The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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196:3.17 (2095.1)divine plan of the gods for, wisdom of, 30:4.33 (344.1)the Holy Spirit’s influence on, 92:0.4 (1003.4)temperament, apostles’ different types of, 139:0.2 (1548.2)thinking, Father fragments’ equivalent of, 6:6.3 (78.6)traits, of midwayers, 77:8.3 (864.4)noble, presence of, in primitive man, 63:4.4 (714.2), 100:4.5 (1098.2)rudimentary, appearance of in mid-mammals, 62:3.6 (705.5)twins, contact of spirit of worship with minds of the, time of, 62:5.4 (708.2), 62:6.5 (709.6)death of parents of, 62:5.10 (708.8)mental development of, observed through functioning of seven adjutant mind-spirits, 62:6.2 (709.3)understanding, perfected, Michael’s bestowal and experience of, 120:1.7 (1326.4)of Urantia, and Thought Adjusters, 2:1.7 (34.6)vision, effect of viewing divinity manifestations through, 3:2.8 (47.6), 4:2.7 (57.4)will, a definition, 65:0.6 (730.6), 111:1.9 (1217.4)function of, always present in development of religious experience, 103:2.6 (1131.5)relationship between the will of God and, 130:2.7 (1431.2), 144:4.9 (1621.8)and survival, 1:3.7 (26.1), 111:2.10 (1218.8)Thought Adjusters always subservient to, 110:2.1 (1204.5)Humanismexalted, vs. divine religion, 195:10.1 (2084.1)ideal, Siddhartha’s teaching of, 94:8.18 (1037.2)in modern Western life, 195:8.3 (2081.3)onetime, of the Nile Valley, superiority of the, 95:3.3 (1045.6)Humanist(s)attitude of the, as to the source of man’s altruistic urges, 103:5.3 (1134.1)vs. idealists, 195:7.19 (2080.4)Humanisticbelief, one of the present philosophies of religion, 99:4.11 (1090.7)branches, grafting onto spiritual nature, results of, 102:7.4 (1126.4)Humanitarianfellowship, an evidence of Adjuster indwelling, 196:3.7 (2094.6)labors not to take the place of proclaiming the gospel, 178:1.11 (1931.2)Humanitarianisma godless, vs. true religion, 99:1.5 (1087.2), 178:1.13 (1931.4)Humanityapostles given new evidences of Jesus’, 182:3.5 (1968.6)Jesus’, Peter the first to confess, 139:2.8 (1551.4)and divinity, Jesus’, Peter the first to confess, 139:2.8 (1551.4)Jesus a combination of, 136:8.3 (1520.4), 161:2.5 (1785.5)genuineness of Jesus’, 136:8.7 (1521.2)ills of, causes, 147:3.3 (1649.3)immature, a definition, 160:1.3 (1772.4)proof of divinity in partnership with, 136:8.3 (1520.4)Humanizationan essential to reception of Adjusters on evolutionary worlds, 55:4.31 (629.9)of Material Sons, reason for, 31:5.2 (349.2)HumanizingGod, blunder of, 3:6.5 (53.3)HumankindJesus’ intellectual familiarity with the complete experience of, 129:4.4 (1425.3)view of, 196:2.9 (2093.3)Humblespiritual cravings of the, 140:5.8 (1574.1)Humblingoneself, result, 175:1.10 (1907.2)Humiliationapostles’ alternation between exaltation and, 158:5.4 (1757.4)Jesus’ hour of, 182:3.5 (1968.6), 183:1.2 (1972.1), 184:4.0 (1984.2–1985.1)submission to, doing the Father’s will, 183:1.0 (1971.6)of the Jews, apocalyptists’ explanation of, 135:5.2 (1500.2)Humilityattention-craving, unworthiness of, 149:6.10 (1676.4)before God, in the heart, appropriateness of, 149:6.10 (1676.4)early, a definition, 87:5.6 (963.1)false ideas of, source of, 149:6.9 (1676.3)Jesus’, 140:8.20 (1582.1), 141:3.4 (1589.5)and Meekness, one of Jesus’ evening discussions, 150:6.1 (1683.3)proper, may be destroyed by overmuch self-respect, 159:3.3 (1765.5)true, toward God, Jesus’ aim, 140:8.20 (1582.1), 149:6.10 (1676.4)HumorAdamic inheritance of, 48:4.13 (548.8)Adamite sense of, 74:6.7 (835.1)Andites’ contribution of, to the European peoples, 80:5.7 (893.9)Andonites’ lack of a sense of, 63:4.2 (713.8)basis of, 48:4.20 (550.1)cultivation of, in west Garden schools, 74:7.10 (835.13)current, definition, 48:4.6 (548.1)droll, Nathaniel’s, 139:6.4 (1558.5)earthly, ascenders’ enjoyment of celestial equivalents of, 48:4.20 (550.1)of gentiles, Jesus’ appreciation of the, 156:2.8 (1736.5)Jesus’ capacity for, 123:4.3 (1361.3), 125:5.8 (1383.1)Jews’ lack of, 156:2.8 (1736.5)a legacy of the Adamic race, 63:4.2 (713.8), 84:8.3 (942.4)modern, source of, 74:6.7 (835.1)provisions for, on worlds in light and life, 55:5.6 (630.3)real, angels’ appreciation of man’s, 38:2.1 (419.1)religion’s effect on, 99:4.1 (1089.9)reminiscent, of higher spirits, 44:3.4 (502.3), 48:4.5 (547.8)sense of, the religionist’s retention of his, 100:6.5 (1100.7)spirit, the three general levels of, 48:4.4 (547.7)superhuman, vs. human, 48:4.2 (547.5)Urantia, quality of, 48:4.13 (548.8)by whom most needed, 48:4.16 (549.3)Humoristsof morontia worlds, 44:3.4 (502.3)Urantia, comparison of reversion directors with, 48:4.3 (547.6)Hungerand fear, external restraints necessary for primitive man, 64:1.3 (718.5), 68:2.6 (765.3), 118:8.5 (1302.2)he who comes to me shall not, 153:2.8 (1710.6)human, for self-expression, provision for satisfaction of, 44:8.3 (508.1)for knowledge, the boy Jesus’ manifestation of, 125:4.3 (1382.1)and love, men brought together by, 68:3.4 (766.5)physical or spiritual, prolonged fasting’s destruction of, 140:5.8 (1574.1)the recurring urge of early Andonites, 63:6.3 (716.2)for righteousness of kingdom believers, 150:5.5 (1683.2)and thirst for righteousness, bread and water of life only for those who, 193:2.2 (2054.3)happy are they who, 140:3.4 (1570.5)for truth, needed before human can be led to the Father by a fellow mortal, 132:7.2 (1466.2)an urge to capital accumulation, 69:5.4 (776.2)war caused by, 70:1.8 (784.4)Hungry soulsfalse religious teachers’ influence on, 155:6.6 (1731.4)of man, presentation of Jesus of Nazareth to the, 138:4.2 (1541.4), 195:0.17 (2070.13)seeking entrance to the kingdom, door of mercy may not be closed to any, 138:4.2 (1541.4)Hunter(s)Andonites as, 63:5.6 (715.6)incompatibility of family idea with life of the, 52:2.8 (592.1)mores, passing of, cause of the end of the mother-family, 84:2.6 (933.4)practice of, as to war captives, 69:8.4 (779.3)transformation of man to herder from, importance of, 66:3.2 (743.3), 68:5.12 (769.4)Huntingan absorbing pursuit of the Andonic clans, 63:4.7 (714.5)era, prevalence of moon veneration during the, 85:5.2 (947.5)herding not successor to, among the Andites, 79:1.4 (879.1)proclivities of primitive men, 52:1.3 (589.12), 68:5.4 (768.4)Hurricanesterrestrial tropical, directional whirl of, 58:2.7 (666.4)Hurryearly man’s unwillingness to, 69:2.4 (773.5)Jesus’ disinclination to ever be in a, 100:7.14 (1103.2), 136:0.1 (1509.1), 171:7.5 (1874.8)Husbandof Hildana, effect on, of Jesus’ writing in the sand, 162:3.5 (1793.4)irate, counseled by Jesus at Tarentum, 133:2.1 (1470.2)status of, in the mother-family, 84:2.3 (933.1)and wife, reciprocal obligations of, 133:2.2 (1471.1)Hybridizationracial, prevalence of, on Urantia, 82:6.8 (920.6)species improvement resulting from, 82:6.5 (920.3)Hydraevolution of early, 65:2.5 (732.3)Hydrogen-carbon-helium reaction, in liberation of solar energy, 41:8.1 (464.3)chloride, in Urantia’s atmosphere during volcanic age, 57:7.6 (659.5)clouds, as cosmic chemical laboratories, 58:3.4 (667.3)content reduction, in increase of sun luminosity, 41:8.2 (464.4)dust clouds, a source of short space rays, 58:3.2 (667.1)exhaustion, and maximum luminosity of burning-out suns, 41:8.2 (464.4)masses, atom disruption at nuclei of, 58:3.1 (666.8)penetration of carbon nuclei by, in hydrogen-carbon-helium reaction, 41:8.1 (464.3)the smallest atom, 42:6.7 (477.1)Hydrospherecondensation into the Pacific Ocean of the earth’s, 57:8.20 (662.7)Hyenastime of arrival of, in Europe, 64:4.7 (721.5)Hygieneobstacles in promotion of, among Dalamatians, 66:5.20 (748.1)Hymn(s)conclusion of the Last Supper by singing a, 181:2.31 (1962.5)one hundred and thirty-seven, by Ikhnaton, 95:5.7 (1048.1)of redemption, Anna’s poem to the baby Jesus, 122:9.4 (1353.3)Hypnotismshamans’ use of, 90:1.4 (987.2)Hypocrisyenemies’ designing, vs. Jesus’ moral majesty, 173:2.8 (1892.5)Jesus’ denunciation of, 140:8.21 (1582.2)the leaven of the Pharisees, 165:3.2 (1820.1)not a solution for sex problems, 82:1.10 (914.6)source of much, 149:6.9 (1676.3)sweeping aside pretensions of, 149:2.11 (1671.6)teaching that the Father loathes, 149:6.11 (1676.5)Hypocrite(s)Jesus not a, 100:7.2 (1101.6)Jesus’ warning to the Pharisees against being, 153:3.3 (1712.3), 167:3.3 (1836.2)HypothesisGod not a, 196:3.24 (2095.8)one unable to worship a, 102:7.3 (1126.3)of unity, to the philosopher, God a, 1:6.2 (30.1)Hysteriaconfounding a belief in demoniacal possession with, 77:7.7 (863.8)and witchcraft, 88:1.9 (968.4), 90:1.2 (986.5)

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