviewQCIqualification conformance inspectionQFDquality functional deployment (house of quality)QFNquad flat‐pack no‐leadsQFPquad flat‐packRADCRome Air Development CenterRCARadio Corporation of AmericaRDTreliability demonstration testingREACHRegistration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical SubstancesRFradio frequencyRGTreliability growth testRHrelative humidityRIACReliability Information Analysis CenterRMArosin, mildly activatedROrosin onlyROCrecommended operating conditionsRoHSRestriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic EquipmentROIreturn on investmentROL0rosin low, flux type L0ROL1rosin low, flux type L1ROSEresistivity of solvent extractRPAreliability physics analysisSACtin/silver/copper (Sn/Ag/Cu)SAC305tin silver copper 305SAESociety of Automotive EngineersSAMscanning acoustic microscopySCARsupplier corrective action requestSEMscanning electron microscopeSEUsingle‐event upsetSIGsignalSILsafety integrity levelSIMSsecondary ion mass spectroscopySiO2silicon dioxideSiPsystem in packageSIRsurface insulation resistanceSITsystem integration testSMDsurface‐mounted deviceSMTsurface‐mount technologySnPbtin leadSoCsystem on a chipSOHstate of healthSPCstatistical process controlSPPsteam pressure potSQUIDsuperconducting quantum interfering device microscopyTaambient temperatureTAtechnical authorityTALtime above liquidusTAPtest access pointsTBDto be determinedTccase temperatureTCtemperature cycle; thermal cyclingTddecomposition temperatureTDDBtime‐dependent dielectric breakdownTDRtime domain reflectometryTgglass transition temperatureTHBtemp, humidity, and biasTIDtotal ionizing doseTIMthermal interface materialTjjunction temperatureTMAthermo‐mechanical analysisTMFthermo‐mechanical failureTOFtime of flightTRAPtechnical risk assurance processTsheat sink temperatureTSLtemperature sensitivity levelTSOPthin small‐outline packageTTFtime to failureTVtelevisionμgmicrogramUHFultra‐high frequencyULUnderwriter LaboratoriesUPSuninterruptible power supplyUUTunit under testUVultravioletVvoltVACvolts alternating currentVCCIC voltage pinVDRvoltage‐dependent resistorsVdsvoltage drain to sourceVIPvia in padWwattWEEEwaste electrical and electronic equipmentWOAweak organic acidX7Rtemperature‐stable dielectric
1 Introduction to Design for Excellence
1.1 Design for Excellence (DfX) in Electronics Manufacturing
Design for Excellence (DfX) is based on the premise that getting product design right–the first time–is far less expensive than finding failure later in product development or at the customer. The book will specifically highlight how using the DfX concepts of Design for Reliability, Design for Manufacturability, Design for the Use Environment, and Design for Life‐Cycle Management will not only reduce research and development costs but will also decrease time to market and allow companies to issue warranty coverage confidently. Ultimately, Design for Excellence will increase customer satisfaction, market share, and long‐term profits. The Design for Excellence material is critical for engineers and managers who wish to learn best practices regarding product design. Practices need to be adjusted for different manufacturing processes, suppliers, use environments, and reliability expectations, and this DfX book will demonstrate how to do just that.
Design for Excellence is a methodology that involves various groups with knowledge of different parts of the product life‐cycle advising the design engineering functions during the design phase. It is also the process of assessing issues beyond the base functionality where base functionality is defined as meeting the business and customer expectations of function, cost, and size. Key elements of a DfX program include designing for reliability, manufacturability, testability, life cycle management, and the environment. DfX efforts require the integration of product design and process planning into a cohesive, interactive activity known as concurrent engineering.
The traditional product development process (PDP) has been a series of design‐build‐test‐fix (DBTF) growth events. This is essentially a formalized trial‐and‐error process that starts with product test and then evolves into continuous improvement activities in response to warranty claims. DfX moves companies from DBTF into the realm of assessing and preventing issues beyond the base functionality before the first physical prototype has been made. DfX has further evolved as an improvement of the silo approach where electrical design, mechanical design, and reliability work (among others) were all performed separately. DfX allows for maximum leverage during the design stage. Approximately 70% of a product's total cost is committed by design exit. Companies that successfully implement DfX hit development costs 82% more frequently, average 66% fewer redesigns, and save significant money in redesign avoidance. Practicing DfX allows companies to focus on preventing problems instead