The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(42.2–43.5)wisdom, 19:2.3 (216.1), 54:1.7 (614.2), 91:9.7 (1002.12), 145:3.8 (1632.7), 146:2.14 (1640.3)see also Wisdom, divineDivining rodorigin of the present superstition regarding the, 85:2.5 (946.1)DiviningtonAdjusters’ proceeding to, after the mortals’ death, 112:3.4 (1230.2)uniformity in experiential nature upon leaving, 107:2.2 (1178.3)apparent futility of a Solitary Messenger’s visit to, 107:3.7 (1179.10)the "bosom of the Father," 13:2.7 (148.6)centering of certain universe activities of the Mystery Monitors on, 107:3.1 (1179.4)College of Personalized Adjusters on, 16:3.2 (186.6)deserted Monitors return to, 40:4.1 (444.4)divine Monitors’ headquarters, 40:9.2 (450.4), 107:3.0 (1179.4–1180.3)function of, and activities on, 13:1.4 (144.4)Gravity Messengers’ headquarters, 31:2.2 (347.1)the home of Personalized Adjusters, 107:3.10 (1180.3), 109:7.1 (1201.2)Jesus’ Adjuster’s return from, at the time of Jesus’ baptism, 136:2.3 (1511.2)nonaccessibility of, to ascendant mortals, 13:2.7 (148.6)possible only inhabitants of, 107:3.7 (1179.10)secrets of, possible reasons for maintaining, 13:1.6 (145.1)service of waiting Adjusters on, 49:6.5 (568.8)supposition that Adjusters return to, upon death of their subjects, 108:3.7 (1189.3)warning against landing on, a divine injunction, 107:3.6 (1179.9)Divinityabout, 0:1.0 (2.1–3.13)and absonity, Paradise arrivals’ study of, 30:4.31 (343.6)acknowledgment of his, by Jesus, 157:6.3 (1749.2)activities, field of, 0:11.6 (14.4)apostles’ belief in Jesus’, 161:2.1 (1785.1)attainment, and elimination of prejudice, 160:1.13 (1774.5)a goal of mortals and midwayers, 32:5.8 (365.4), 77:9.12 (867.3)the measure of, 56:10.12 (647.3)mortals’, the Adjuster’s desire for, 107:6.2 (1182.4)religion an experience of, 5:4.1 (66.5)in time and space, analysis of, 106:2.3 (1164.6)value of mind, matter, and spirit in, 12:8.15 (140.11)attunement, technique whereby a human mind attains, 110:2.5 (1205.3)bestowal, mind a, 36:5.17 (403.5)character of, Universal Father’s, possessed by Eternal Son, 6:2.5 (75.2)characteristics of, 0:1.16 (3.3), 1:7.6 (31.6)completion of, Deity encountering of, 0:2.18 (4.12)confusion regarding meaning of, 0:0.1 (1.1)of Conjoint Actor and Seven Master Spirits, 16:2.5 (186.4)consciousness of, a progressive spiritual experience, 12:8.15 (140.11)co-ordinate of the Eternal Son, Creator Son as the, 33:1.4 (367.1)Creator Sons’ sharing the Father’s, 4:4.4 (58.9)Creators’ sharing of, with their universe children, 10:1.3 (109.1)degree of, of Third Source and Center, 9:1.7 (100.1)the divine presence a foretaste of, 196:3.9 (2094.8)divine technique of approach to, 27:4.2 (301.3)essence, of Trinity-origin beings, 18:0.11 (207.11)eventuated children of, Transcendentalers as, 30:1.92 (332.38)evolving, of the Supreme Creators, 32:3.13 (362.2)expanding frontiers of, 40:10.8 (453.3)experiencing of, religion the, 101:1.1 (1104.4)expression, unifying, second level of, 0:1.10 (2.10)Father’s sublime traits of, 8:2.8 (93.2)finitely manifestable in the Master Sons, 33:2.4 (367.6)fruits of, 56:10.20 (648.3)of Gabriel’s nature, 33:4.2 (369.5)of God, visible manifestation of, rare, 1:3.2 (25.2)and greatness, synonymous, 28:6.21 (317.2)how correlated in personality, 0:2.2 (3.15)to humanity, God’s passage from, 4:4.2 (58.7)and humanity, Jesus a combination of, 161:2.5 (1785.5)identicalness of Father and Eternal Son in, 7:7.1 (88.7)impersonal presences of, on the sacred worlds of the Father, 13:1.3 (144.3)Infinite Spirit a revelation of, 8:2.4 (92.5)infinity of, enrichment of, 0:12.3 (15.9)of Jesus, Peter the first human to believe in and confess the, 179:3.2 (1938.4)Jesus’ admission of his, 157:6.3 (1749.2), 158:1.5 (1753.1), 158:4.4 (1756.1), 161:2.2 (1785.2)beginning self-consciousness of his, 126:0.1 (1386.1)claim of, 161:2.9 (1786.4)official announcement of his, 162:1.9 (1790.1)power of limiting his human consciousness of his, 161:3.1 (1787.3)refusal of his enemies’ challenge to prove his, 136:8.1 (1520.2)of Jesus’ life, a revelation of God, 169:4.3 (1856.1)John’s assurance of Jesus’, reason, 135:11.3 (1507.2)a living connection between humanity and, 180:2.5 (1946.3)of the local universe Mother Spirit, 37:0.1 (406.1)man cannot grasp perfection of, 2:2.2 (35.6)manifestations, invasions of space by, 56:7.5 (642.5)man’s ability to discover, only through religious experience, 101:10.4 (1116.5)no scientific or logical proofs of, 101:10.6 (1116.7)Paradise energy’s kinship to, 42:2.19 (471.3)Personalized Adjuster as proof of humanity in partnership with, 136:8.3 (1520.4)plural manifestations of, 34:6.2 (380.3)prebaptismal, of Jesus, 128:1.8 (1408.5)pursuit, the long Paradise trail of, 11:9.8 (127.6)qualities of, universe creatures’ technique of appropriating, 106:9.11 (1174.7)of quality, vs. degree of reality of will creatures, 2:3.5 (37.3)reality values of, blending of, as divine love, 56:10.19 (648.2)co-ordination of, as divine mercy, 56:10.19 (648.2)manifestation of, as divine ministry, 56:10.19 (648.2)realization, attainment of higher levels of, 14:4.22 (158.3)relationships, and personality reality, 54:1.4 (613.6)response, to finite reality, 105:6.5 (1159.5)of the risen Christ, New Testament writers’ belief in the, 196:2.5 (2092.3)schools of, on universe headquarters, 48:5.6 (551.1)shared by Father with many higher Paradise beings, 2:1.11 (35.4)of Sons of Universal Father and Eternal Son, 33:4.2 (369.5)soul-bound powers of, need for release of man’s, 160:3.1 (1777.2)stability’s relation to, 12:6.1 (135.11)of status, an ascending personality’s achievement of, 118:7.8 (1301.5)superuniverse functioning of, 56:5.3 (640.7)synthesis, evolution of the Almighty power of Supremacy by, 56:6.2 (641.3)-tension, and Universal Absolute, 0:4.5 (7.3)three types of function of, in mortal personality, 101:2.12 (1107.2)time-space, relation of Supreme Being to, 0:7.9 (11.3)tools of, ascending pilgrims’ early access to, 28:7.3 (318.1)truths of, most comprehensible by man, 194:3.1 (2062.10)unifying quality of Deity, 0:1.2 (2.2)union with, consciousness of, and solitary communion, 160:1.12 (1774.4)Unqualified Absolute devoid of, 0:11.7 (14.5)of values, embrace of, by the gospel, 160:5.7 (1781.3)DivinizationJesus’ faith consciousness of seven stages of, 196:1.6 (2091.2)Divisioncommanders of armies of heaven, subject to Jesus’ orders, 182:3.8 (1969.3)of labor, influence of, on civilization, 81:6.29 (910.2)sex, effects of, 84:1.9 (932.6)in the supermortal world, man’s concept of a, 85:0.3 (944.3)Divorceconvenient, of modern times, vs. ancient trial marriage, 82:3.15 (917.3)easy, and reversion to crude societal stages, 83:7.7 (929.1)a supposed special dispensation granted Pharisees, 167:5.4 (1839.1)husband’s loss of the wife’s purchase price in case of, 83:3.1 (923.7)increasing, a cause of, 83:7.7 (929.1)by Jewish men of Jerusalem, possible trifling causes for, 167:5.3 (1838.4)laws, uniformity of, in the continental nation, 72:3.8 (812.1)and marriage, Jesus’ refusal to lay down laws of, 140:6.6 (1576.6), 140:8.14 (1581.1), 167:5.5 (1839.2)practices, of the Jerusalem Jews, Jesus’ disapproval of, 167:5.3 (1838.4)present, the explanation of, 111:4.10 (1220.9)rate of, in the continental nation, 72:3.9 (812.2)as a social safety valve, 83:7.8 (929.2)women’s increasing freedom, and, 83:7.7 (929.1)Divorcementattitudes of Adam and Moses regarding, 140:6.6 (1576.6)of politics and religion, prerequisite to, 178:1.9 (1930.6)Doctors and surgeonsshamans’ functioning as, 90:3.2 (989.4)Doctrine(s)and dogmas, stereotyped religious, man’s sometime retreat to, 102:2.7 (1120.4)fetish, enslaving possibilities of a, 88:2.7 (969.5)of God, the Scriptures and the, 142:3.2 (1598.3)Dog(s)ancient man’s contact with the, 66:5.5 (746.3), 69:7.4 (778.7), 81:2.11 (902.1)attack of, on swine at Kheresa, 151:6.6 (1696.4)detection of ghosts by, primitive man’s belief in, 69:7.4 (778.7), 87:6.11 (964.10)domestication of, and guarding of villages, 69:7.4 (778.7), 84:3.10 (934.9)family, representatives of the, 61:3.13 (697.8)fawning of, on man, 89:4.1 (977.3)-fetish cults, origin of, 69:7.4 (778.7)gentiles referred to as, 156:1.5 (1735.1)Jesus’ contrast of a mortal and a, as to mind and spirit, 130:2.8 (1431.3)Nazareth family’s ownership of a, 126:5.11 (1393.8)origin of, 61:2.7 (695.5)primitive man’s regard for the, 89:5.16 (980.5)the sacred animal of the Parsees, 88:1.4 (967.6)Dogma(s)and creeds, rigid, in present-day Tibetan religion, 94:10.2 (1038.6)Jesus’ attempt to prevent his teachings becoming, 179:5.4 (1942.3)destroying of, 99:5.3 (1091.2)unchallengeable, of the faith-born son of the Universal Father, 102:7.7 (1127.1)Dogmatic doctrinestrue religion not a mere intellectual assent to, 101:2.13 (1107.3)Dogmatismof the believer, vs. that of the scientist, 102:7.7 (1127.1)bondage of, Jesus’ influence on the, 103:9.4 (1141.2)an enslavement of the spiritual nature, 99:6.1 (1092.1)of religion and philosophy, 42:9.1 (479.6)Doingvs. being, Jesus’ instruction about, 140:10.1 (1584.4)the Father’s will, 140:8.2 (1579.4), 180:6.1 (1951.2), 196:2.7 (2093.1)see also Father-His Willgood, Jesus went about, 141:3.6 (1590.1)schools of, on the mansion worlds, 48:5.6 (551.1)the will of God, the kingdom of heaven, 170:2.11 (1860.6)Dollearly use of the, 88:6.4 (972.4)Domesticaffairs, Herod’s resentment of John’s public criticism of his, 135:10.3 (1506.5)animals, an essential to modern national life, 71:1.6 (800.8)of the Nazareth family, 126:5.11 (1393.8)Domesticated animalsintroduction
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