The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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race, when desirable, 64:6.35 (726.7)of the white races, source of, 78:4.4 (872.2)HonanAndite penetration into, 79:7.1 (886.2)Honen Shoninidentity of, 94:12.2 (1040.6)Honestyof the blue men, 80:3.4 (891.5)and loyalty, Thomas’s characteristics of, 139:8.3 (1561.3)in settling economic and social problems, 132:5.20 (1464.4)Honeyguarding of, by early fetish practice, 69:9.12 (781.6)milk and, the land flowing with, 96:2.2 (1054.7), 152:3.1 (1702.2)number of jars of, in an Egyptian ruler’s sacrifice, 89:4.9 (978.6)a part of John the Baptist’s simple shepherd’s diet, 135:3.1 (1497.7)Honeymoonerspranks played upon, origin of, 83:4.7 (925.3)Honorthe apostles’ predilection for, 179:1.4 (1937.2)differential, and God the Sevenfold, 3:1.12 (46.4)a function of, 68:2.10 (765.7)and glory, unworthiness of, as a motive for discipleship, 171:2.5 (1870.2), 177:4.5 (1925.2)-seeking apostles, the two, identity of, 171:0.5 (1867.5), 181:2.15 (1958.2)a true believer’s attitude toward, 156:5.19 (1740.6)your father and your mother, Jews’ circumvention of the commandment to, 153:3.3 (1712.3)Hopeof all the earth, the Father’s kingdom the, 140:1.3 (1568.6)-door of man’ s’ soul, kept open by faith, 195:9.8 (2083.4)of eternal survival, an earmark of genuine religion, 103:9.5 (1141.3)a factor in Paul’s religion, 196:3.19 (2095.3)faith, and love, religion of Jesus founded on, 194:3.2 (2062.11)Jesus the inspiration of, 140:8.29 (1583.3), 149:2.13 (1672.2)requisite for, 3:5.8 (51.7)spiritual, correlated by the Master in a unity of values and loyalties, 196:0.7 (2088.2)sustaining, in human life, source of, 101:2.5 (1106.4), 155:3.7 (1727.7)that transcends all fear, reason for, 34:6.13 (381.7)of trusting mortals, vs. expectation of Havona creatures, 3:5.17 (52.3)undying, a fruit of the spirit, 193:2.2 (2054.3)Hordefunction of the, in primitive society, 70:3.1 (787.1)Horeberuption of, at time of Hebrews’ sojourn there, 96:4.5 (1057.1)the onetime spirit of, exaltation of, as a God of creator perfection, 97:1.4 (1063.1)the spirit demon of, vs. Jehovah, difference in, to an enlightened Christian, 94:12.1 (1040.5)Horizontalgroupings of planets in creature-kinship serials, 49:5.29 (567.9)space, limitations of, 11:7.6 (124.7)Horse(s)age of the, 61:3.0 (696.5–698.2)a beast of burden, 66:5.5 (746.3), 81:2.12 (902.2)emotional control of, comparative, 61:3.10 (697.5)extinction of, in North America, 61:4.5 (698.7)home of, during Oligocene period, 61:2.9 (695.7)influence of, on Andite dominance in the Occident, 80:4.4 (892.7)modern, evolution of, 61:4.5 (698.7)service of, to man, 61:3.11 (697.6)tamed, advantage of, to northern invaders of Euphrates valley, 78:8.3 (875.7)toe types of, in Pliocene period, 61:4.4 (698.6)Horsebackentrance of three great waves of Andites in to Europe on, 80:4.1 (892.4)Horsepowerlatent, in one drop of water, 41:7.13 (463.13)HorticultureCaligastia and Adam as teachers of, 50:4.3 (575.4), 66:7.18 (751.13), 68:5.9 (769.1), 73:3.5 (823.5), 74:7.2 (835.5)Chinese developments in, 79:8.6 (887.6)teaching of, in the continental nation, 72:4.1 (812.3)Horuslegend about, 95:2.6 (1044.5)HosannasJerusalem crowd’s shouting of, on triumphal march, 172:3.9 (1882.2)Hoseaand Amos, Israel’s progressive revelation of God from Moses to, 155:6.10 (1732.3)an evaluation of the spiritual contribution of, 97:4.5 (1066.2), 97:9.20 (1074.2)the Father’s use of, 155:6.2 (1730.6)preaching by, of forgiveness through repentance, 97:4.5 (1066.2)Hospital(s)the kingdom’s first, 148:2.0 (1658.4–1659.1)on worlds in light and life, 55:3.1 (624.7)Host(s)of bestowal attendants, possible composition of, 39:1.4 (427.4)of celestial beings present during bestowal of Jesus, 39:5.5 (437.4), 121:8.1 (1341.2), 136:5.1 (1516.1), 136:5.3 (1516.3), 140:2.3 (1570.1), 168:2.1 (1845.7), 168:2.3 (1846.2), 168:2.8 (1846.7), 183:0.5 (1971.5), 189:2.3 (2023.2), 189:3.1 (2024.3), 189:3.4 (2024.6)Lord of, see Lord—;Appellations, Names, and Titles, of Hostsseraphic, number in a, 38:6.2 (421.5)number of, of the destiny guardian of the human subject, 113:2.6 (1243.3)reporting of attending angels to the commander of their, 113:6.2 (1246.6)Hostilitya definition, 70:1.1 (783.4)Hourof humiliation, 184:1.7 (1979.5), 184:4.0 (1984.2–1985.1)of Jesus, see Sayings of Jesus, his hour has (not) comeof the kingdom has come, 137:6.5 (1533.3), 140:1.1 (1568.4), 174:5.8 (1903.5)House(s)of ascenders, the lower, function of, 43:2.5 (487.7)of beauty, man’s places for worship should be, 167:6.6 (1840.5)Capernaum, Jesus’ gift to James of his, 134:1.1 (1483.3)of David, Joseph’s connection with the, 122:4.3 (1347.5)divided against itself cannot stand, as applied to Christianity, 195:10.11 (2085.3)of Fad, destruction of, 66:5.9 (746.7)Father's, see Father's, Houseof peers, of constellation legislators, function of, 43:2.7 (488.1)of System Sovereigns, function of, 55:9.2 (633.5)Householdof faith, far-spreading, 191:4.3 (2041.6)gods, Abraham’s family’s unwillingness to give up, 93:5.4 (1019.1)Arabian tribes’ families’ worship of, 95:7.2 (1050.7)HouseholderJesus’ comparison of the kingdom of heaven to a, 163:3.5 (1804.2)Huddlingproclivity of ultimatons, a result of, 42:7.10 (478.4)HudsonBay meeting of red men and Eskimos on shores of, 64:7.19 (728.8)region, ancient preocean rocks in, 57:8.12 (661.6)Valley, emptying of the Great Lakes into the, 61:7.10 (701.9)Human(s)achievement, Jesus’ satisfaction in, 134:9.7 (1495.4)activities, the most human of, 66:7.19 (751.14)affairs, Van’s commissions for administration of, 67:6.2 (759.5)affections, man’s right to the satisfaction of, 100:2.6 (1096.3)afflictions, John Zebedee’s reaction to Jesus’ discourse on, 148:6.12 (1664.4)and animal sacrifices, Paul’s ending of, 89:9.3 (984.2)animated, vs. sabertooth tiger, the caveman with praiseworthy motives, 100:4.5 (1098.2)associates, day of rest beneficial for Jesus’, 138:6.2 (1542.7)associations, early, 70:3.0 (787.1–788.2)loyalty to, man’s benefit from, 100:2.6 (1096.3), 160:2.8 (1776.2)loving and intimate, a source of courage and mitigation of sorrow, 160:2.8 (1776.2)a source of petty frictions, 28:5.13 (311.5)unlike divine associations, 83:8.2 (929.5)attainment of goodness through grace by, 28:6.22 (317.3)being(s), Adjuster consciousness of, 9:2.5 (100.7)after death, lack of communication by a, with living beings of earth, 112:3.7 (1230.5)angels’ love for, 38:2.1 (419.1)average, importance of multiplication of, 68:6.11 (770.8)birth date of first two, 62:5.1 (707.7)early association of, two influences contributing to, 68:2.4 (765.1)elevation of the, above the animal level, by the soul, 133:6.5 (1478.4)Eternal Son’s contact with, 7:5.2 (86.3)experience by a, of infinite Father’s love, 3:4.6 (50.4)the first, see First, human beingsGod a father to, 2:6.4 (41.2)maladjusted, Jesus’ ability to help, 132:4.2 (1460.6)the Master’s respect and sympathy for every, 138:8.9 (1545.10)mature, attitude of, toward the immature, 160:1.6 (1773.3)not born equal, 69:3.8 (774.7)possible attainments of, 1:0.5 (22.2)relation of cherubim and sanobim to, 38:7.4 (422.4)sudden birth of first two, 62:4.6 (707.5)victory for, in the race for perfection, 32:5.8 (365.4)characteristics of Primates, 62:4.4 (707.3)compassion, interlocking of Jesus’ divine wisdom and his, 145:3.8 (1632.7)comprehension, elevation of infinite values to the spiritual level of, 56:10.9 (646.10)conduct, conscience and, 92:2.6 (1005.2)consciousness, reality of, 16:9.0 (195.7–196.11)unified, an intellectual satisfaction from religious experience, 5:5.8 (69.3)contacts, early need for regulation of, 70:0.1 (783.1)loving, direction of, by Spirit of Truth, 180:5.11 (1950.6)customs, slow evolution of, 83:5.15 (927.1)desire, materialist’s view of universe as hostile to all that is good in, 102:0.1 (1118.1)despair, a consequence of the pursuit of mere knowledge, 195:6.3 (2076.8)development, evolution the rule of, 49:1.4 (560.3)final phases of, on an evolutionary world, 49:6.18 (570.7)and the divine, an Adjuster’s synchronization of the, consequences, 110:5.2 (1208.1)and divine being, combined, Son of Man as a magnificently co-ordinated, 196:0.7 (2088.2)natures, blending of, in universes, 26:11.5 (297.2)Jesus conscious of status of his combined, 137:4.2 (1528.5)Jesus’ portrayal of, in the original gospel, 196:2.6 (2092.4)union of, great truth of, Jesus’ foundation for kingdom of heaven, 157:5.1 (1748.1)not a part of Jewish concept of the Messiah, 136:1.6 (1510.3)emotion, range of, Son of Man’s acquaintance with, 129:4.4 (1425.3), 161:2.6 (1786.1)ethics, birth of, 86:6.7 (956.3)evolution, course of, gradual and certain changes in, by influence on man’s will, 170:4.7 (1863.5)endowments embraced in, 5:5.1 (68.4)present progressive status of, 196:3.33 (2097.1)evolutionary ascension, Jesus at the pinnacle of, at baptism, 136:2.2 (1511.1)existence, environment of, Son of Man’s learning how man reacts to, 134:7.3 (1492.3)essential functions of, embraced by the home, 84:0.3 (931.3)the great goal of, 110:3.4 (1206.2)Jesus’ escape from both social extremes of, 129:4.4 (1425.3)self-consciousness of his,
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