The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(953.7)their religion and others’, 92:6.14 (1011.12)vs. Canaanites, 97:3.5 (1065.2)code of ethics of, for dealing with gentiles, 70:11.2 (796.8)concept of God, 5:4.11 (67.9), 43:3.4 (488.6)early, attitude of, toward women, 84:5.6 (937.3)worship of serpents by, 85:3.3 (946.5)early knowledge of the Trinity among the, 104:1.8 (1144.5)great monotheists, 104:1.9 (1144.6)of the Hebrews, Joseph and Paul described as a, 121:1.2 (1332.3), 122:1.1 (1344.4)Jesus’ familiarity with, 123:2.14 (1358.11), 123:5.1 (1362.2)lack of written language of, at the time of the exodus, 96:5.2 (1057.7)morality, a component of advancing Western theology, 121:7.6 (1340.4)influence of, on Christianity, 98:2.8 (1079.5)Moses the supreme teacher of the, 74:8.8 (837.7)a name for certain tribes of Semites, 96:2.3 (1055.1)narratives, unreliability of some, 93:9.8 (1023.5)nation, beginning of the end of the, 175:3.2 (1910.1)destruction of, during the Babylonian captivity, 97:7.1 (1068.1)division of, into two kingdoms, 97:2.1 (1064.2)a union of the so-called Israelites and the Canaanites, 97:9.1 (1071.6)national life of, time of beginning, 95:5.15 (1049.3)navy, Solomon’s creation of, 97:9.16 (1073.6)patriarchs, as herdsmen, 84:3.2 (934.1)philosophy, Amenemope’s influence on, 95:4.2 (1046.3)priests, attitude of, toward Melchizedek traditions, 93:9.6 (1023.3)hostility of, toward the second Isaiah, 97:7.4 (1068.4)prophets’ concept of God, 2:6.4 (41.2), 156:5.4 (1738.3)religion, about, 97:10.0 (1075.6–1076.5), 121:6.0 (1338.4–1339.5)Egyptian moral teachings’ influence on the, 96:0.3 (1052.3)as evolutionary link, 92:6.17 (1011.15)influence on, by Babylonian theology, 96:0.3 (1052.3)influenced by Iranian conceptions of good and evil, 96:0.3 (1052.3)role of, in transmitting morality and philosophy from Levant to Occident, 96:0.3 (1052.3)sacred scriptures of, some writings incorporated in, 74:8.12 (838.4)survival of the, 92:6.4 (1011.2), 97:10.5 (1076.2)retrogression of the, under the leadership of their sheiks and priests, 96:7.1 (1060.1)sacrament rite of the, in Passover ceremonies, 89:9.2 (984.1)scriptures, contents of, 123:3.1 (1359.2)Jesus’ and his apostles’ study of the, 136:9.8 (1522.7), 137:7.14 (1535.6)quotation from, regarding man’s attitude toward God, 146:2.5 (1638.5)misapplication of, to mission of Jesus, 122:4.4 (1347.6)Nathaniel’s query concerning the authority of the, 159:4.1 (1767.3)presentation to Jesus of Greek translation of, 123:0.3 (1355.3)translation into Greek of, 130:3.4 (1432.4), 195:2.7 (2073.2)the ten injunctions of the, as taboos, 89:1.4 (975.1)theology, Christianity’s absorption of, 97:10.6 (1076.3), 130:3.9 (1433.4), 195:0.7 (2070.3), 195:10.18 (2086.4)influence of, on Mohammedanism, 97:10.6 (1076.3)as influenced by theories of Plato, 146:1.3 (1637.5)refusal of, to expand, 97:10.6 (1076.3)thought and culture, Nazareth as a liberal center of, 123:5.10 (1363.3)worship of El Shaddai by the, origin, 96:1.5 (1053.3), 142:3.5 (1598.6)Yahweh, worship of, in Arabia, 95:7.2 (1050.7)HebronAbraham’s abandonment of, 93:9.2 (1022.5)establishment of a military capital at, 93:5.13 (1020.2)headquarters of John’s apostles, 150:0.1 (1678.1), 159:6.4 (1771.5)Jesus’ visit to, 134:7.5 (1492.5), 142:8.1 (1605.3)John the Baptist’s periodic journeys to, purpose, 135:3.1 (1497.7)military confederation, 93:5.14 (1020.3)synagogue, fire destruction of, 154:2.1 (1718.2)Heidelbergrace, appearance of, in Europe, 64:2.3 (719.6)Heightof Adam and Eve, 74:1.1 (828.2)of Material Sons, 51:1.3 (580.6)of planetary mortal types, variation in, 49:2.20 (562.4)of Primates twins, 62:4.1 (706.5)Helduaevangelistic teaching in, 156:3.1 (1736.6)Heliumatoms, transmutation of hydrogen particles into, 41:8.1 (464.3)Hell(s)Egyptian concept of, 95:2.9 (1045.2)Jewish traditions of, derivation of, 95:6.6 (1050.2)primitive man’s ideas about, 86:4.7 (953.6), 89:2.4 (976.1)threefold ruin of, in Hinduism, 131:4.7 (1449.2)Yahweh and, according to Amos, 97:4.3 (1065.6)HellenicGreeks, no centralized worship system developed by the, 98:6.1 (1083.1)religious philosophy, influence of Amenemope’s teachings on, 95:4.3 (1046.4)HellenisticEmpire, incapability of endurance of, 195:1.8 (2072.1)school of Jewish thought, adoption of in the West, 121:6.1 (1338.4)vs. Babylonian school, 122:5.11 (1349.7), 128:5.3 (1414.1)Hellenistsin Jerusalem, conversion of, 194:4.11 (2068.1)Hellenizationof Christianity, 195:1.0 (2071.1–2072.4), 195:4.4 (2075.2)Hemorrhagehealing of the woman with a, 152:0.2 (1698.2)Henotheismthe Hebrews’ passage through, 96:1.14 (1054.4)Henotheisticexaltation of one god above many, significance, 104:2.1 (1145.2)Henselonlosses of Sons to rebellion in, comparison to those of Nebadon, 35:9.8 (393.8)Nebadon a neighbor of, 32:2.12 (360.1)Herald(s)advance, of the Messiah, John the Baptist to be the, 135:3.3 (1498.2)of the Master’s resurrection, David’s messengers’ last mission as, 190:1.0 (2029.6–2031.4), 191:0.3 (2037.3), 191:6.4 (2044.5)Herbivorousanimal vestiges, exhibition of, by blended human stocks, 52:3.8 (593.7)Herd instinctgrowth of, and functioning of spirit of counsel, 62:6.3 (709.4)in natural man, insufficient to account for present social organization, 68:2.4 (765.1)Herder(s)Abel’s choice of the career of a, 76:2.1 (848.1)-agriculturist, vs. trader-industrialist, and social classes, 70:8.7 (792.11)attitude of, toward chance and luck, 86:1.5 (951.1)change of races of Europe from open-space hunters to, cause of, 80:3.8 (892.2)the first capitalists, 69:8.5 (779.4)and hunter stage, Adamic regime’s role in transition from, to agriculture stage, 52:3.3 (593.2)man’s transformation to, from a hunter, the task of the age of the Planetary Prince, 66:3.2 (743.3)practice of, as to war captives, 69:8.4 (779.3)and tillers of the soil, relations between, 68:5.11 (769.3)Herdsmenmores of, regarding women, 84:3.2 (934.1)HereafterOnagar’s concept of, 63:6.7 (716.6)Hereditarycharacter of animal nature, vs. nontransmissibility of sin, 188:4.5 (2016.10)factors, in Jesus’ make-up, 122:1.0 (1344.4–1345.2), 136:8.7 (1521.2)handicap, a hindrance to Adjuster fusion, 45:7.1 (517.3)in normal minds, nonprevention of eventual spiritual achievement by any, 109:5.5 (1199.6)Hereditycharacter as related to, 76:2.6 (848.6)human, morontia career compensation for handicaps of, 44:8.3 (508.1)influence of, on rate of personality conquest, vs. eventual destiny, 109:5.5 (1199.6)varying endowments of, one factor in differing life performances, 133:7.11 (1480.3)Herod Agripparesponsibility of, for death of James, 139:3.8 (1553.4)Herod Antipasadverse decision of, concerning Joseph’s accumulated salary, 126:5.11 (1393.8)agreement of, for Jesus’ seizure and transfer to Jerusalem, 154:0.1 (1717.1)attitude of, toward Jesus, 154:0.2 (1717.2)-built temple, Jesus’ aversion to the, 127:6.5 (1404.4)decisions of, as to disposition of Jesus, 154:3.1 (1719.2), 171:4.5 (1872.2)decree of, regarding Jesus’ freedom outside Galilee, 156:6.8 (1741.8)John the Baptist’s attack upon, 135:10.2 (1506.4)continued imprisonment by, reasons for, 135:12.2 (1508.2), 144:0.2 (1617.2)execution ordered by, 144:9.1 (1627.6)imprisonment ordered by, 135:10.3 (1506.5)period of Galilean rule of, 121:2.11 (1334.5)promise of, to Herodias’s daughter, reason, 135:12.6 (1508.6)reaction of, to Jesus’ work, 147:0.2 (1647.2)to resurrection of Lazarus, 171:4.5 (1872.2)refusal of, to arrest Jesus, when initially urged, 154:0.1 (1717.1)to take action against Jesus, 148:7.3 (1665.2), 154:0.2 (1717.2)residences of, 135:12.1 (1508.1)sending of spies to observe Jesus by, 137:7.4 (1534.3)Herod the Idumean (the Great)acts of, concerning the infant Jesus, 122:10.0 (1353.28–1354.3)consultation of, with the priests of Ur, 122:10.1 (1353.28)date of death of, 121:2.11 (1334.5), 123:0.3 (1355.3)and the Jewish census, 122:7.1 (1350.3)onetime ruler of Judea, 121:2.9 (1334.3)Herodiansa definition, 137:7.10 (1535.2)union of, with Pharisees and Sadducees to discredit Jesus, 174:2.1 (1899.1)Herodiashatred of, for John the Baptist, 135:12.2 (1508.2)identity of, 135:12.2 (1508.2)Hero(es)ancient race of, folk tales concerning begetting of, 77:2.3 (856.6)Barabbas vs. Jesus as, in the eyes of the penitent brigand, 187:4.5 (2009.4)bones of, continuing reverence for, 88:2.1 (968.6)preservation of, by the Latin peoples, 98:3.4 (1080.6)of the Caligastia secession, Van and Amadon, 74:2.1 (829.3)choice of, need of children for wise help in, 140:5.14 (1574.7)in crisis, woman not a, 84:3.3 (934.2)ghost, Thor an example of a, 85:6.4 (948.4)the human, of the rebellion, Amadon, 67:3.8 (757.1), 67:8.0 (761.8–762.4)influence of, on man, 92:7.12 (1013.7)Jesus as a, 92:7.12 (1013.7), 185:5.5 (1993.5), 187:4.5 (2009.4)of the northern white tribes in the final Somme battle, Thor, 80:5.4 (893.6)spiritual, of the coming kingdom, Jesus’ plea to his followers to become, 155:6.7 (1731.5)-venerating nationalistic religion, character of, in modern times, 92:6.20 (1012.1)Hertzianwaves, definition, 42:5.12 (475.8)HeshbonJesus’ appearance at, 159:0.2 (1762.2), 171:1.2 (1868.4), 171:3.2 (1870.5)the seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Hestiaidentity of, 98:3.3 (1080.5)Hesunanin Onamonalontonexpected return of, 92:5.6 (1008.8)see
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