The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1372.4)state of the Hebrews following the time of Moses, 96:7.1 (1060.1)Idolatryattempt of Moses to combat, 96:5.5 (1058.3), 142:4.3 (1600.4)growth of, in human races, one factor in, 67:4.4 (758.2)of Mesopotamian priests, Salemites’ fight against, 95:1.9 (1043.4)vs. symbolism, 85:3.5 (946.7)Idumeanwicked, Herod the, 185:4.1 (1992.3)Ignoranceabout God, results of, 3:2.7 (47.5)evil the distorting influence of, 130:1.5 (1429.1)a factor in choosing between good and evil, 16:7.7 (193.6)of the future, sometimes essential to success, 39:5.9 (438.2)human, effect of, on revelation of truth, 159:4.9 (1768.5)influence of, on government, 71:3.1 (803.1)an inhibitor of growth, 100:1.2 (1094.4)Lucifer’s trading on reverence as, 53:3.2 (603.3)of natural phenomena, one source of primitive religion, 62:5.4 (708.2)not alone able to prevent survival, 110:3.5 (1206.3)obscuring the living God, eventual destruction of, 102:6.1 (1124.3)one danger attendant upon the distortion of prayer, 91:1.6 (995.5)religion’s subjection to the bondage of, 102:2.1 (1119.6)a suspicion breeder, 52:6.4 (597.5)Ikhnatonaccomplishments of, 95:5.6 (1047.6)clear concept of, of the revealed religion of Salem, 95:5.2 (1047.2)contact of descendants of, with Jesus, 123:0.3 (1355.3)effective modification of the Aton faith by, 95:5.6 (1047.6)fatal weakness and greatest truth of gospel of, 95:5.9 (1048.3)identity of, 92:5.11 (1009.5), 94:9.1 (1037.4), 95:5.0 (1047.1–1049.3)influence of, on Hebrew literature and liturgy, 95:1.11 (1043.6)Illat ease, primitive men wanting to appear, reason, 83:4.7 (925.3)feeling between Jews and Samaritans, origin of, 143:4.1 (1612.1)-gotten gains, restoration of, part of Jesus’ advice to the rich, 132:5.22 (1465.1)luck, ancients’ efforts to dodge, 87:5.14 (963.9), 89:1.1 (974.3)early man’s definition of discomfort of adaptation as, 86:6.4 (955.9)implications for human conduct of seeing spirit ghosts as source of, 86:6.6 (956.2)mankind’s emancipation from ghost-spirit, explanation of, 86:7.4 (956.7)origin of taboos in chance experience with, 89:1.2 (974.4)primitives’ insurance against, 86:7.1 (956.4), 89:0.2 (974.2)propitiation as bribery to buy off, 87:6.2 (964.1)savage’s idea of future life as featuring absence of, 86:4.7 (953.6)-mannered, primitive origin of view of pointing as, 90:3.7 (990.2)-starred, a linguistic fossil of primitive superstition, 88:6.7 (972.7)-timed petitions, eventual answers to, 168:4.12 (1849.3)will and ill humor of the Sanhedrists, actions disclosing, 185:2.4 (1989.7)Jesus’ nonbearing of, toward his enemies, 162:2.7 (1792.1), 175:1.11 (1907.3)Illegitimate child(ren)early disrepute of, 82:4.4 (917.7)a method of primitives for prevention of, 70:7.8 (791.1)as wards of the mother’s mother, 68:6.9 (770.6)Illinoiscoal layers in, number of, 59:5.17 (681.9)extent of central ice sheet of sixth and last glacier into, 61:7.9 (701.8)fourth ice sheet into southern, 61:7.2 (701.1)Illness(es)absence of, in the primitive test of marital guilt, 70:10.6 (795.3)fatal, of Jesus’ baby brother Amos, 127:3.13 (1400.5)Jesus’ first, 123:2.15 (1358.12), 124:1.1 (1366.2)of Lazarus, sending of word to Jesus, 168:0.2 (1842.2), 168:1.6 (1844.5)of Mary, Jesus’ responsibilities during the serious, 124:3.4 (1370.2)and the primitive doctrine of multiple souls, 86:5.16 (955.4)painful, relation of, to functioning of the Supreme Being, 10:7.5 (115.7)of two apostles, Jesus’ choice in dealing with, 154:2.4 (1718.5)Illusionsabout chance and the spirit world, primitive religion and, 85:0.1 (944.1), 86:6.3 (955.8), 87:5.2 (962.3)childlike, science’s destruction of, 195:6.4 (2076.9)conceptual, values not, 100:3.5 (1097.2)of evil, deliverance from, a method of achieving, 131:4.7 (1449.2)and the high mission of art, 48:7.23 (557.7)higher animals’ freedom from, result, 85:0.1 (944.1)Jesus’ nonentertainment of, on entry into Jerusalem, 172:3.3 (1881.1)of mythology, religion’s divestiture of, by Jesus’ life and teachings, 103:9.4 (1141.2)optimistic, preference for, a barrier to wisdom, 160:4.14 (1779.6)of primitive equality, war’s dissolution of, 70:2.8 (785.13)produced by multiple motions of astronomical systems, and astronomers’ confusion, 15:3.7 (168.3)a psychic, love when divested of truth, beauty, and goodness, 196:3.29 (2096.5)man’s forward spiritual urge not, 196:3.31 (2096.7)of safety, man’s preference to cling to, 160:1.7 (1773.4)secular social and political optimism an, 195:8.12 (2082.4)self-motivated liberty a conceptual, 54:1.5 (613.7)subjectivity not an indicator of, in the experience of love, 196:3.21 (2095.5)of success, false, and the eventual defeat of timid souls, 160:4.14 (1779.6)superconscious, Jesus’ freedom from, 100:5.11 (1100.2)time, of space evil, not the eternal real, 102:3.15 (1122.11)tragic, life without survival of eternal values as a, 111:3.7 (1219.6)Illustration(s)of a central truth, Jesus’ principle of selecting stories best suited for, 151:2.5 (1690.3)of divine values, revelators handicapped by limited availability of material for, 2:0.3 (33.3)of human philosophy used to teach mota on mansion worlds, 48:7.2 (556.2)Jesus’ practice of reversal of meanings for purposes of, 159:5.17 (1771.1)use of commonplace relationships for, 142:7.17 (1605.2)just one feature of a parable story for, 149:3.1 (1672.4)"parable prayers" for, 144:5.1 (1621.11), 144:5.108 (1624.11)willingness to try multiple, to reach all apostles’ minds, 141:4.3 (1590.6)transient, only part of the work of heavenly reproducers, 44:2.11 (501.10)Image(s)Aids, conciliators under immediate direction of, 25:3.14 (278.5)of God, mortal man made in the, 3:4.7 (50.5), 108:6.3 (1193.2), 117:3.5 (1281.7)to the gods, in Greece, 98:1.5 (1078.3)and Jesus’ challenge of the chazan, 124:1.3 (1366.4)Moses’ stand against the making of, 96:5.5 (1058.3)prohibition of making of, by modern tribes, reason, 86:5.14 (955.2)supposed effectiveness of, in magic, 88:5.3 (971.5)ImaginationAndites’ contribution of, to the European peoples, 80:5.7 (893.9)creative, Adamic contribution of, to the blue man, 80:3.7 (892.1)faith’s nonshackling of the, 101:8.4 (1115.1)human, time free, 12:5.5 (135.4)influence on, of presence of negative attitudes, 111:4.9 (1220.8)prayer as unifier of inspirations of, with faith urges, 132:3.10 (1460.3)friendship’s stimulation of the, 160:2.8 (1776.2)of Nodites and Adamites, relation of, to sex interest, 82:1.2 (913.5)planetary differential chemical endowment an influence on, 49:5.19 (566.7)spiritized creative, faith the inspiration of, 132:3.5 (1459.5)Imhotepand the Egyptian pyramids, 80:6.4 (894.5)Immanenceequally true of God and the Son, 7:1.1 (81.6)of the Projected Incomplete, manifestation of, 4:1.10 (56.2)a reflection of the Supreme’s future forecast, 117:7.6 (1291.10)of the Supreme, Hinduism’s recognition of, 131:4.2 (1448.1)man’s existence within the, 117:3.12 (1283.1)and transcendence of Deity, association of, in the sixth triunity, 104:4.38 (1150.5)impossibility of using human logic and reason to harmonize concept of, 5:5.6 (69.1)Immanuelarrival of the messenger of, to the twelve-year-old Jesus, significance, 196:1.8 (2091.4)assignment of powers of universe administration to, 120:0.6 (1324.3)attitude of, toward Jesus’ finishing his earth career, 136:4.9 (1515.3)authority of, in Nebadon during Urantia bestowal, 119:2.3 (1311.2), 120:1.6 (1326.3)commission of, to messenger from Salvington, 124:6.15 (1376.1)counsel of, to Michael regarding Lucifer rebellion, 54:5.8 (617.8)Faithful of Days the personal representative of, 43:4.2 (489.5)Gabriel’s activities under, 119:4.5 (1314.2), 189:1.10 (2022.1)identity of, 33:5.1 (370.6), 120:0.6 (1324.3), 136:4.9 (1515.3), 141:7.11 (1594.5)Jesus’ identification of, 128:1.11 (1409.1)objection to being called, 128:1.11 (1409.1)recollection of his farewell conference with, 129:3.9 (1424.4), 136:3.3 (1512.7), 148:2.4 (1659.1)Lucifer’s open defiance of, results, 53:4.5 (605.2)messenger sent to the twelve-year-old Jesus by, 127:2.12 (1398.4)pledge of faithful administration of Nebadon by, 120:1.7 (1326.4)of Salvington, characteristics of, 33:5.2 (370.7)Immaturechoosing, evil is, 16:7.7 (193.6), 130:1.5 (1429.1)creature beings, Creator Sons capable of personality contact with, 33:1.2 (366.3)creatures, necessary range of choice in, 118:7.3 (1300.7)susceptibilities of, 48:6.37 (555.5)human intellect, humility and the contemplation of, 9:5.7 (103.5)nature, mind as a compromise with, 9:5.6 (103.4)individuals, type of music appealing to, 44:1.13 (500.4)man, vs. mature man, 118:1.8 (1295.8), 160:1.6 (1773.3), 160:3.3 (1778.1)minds, undesirability of discouraging, regarding prayers, 91:4.4 (998.2)mortals, inability of, to distinguish true liberty from false, 54:1.1 (613.3)Immaturityof creative imagination, monotony indicative of, 14:5.8 (159.4)the creature experience of, God’s participation in, 2:2.6 (36.4)cultural, a danger of industrialism, 70:2.14 (786.5)and the distortion of the time significance of meaning-value, 118:1.8 (1295.8)and the functional meaning of evil, 130:1.5 (1429.1), 130:4.11 (1435.3)of sin, 118:7.4 (1301.1)man’s choices influenced by, 16:7.7 (193.6)the measure of man’s, 174:1.5 (1898.5)Immensitycourage of ascendant children of time in presence of, 26:5.3 (291.3)of distance from God, man’s inability to comprehend, 11:1.3 (118.5)of the divine personality, not graspable by evolutionary mortals, 1:5.3 (27.5)of the eternity of God, not a cause for discouragement, 12:7.12 (139.1)of the future creation, observability of, 12:2.5 (131.2)of God’s creation, effects on mortals of, 3:5.4 (51.3), 12:0.1 (128.1)of the material creation, numbers depicting, approximations only, 15:2.1 (165.6)of problems faced by Adam and Eve, their discussion of, 74:3.4 (831.1)of
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