The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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60:2.11 (688.3)of superuniverse wisdom harmonization, beyond finite conception, 28:5.10 (311.2)of the universal plan, and the impossibility of seeing much of it at one time, 32:5.1 (364.3)Immobilityvs. divine immutability, 4:4.2 (58.7)Immoralacts, prerequisite to, 195:7.13 (2079.8)fellows, Amos’s denunciation of his sometimes, 97:4.3 (1065.6)judgment, deliberate, knowing embrace of, consequences, 3:5.15 (52.1)and moral men, included in Jesus’ purpose of getting to know, 129:3.8 (1424.3)onetime encouragement of practices now regarded as, (917.1) 82:3.13, 82:3.13 (1005.2), 82:3.13 (917.1)release of girls to become, a factor in the collapse of Rome, 71:1.22 (801.10)woman(women), Jesus’ willingness to talk with, reason for, 143:5.11 (1614.5)Nalda not wholly by choice an, 143:5.5 (1613.3)Immoralityamong his own people, Amos’s concept of a God who would punish, 97:4.1 (1065.4)flagrant, Antioch ranked first among cities of the Roman Empire in, 133:8.1 (1480.6)of human intolerance, how unmasked, 52:6.5 (597.6)of Mesopotamian priests, Salemites’ continued fight against, 95:1.9 (1043.4)of the northern tribes, denounced by Amos, 97:4.1 (1065.4)not among the faults of the scribes and Pharisees, 162:3.1 (1792.5)Immortalease of the approach to the, 131:3.2 (1446.4)germ, in the mind of man, 132:3.6 (1459.6)personality, eternal foundations necessary to the building of an, 100:2.6 (1096.3)requisite for becoming, 131:4.3 (1448.2)soul(s), destiny of the, 0:5.10 (8.10), 5:5.13 (69.8), 49:4.9 (565.1)evolution of, 1:3.6 (25.6), 5:6.7 (71.2), 13:1.22 (147.3), 36:6.5 (404.3), 47:9.5 (539.2), 156:5.10 (1739.5)evolving, and Thought Adjusters, 123:2.1 (1357.5)fusion of, with Thought Adjuster, 31:2.4 (347.3)identity dependent on survival of, 16:9.3 (195.9)keeper of the, 30:4.15 (341.5), 49:6.4 (568.7)morontia-life vehicle for the, 30:4.15 (341.5)of mortal sons of God, Paradise the destiny of, 11:9.8 (127.6)proof of the evolving of an, 100:3.6 (1097.3)relation of Mystery Monitor’s indwelling to the, 1:2.3 (24.1), 5:5.13 (69.8), 47:8.4 (538.2), 108:0.1 (1185.1), 108:6.7 (1193.6)spirit, final amalgamation of, with a surviving mortal soul, 40:6.1 (447.5)wisdom, habits favoring or preventing attainment of, 131:3.5 (1447.2)Immortalityfor all, a teaching too advanced for the Egyptians, 95:5.13 (1049.1)of angels, 167:7.3 (1841.2)attainment of, by non-Adjuster-fused mortals, 37:5.2 (410.5)believers’ attitude toward, while still in this life, 102:2.3 (1119.8)a definition, 117:4.14 (1285.3)doctrine of, origin of, in Babylon, 97:9.28 (1075.4)Greeks’ long-standing belief in, 195:2.8 (2073.3)hope of, Christianity’s assurance of the, 195:0.16 (2070.12)of human personality, Gautama’s lack of belief in, 94:8.16 (1036.18)of Jerusem children of any Adam and Eve, 51:1.5 (581.2)loss of, by Caligastia one hundred, reason for, 66:4.12 (745.2)Lucifer’s contention regarding, 53:3.5 (603.6)of Material Sons and Daughters, 51:6.5 (587.3)means of attaining, 0:8.11 (12.2), 36:5.17 (403.5), 131:7.3 (1451.3)physical, tree of life an adjunct to, 73:6.2 (825.7)spirit struggle of, soul exhorted to gird itself for the, 131:4.7 (1449.2)technique of the human’s winning, 112:7.9 (1238.4), 131:4.7 (1449.2)Zoroaster’s god of, 95:6.2 (1049.5)Immutabilityof the counsel of the Universal Father, 2:2.2 (35.6)of Deity, and man’s perception of change and growth in the universe, 104:3.2 (1146.4)of the energies of the Paradise pattern, 115:7.8 (1267.2)of God not inconsistent with will, 4:4.2 (58.7)of God’s laws, 4:2.1 (56.5), 4:2.2 (56.6)of the laws of physics, 65:6.8 (738.1)of universal domains, 28:5.21 (313.3)of Paradise Deity, one factor resulting in nature, 4:2.3 (56.7)not revealed in nature, 7:0.5 (81.5)Impartialdevotion to be manifested by the apostles to all groups of believers, 181:2.18 (1959.2)of Mystery Monitors, recognized by Tabamantia, 108:3.6 (1189.2)moral decisions, making of, favored by parables, 151:3.8 (1692.7)settlement of problems, facilitated by recognition of man as one’s brother, 132:5.20 (1464.4)third person’s view, the standard for the moral level of golden rule interpretation, 147:4.8 (1651.2)Impartialityof courts vital to the endurance of a nation, 132:4.8 (1462.1)God’s attitude toward the total characterized by, 12:7.1 (137.4)Impatienceof Adam and Eve, results of, 74:8.14 (838.6), 75:1.6 (840.2)with his brethren, trust in Jesus to reduce James’s, 192:2.8 (2048.4)Lucifer’s, result, 54:4.4 (616.3)manifestations of, not a help to growing up, in Jesus’ advice to Ganid, 130:5.3 (1436.4)of Serapatatia, motives for, 75:3.6 (841.6)a spirit poison, 48:7.20 (557.4)of a temple teacher with the young Jesus’ critical questions, 125:4.3 (1382.1)Imperfectbeings, endowment of, with ability to choose, and the potential for sin, 54:0.2 (613.2)with freedom, inevitable results, 110:0.1 (1203.1)choice, uncontrolled, danger and instability of, 118:8.3 (1301.8)civilization of later times among higher races of mankind, nevertheless real, 68:0.1 (763.1)communications of Thought Adjusters, origin of some new religions and strange "isms" in, 110:4.5 (1207.5)conditions of temporal existence, Jesus’ recognition that some afflictions result from, 147:3.3 (1649.3)divinity, one possible type, 0:1.18 (3.5)human status, one factor in inability to detect completed manifestation of experiential Trinity of Trinities, 106:9.7 (1174.3)yet intelligent creatures of a creation, a creator’s need to acquire understanding of, 119:0.5 (1308.5)outworkings of a universe experiment, nature a manifestation of, 4:2.6 (57.3)and the perfect, interrelatedness of, result, 56:0.1 (637.1)personalities with freewill choice to cocreate their future selves, local universes the spawning grounds of, 116:4.8 (1272.7)records of Jesus still sufficient to change the course of history, 121:8.11 (1342.6)and relative, scheme of progressing from, to the perfected and final, 130:4.11 (1435.3)souls seeking ascension, participation of Universal Father in personality struggle of, 1:5.15 (29.5)world, approach to perfection in operation of, on an advancing planet, 52:7.9 (599.5)Imperfection(s)a factor in potential evil, 54:0.1 (613.1)God’s consciousness of, 2:2.6 (36.4)of mind, not valid for estimating soul’s worth, 156:5.9 (1739.4)mortal, discernment of divine goodness by, reason for, 4:3.6 (58.4)natural, not to be mistaken for sin or iniquity, 148:4.6 (1660.5)and perfection, universe levels of, fairness technique of adjustment between, 2:4.5 (38.5)relative, and perfection of divine goodness, 4:3.6 (58.4), 130:4.11 (1435.3)of religion, practical manifestations exist notwithstanding recognition of, 101:9.6 (1115.7)Universal Father’s experience with, 2:2.6 (36.4)ImpersonalAbsolute, comprehension of, facilitated through the Father and the Son, 56:9.5 (644.7)aspects of the universe, destiny of, as shown in the Supreme, 106:5.2 (1167.3)beings, result of mind endowment of, 6:6.2 (78.5), 9:6.3 (104.1)the Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits, 14:1.9 (152.11), 17:5.1 (202.4), 17:5.5 (203.3)Brahman hypothesis, consequences of, for spiritual life of India, 94:2.7 (1029.5)concept of Buddha Absolute, limited value to religious development of the, 94:11.12 (1040.3)consequences of creatures’ use of the finite, forever a part of the Supreme, 117:5.12 (1287.3)of embraced sin, centrifugal nature of, 67:7.2 (761.1)deity levels, experiential expression of the Father on, 0:7.6 (10.11)doings of the Third Source and Center, volitional nature of, 9:3.7 (101.7)energies of spirit luminosity on sacred worlds of the Son, 13:0.4 (143.4)energy unity of the universe, a factor in reality tension to be resolved by experiential Deity, 56:6.1 (641.2)entity, Thought Adjuster an, (31.1) 1:7.1, 1:7.1 (100.7), 1:7.1 (1203.2), 1:7.1 (1281.7), 1:7.1 (203.3), 1:7.1 (31.1), 1:7.1 (34.6), 1:7.1 (997.5)functions, how reconciled with personality in Trinities, 106:5.3 (1167.4)God concepts, effect of, on prayer functions, 91:2.5 (996.3)the I AM neither personal nor, 105:1.4 (1153.1)Infinity of Brahman philosophers, likened to abstractions of Greek thought, 98:2.9 (1079.6)law of cosmic providence, 12:7.1 (137.4)level of the Deity Absolute, personalization of God the Absolute on the now, 106:6.1 (1167.6)mana, the object of the most primitive level of religion, 103:3.2 (1132.2)one possible phase of Deity, 6:6.2 (78.5)and personal reality, levels seen from the viewpoint of time and space, 0:4.10 (7.8)possible embrace of, in beings of a future age, 118:9.8 (1304.1)phases of the universe, unification of, with their volitional counterparts in evolving deities, 118:9.7 (1303.8)plane of Paradise, the nether surface, 11:2.8 (119.9)prayers of the Todas, 91:0.4 (994.4)presence(s) of Deity, the Almighty Supreme and Paradise Trinity as the, 118:10.11 (1305.6)experience of, by ascenders before personal contact, 56:7.4 (642.4)of Divinity on the sacred worlds of the Father, 13:1.3 (144.3)reaction of the Trinity of Trinities to all space situations, the Absolute as the, 56:9.4 (644.6)realities, Adjusters the exception to nonfunctioning of personality attributes in association with, 107:7.5 (1183.7)included in morontia level, 0:5.12 (9.2)reality phases of the cosmos encompassed by the, 107:7.4 (1183.6)relationship of, to the personal, 0:5.4 (8.4)relationship of actualities, I AM cause of Paradise as the primal, 105:2.6 (1154.5)repercussions of decision-action, adjutants as transmitters to the Supreme of, 117:5.7 (1286.5)responsiveness of the, to the Son’s personality, 7:0.4 (81.4)space presence emanating from nether Paradise, 11:5.7 (122.7)spirit consort of a Creator Son, conversion of, to personal status, 17:6.7 (204.3)influences, seraphic destiny guardians the coordinators of, 113:3.1 (1244.2), 113:3.5 (1244.6)manifestation, Solitary Messengers the only personal beings possessing attributes of, 23:3.7 (261.5)of the Paradise Trinity, the Supreme as the, 117:3.5 (1281.7)spirits,
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