The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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for, 3:5.11 (51.10)science without, Western society guilty of tolerating, 195:10.20 (2086.6)social and ethical, of the Egyptians, largely an evolutionary development, 95:3.1 (1045.4)of some men, and vulnerability to oppression, 173:1.11 (1891.1)spiritual, the energy which advances human culture, 81:6.27 (909.8)of the supreme and the ultimate, achieved by the highest religious concept, 160:5.7 (1781.3)of that which is wholeheartedly faith-accepted, part of true religion, 160:5.13 (1782.4)without facts, a barren extreme of philosophy, 160:4.14 (1779.6)youthful, as the arbiter of entrance upon marriage, undesirable effect of, 83:7.8 (929.2)Idealist(s)active attitude of, toward material currents, 195:7.19 (2080.4)creatures of Havona are born, 3:5.17 (52.3)disappointed, Jesus’ life the comfort of all, 126:5.4 (1393.1)of each generation, danger of extermination of, 71:4.17 (804.17)extreme, always at loggerheads with materialistic scientist, 132:1.4 (1457.3)financial affairs of an, qualities required to manage the, 139:12.5 (1566.4)Jesus both a thoroughly practical youth and an, 126:5.10 (1393.7)Judas’s conclusion about Jesus as a well-meaning, 177:4.2 (1924.6)vs. mechanists and humanists, 195:7.19 (2080.4)nonuse of force by, and society’s obligation to protect against wicked men, 173:1.11 (1891.1)not necessarily at loggerheads with scientists, 132:1.4 (1457.3)true scientist cannot assert that he is either materialist or, 132:1.2 (1457.1)Idealisticadventure, apostles told not to fear the rugged reality of, 155:6.18 (1733.6)appreciation of the highest values, one indicator of the quality of a religion, 92:7.8 (1013.3)beauty, Spirit of Truth also a spirit of, 155:6.11 (1732.4)belief of many philosophies, one of three partial approaches to cosmic reality, 99:4.11 (1090.7)desire, genuine religion far more than the philosophic objectification of, 103:9.5 (1141.3)forms of conduct, men to develop a positive interest in, to forget lower habits, 156:5.5 (1738.4)goals, men should respond to temptation by redirecting energies toward, 156:5.4 (1738.3)goal(s) of human sex evolution, monogamy as the, 83:6.6 (927.7)of superself-attainment, prayer and striving for, 91:4.2 (997.7)Hebrew, repelled by scenes of immorality, 133:8.1 (1480.6)inheritance for all worlds, the life and teachings of Jesus an, 140:8.29 (1583.3)isolation, religion a cure for, 101:10.7 (1117.1)man can be, even while intellectually denying God, 102:7.4 (1126.4)modern marriage slowly becoming, 83:1.5 (922.8)need for education to become, 71:7.3 (806.3)philosophy, a definition, 103:6.14 (1137.4)philosophy’s becoming, a result of inclining toward spiritual level, 103:6.14 (1137.4)power, transformation of individual into a personality of, a result of dynamic religious living, 100:0.1 (1094.1)principles of religious truth, apostles’ tendency to remake into rules for conduct, 140:10.2 (1584.5)religious life, Jesus’ attainment of an, while living in a realistic world, 196:2.9 (2093.3)and spiritual concepts taught by Jesus, time of completed transition to, in gospel proclamation, 154:1.3 (1718.1)spiritual living, progress of personality in the path of, an indicator of the quality of a religion, 92:7.10 (1013.5)realities, the disquieting pursuit of, a badge of social maturity, 160:1.4 (1773.1)third person, imagined viewpoint of, a way to interpret golden rule on moral level, 147:4.8 (1651.2)Idealizationof marriage, 83:8.0 (929.4–930.5)of self, a personal God more than an, 102:6.3 (1124.5)of seven values associated with subordinate gods in the theology of Zoroaster, 95:6.2 (1049.5)of truth, beauty, goodness no substitute for religious experience, 196:3.23 (2095.7)youthful, of marriage, not to be discouraged, 83:8.7 (930.3)to be tempered with premarital disillusionment, 83:8.6 (930.2)Ideationalclearinghouses, master seraphim’s function as, 114:6.19 (1256.9)confusion, associated with conceptual poverty, need to compensate for, 0:0.1 (1.1)continuity, mind level of law’s suggested perpetuation of, 101:10.3 (1116.4)cosmos, man’s consciousness of being a part of the, 101:10.2 (1116.3)experience, divinity concepts as finite maximums of, 117:1.7 (1279.5)growth of personality of God in Hebrew mind, 97:0.2 (1062.2)Identificationwith the Adjuster, the equivalent of spiritual personality attainment, 132:2.5 (1458.2)animal, primitive man’s werewolf ideas of, 86:5.12 (954.11)with cosmic reality, cosmic self-realization the result of, 94:11.6 (1039.5)creature, with the will and way of God, finality of, and freedom, 118:7.8 (1301.5)of a domain of interassociated reality, difficulty of, 0:4.4 (7.2)of entity, prepersonal, the potential of a Creator Son’s consort, 17:6.3 (203.6)with evolutionary creatures, the First Source and Center’s enjoyment of, 0:11.2 (13.7)Father, proportionality of creature growth to, 106:9.11 (1174.7)God, the exquisite melodies of, playing of, on the instrument of mind, 111:1.6 (1217.1)of human mind with mindedness of God, the means for the will to become divine, 110:2.6 (1205.4)mansion world, site of personality reassembly, 39:2.13 (431.2)matter, mortal mind’s salvation in evolution from, 103:7.2 (1137.7)morontia, factors effecting the transfer from material association to, 112:2.20 (1229.7)natal, badge of, the stamp of one’s Master Spirit, borne by men and angels, 16:5.2 (190.12)of outward form and inward nature, beginning of, on lower spirit levels, 112:6.3 (1236.1)of persons, personality the means of, 16:8.4 (194.4)prayer of, expressed by a Master Spirit, and differentiation of the Creative Spirit, 17:6.5 (204.1)reality, the personality’s prerogative of volitional choice of, 118:7.7 (1301.4)with religion, a help to persistence of a philosophy, 98:2.12 (1080.2)of self in the evolving vehicle of the morontia soul, the work of the Mystery Monitor, 111:2.10 (1218.8)with the indwelling spirit of the Father, a factor in human differences, 133:7.11 (1480.3)with sin and evil, conscious and wholehearted, time delay in result of, 54:3.2 (615.4)spirit, constituted by the aim of the mind’s striving, 111:1.5 (1216.6)the dangers of creature attempts at self-liberation without increasing, 118:8.4 (1302.1)dependence of stability of ascending minds upon, 111:1.7 (1217.2)and loss of universe gravitation response, 42:11.4 (482.2)personal mind has no survival qualities apart from, 36:5.17 (403.5)the secret of personal survival, 40:5.4 (445.5)sureties, classification of, on worlds of the archangels, 37:3.8 (409.5)of time-space zone of evolutional reality, the Universal Absolute as the, 0:11.13 (15.3)Trinity, attainment of maximum level of, result, 117:1.3 (1279.1)Identity(ies)Adjuster arrival the constitution of, 49:6.11 (569.6)the Adjuster’s retention of, at mortal death, 112:3.7 (1230.5)advancement of a human, to mansion worlds, in cases of doubt, 112:5.7 (1233.3)animal and plant life not possessed of, 36:6.5 (404.3)of annihilated individual, fate of the, 2:3.4 (37.2), 16:9.3 (195.9), 20:3.2 (226.2)of continuing existence, represented by Adjuster and personality, 113:6.1 (1246.5)eternal, a possession of the Adjuster, 5:6.7 (71.2)of the Eternal Son, 6:1.0 (73.5–74.5)in eyes of universe, constituted by Adjuster arrival, 49:6.11 (569.6)forms, relation of pattern to, 0:6.12 (10.4)functional, human personality’s dependence on its constituent parts for, 112:5.14 (1234.3)of God and change, 4:4.2 (58.7)the human’s temporary loss of, at death, 112:3.7 (1230.5)man’s possession of, significance of, 112:5.4 (1232.5)and nonliving energy patterns, 0:5.4 (8.4)passive, presence of potentials of, in morontia soul, 47:3.3 (533.1)pattern of an, not a manifestation of energy, 42:12.9 (483.9)personal, not destroyed by exalted equality of reception to finaliter corps, 31:0.9 (345.9)personality’s relation to, 112:0.7 (1225.7)pervasion of, by pattern, 0:6.10 (10.2)potential, of nonstatus child, cherubim as custodian of, 47:2.1 (531.5)survival of, requisite for, 16:9.3 (195.9)surviving, a product of united material personality and spirit prepersonality, 5:6.7 (71.2)transition, realization of, summoning of Adjuster from, 112:4.13 (1232.1)and universe personality, 1:7.6 (31.6), 5:6.7 (71.2)Ideographrecorders, function of, 44:4.6 (503.6)Ideographictechniques, higher superaphic, adapted by seraphic broadcasters, 39:2.15 (431.4)writing system, a limiting factor on learned classes, 79:8.7 (887.7)Idiotchance of survival of, in primitive society, 52:2.11 (592.4), 88:1.9 (968.4)Idlenessabsence of, on advanced worlds in light and life, 55:5.2 (629.11)destruction of self-respect by, 159:3.4 (1765.6)Jesus’ disapproval of, 165:4.7 (1822.2)permitting of, as reflecting on a society, 71:3.8 (803.8)Idol(s)of acts or sight, need to sacrifice for kingdom, in Jesus’ teaching, 158:8.1 (1761.2)of Artemis, reputed origin of, 133:6.1 (1477.8)a definition, 88:2.4 (969.2)of false gods, two prophets’ active demolition of, 97:2.1 (1064.2)making, the origin of sculpture, 92:3.6 (1006.3)man’s bowing down before, reaction of God and his Sons to, 4:3.1 (57.6)nothing more than their materials, in Jesus’ teaching, 150:3.10 (1681.5)of self-deception, in Rodan’s teaching, 160:5.9 (1781.5)tombstones a surviving symbol of, 85:1.4 (945.2)worship, Jews’ prejudice against images as symbols of, 142:4.1 (1600.2), 185:1.3 (1988.2)Idolatrousitems, potentially, not to be left behind on the planet by Michael, 120:3.7 (1330.2)Jesus’ challenging of the teaching that images, pictures, and drawings were, 124:1.3 (1366.4)monarch, reforms of Elijah opposed by an, 97:2.1 (1064.2)nature of the doorpost parchment, Jesus’ pointing out to his father the, 124:4.7 (1372.4)objects, Jesus’ nonrebuke of Flavius for having a collection of supposedly, 142:4.1 (1600.2)purposes,
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