The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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Christianity’s experience with, 195:4.4 (2075.2)Hidingof the apostles and disciples on a certain Sabbath, 188:3.1 (2014.4)HighCommissioners, 37:5.0 (410.4–411.9), 39:1.7 (428.1)courts, of the universe, execution of decrees of, 33:8.1 (373.3)and Lofty One, eternity the habitation of the, 131:2.4 (1444.4)personalities of the Infinite Spirit, 45:1.8 (510.6)place of Baal, the Nazareth hill a former, 126:1.2 (1387.2)priest, Augustus’s proclaiming himself, 98:3.7 (1081.1)Caiaphas the, 168:3.6 (1847.6)reaction of, to Jesus’ statement of his identity, 184:3.15 (1983.7)priest’s home, the Jewish rulers’ assembly at the, to receive the betrayed Jesus, 183:2.3 (1973.1)Son Assistants, about, 22:10.0 (253.3–254.6)attributes of, 22:10.8 (254.5)function of, 18:4.5 (211.1), 22:10.5 (254.2), 22:10.7 (254.4)identity of, 22:1.12 (244.3), 22:10.1 (253.3)not Adjuster indwelt, 22:9.5 (252.7)number of, in seventh superuniverse, 22:10.7 (254.4)Trinity-embraced sons, 22:1.8 (243.13)Higheranimals, partial emergence of will in, outside the domain of Census Directors, 24:2.8 (267.6)Personalities of the Infinite Spirit, about, 9:8.21 (107.9), 24:0.0 (264.1–272.1), 30:2.66 (336.13)denoted powers by the impetuous apostle, 38:0.1 (418.1)Graduate Guides an order of the, 26:6.1 (292.1)residence of, when stationed on Jerusem, 46:5.21 (525.3)Solitary Messengers the first and senior order of the, 23:0.1 (256.1)transmissibility of antigravity to, 9:3.2 (101.2)Highlandsbeauteous, of Jerusem, 46:2.1 (520.6)on Edentia, beauty of, 43:1.4 (486.3)Hildanaidentity of, 162:3.5 (1793.4)Hill(s)Jesus’ retirement to pray in the, reason, 145:5.2 (1635.1)worship, beginning of, 85:1.5 (945.3)Himalayanprovinces, Dravidian conquest of all India but the, 79:4.2 (882.2)region(s), and life of the early reptilian age, 60:1.12 (686.8)submerged, outbreak of volcanic activity in, 60:3.15 (690.6)Himalayasheight of foraminiferal limestone in the, 61:1.13 (694.5)upheaval of, in early brachiopod age, 59:3.3 (676.7)Hinayana Buddhismidentification, 94:9.4 (1038.2)meaning of the term, 94:9.5 (1038.3)the purist doctrine of the south, vs. the evolving northern division, 94:9.5 (1038.3)Hindu(s)combination of multifarious deities of the, 96:0.1 (1052.1)influence of the Sethite priests on the, 92:5.9 (1009.3)present attitude of, toward their house snakes, 85:3.3 (946.5)religion, 94:4.0 (1031.2–1032.2), 131:4.1 (1447.5)the Trinity concept among the early, 104:1.5 (1144.2)Hinduismearly monotheistic concepts embodied in, 131:4.1 (1447.5)effect of, on the Indian people, 94:4.8 (1031.9)one of the most advanced religions of ancient times, 92:6.14 (1011.12)a religion of metaphysics, 5:4.7 (67.5)strength of, 94:4.8 (1031.9)on Urantia today, 92:6.3 (1011.1)Hippopotamusesancestor of, 61:2.9 (695.7)in Europe, time of, 64:4.2 (720.8)virtual extermination of, by new animals, after glacial retreat, 64:4.7 (721.5)Hipposapostolic visit to, 149:0.1 (1668.1), 159:1.1 (1762.3)Hiram of Tyreidentification, 156:4.1 (1737.2)Historiansof local universes, Vorondadeks as, 35:5.7 (390.4)Scriptures not the work of, 159:4.5 (1768.1)Historicalreligion, vs. gospel of the kingdom, 170:5.19 (1866.2)Historya definition, 19:1.10 (215.7), 68:2.5 (765.2)interpretation of, confusion in, 19:1.11 (215.8), 97:8.1 (1070.4), 103:7.15 (1139.7)perusal of, a definition, 19:1.10 (215.7)of the rebellion, 53:7.0 (607.2–609.3)revelation’s unifying of, 102:4.6 (1123.6)of Urantia, five major eras of, 59:0.1 (672.1)Hittite(s)descendants from Andonite stock, 80:8.2 (896.7)teachers of the Salem cult, 93:7.2 (1021.6)Hoardingancient, reason for secrecy of, 69:9.6 (780.9)instinct, of mid-mammals, 62:3.6 (705.5)Holdanttertiary Lanonandek, function, 45:3.5 (512.5)Holesin stones, ancients’ regard for, 85:1.4 (945.2)Holiday(s)vs. holy days, 91:1.1 (994.6)Jesus’ instructions concerning the apostles’, 143:3.2 (1610.5)Holinessan aid to worship, 167:6.6 (1840.5)the Jews’ reverence for, 195:1.6 (2071.6)true, Jesus’ reverence for, 100:7.16 (1103.4)Holoceneperiod, beginning of, date of, 61:7.18 (702.8)HolyArea, second zone, subdivisions of, 11:3.1 (120.4)book(s), association of prayer with, 91:5.6 (999.2)significance of taking an oath on a, 88:2.8 (969.6)Character, Zoroaster’s god of, 95:6.2 (1049.5)City, Jesus’ first conscious sight of the, 124:6.8 (1375.2)days, or holidays, 91:1.1 (994.6)of holies, Jesus’ visits to the, 125:2.5 (1379.6), 125:5.3 (1382.5), 135:1.2 (1496.7)influence, Infinite Spirit a, 8:6.1 (96.3)a name for the Infinite Spirit in a parable prayer, 144:5.85 (1623.33)Land, material souvenirs to be found in sectors of, 11:3.2 (120.5)on Paradise, area of, designated as residential, 11:3.4 (121.1)men of old, actions, vs. words of, 159:4.7 (1768.3)looked upon as inspired by deities, 85:6.2 (948.2)One of Israel, a title for Jesus, 128:1.10 (1408.7), 162:0.1 (1788.1)Spirit, Adjuster’s relation to the, 108:4.3 (1190.4)adjutant mind-spirits not directly related to the, 36:5.16 (403.4)condition necessary to functioning of, 34:4.7 (378.1)the Creative Spirit’s gift to man, 15:9.13 (177.12), 101:3.2 (1108.1)a definition, 8:5.3 (95.6), 16:4.13 (190.7), 34:4.3 (377.7), 36:5.16 (403.4), 194:2.17 (2062.6)an endowment of divinity function in mortal personality, 101:2.12 (1107.2)fixed presence of, on universe headquarters world, 34:4.7 (378.1)functions of, on our world, 28:5.22 (313.4)influence of the, on evolutionary religion, 92:0.5 (1003.5)Jesus’ instruction of the apostles in the work of the, 138:5.2 (1542.3)John’s promise of baptism by the, 135:7.2 (1503.2), 135:9.7 (1505.7)kingdom of God joy in the, 34:6.13 (381.7), 137:8.9 (1536.6)limitations of the, 8:5.3 (95.6)of local universe, bestowal on mankind, 9:2.5 (100.7), 56:3.3 (639.3)ministry of, endowing mind with capacity of choosing Adjuster presence, 34:5.4 (379.4)mortal mind’s encircuitment of the, a prerequisite to the coming of the Adjuster, 103:0.1 (1129.1), 108:2.2 (1187.1)the spirit of the Spirit, a part of man’s spirit endowment, 194:2.17 (2062.6)spiritual reason an endowment of the, 101:3.2 (1108.1)temple comes down upon earth, 55:1.1 (622.1)water, custom of sprinkling the newborn with, purpose, 84:4.6 (935.6)present-day belief in, 87:6.12 (964.11), 88:1.2 (967.4)use of, in the Christian churches near Rome, 98:6.4 (1083.4)Home(s)address of finaliters, 13:2.1 (147.5)arts, development of, 52:2.8 (592.1), 66:5.27 (748.8)the basic institution of civilization in the continental nation, 72:3.4 (811.4)of human civilization, 114:6.13 (1256.3)beginnings of the, 69:9.7 (781.1), 84:0.1 (931.1)building, an activity of the Prince’s schools, 50:4.4 (575.5)and child culture, vs. vanity and fashion, 84:8.4 (942.5)man and woman in, 69:3.3 (774.2), 84:6.8 (939.3)man’s progress from caves to, 81:2.15 (902.5)pampered and spoiled youths, inability of, to make a success of, 83:7.6 (928.7)cultural importance of the, 81:6.23 (909.4), 84:0.1 (931.1)dawn of golden age of, 52:2.7 (591.7)a definition, 68:2.6 (765.3), 84:7.8 (940.4), 86:6.1 (955.6), 89:3.6 (977.1)early, of primitive man, identity of, 69:6.3 (777.6)Edenic workers’, location of, 73:5.1 (824.5)founding of, reproductive urge insufficient to assure, 84:6.1 (938.5)garden, construction of, by Material Sons and Daughters, 51:3.1 (582.5), 73:5.0 (824.5–825.5)institution, modern, serious testing of the, 83:8.9 (930.5)John’s reaction to Jesus’ lack of a, 139:4.9 (1555.2)of Joseph and Mary, description of, 122:6.2 (1350.1)life of Adam and Eve, 74:6.0 (834.3–835.3)of the continental nation, 72:3.0 (811.1–812.2)and dependability of children, 177:2.4 (1922.2)Jesus’ and John Mark’s discussion of, 177:2.0 (1921.5–1923.1)modern, effect on, of acceptance of Jesus’ gospel, 177:2.6 (1922.4)of violet peoples, character of, 76:3.9 (850.5)yellow tribes’ early development of, 64:6.14 (724.4)love of, in a child’s character development, 160:2.6 (1775.7)the, man’s reaction to his social environment, 86:6.1 (955.6)marriage as giver of, to mankind, 82:0.1 (913.1)-marriage institution, stability of, effect on mores, 84:7.3 (939.6)materialization of the, 52:2.6 (591.6)modern, comparison of, with Jesus’ and John Mark’s, 177:2.6 (1922.4)morontia and spirit, characteristics of, 44:3.2 (502.1)at Nazareth, 122:6.0 (1349.8–1350.2), 123:1.1 (1356.4)present status of the, 81:6.25 (909.6)protection of the, a factor in an expanding civilization, 71:4.4 (804.4)real objects of the, 68:2.9 (765.6)rule, Lucifer’s contention for, 53:3.4 (603.5)significance of the, 82:0.1 (913.1), 84:0.1 (931.1), 177:2.6 (1922.4)as a social unit, success of the, prerequisite to, 66:7.4 (750.6)spirit beings’ possession of, 44:3.1 (501.11)woman’s relation to the, 68:2.6 (765.3), 84:3.5 (934.4)Homelandof the human race, 79:0.1 (878.1)Homelesslife, influence of Jesus’, 141:3.4 (1589.5)HomemakingPrince’s schools of, 50:4.7 (575.8), 66:7.5 (750.7)successful, necessary adjustments in, 84:6.2 (938.6)Homesitesminimum size of, in
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